hdd letter

Thanks Muckshifter,
This a local 'shed' with stacks of pcs and bits for sale. I'll look in there.
itsme said:
I may be a Nutter:) Just a joker really:D >But I dont give up.:p
Now I think your HDD`s are buggered? you say you have never formatted in W98?
it is more or less the same as XP? if a HDD is formatted it is formatted period! and therfore will be adaptable to any PC>OS as long as the rest of the components are compatable:thumb: so the obvious is a buggered HDD
where do we go now??? give me the FULL spec of the PC and we will start again.;) Dont you give up as I won`t:cool:

Thanks Itsme - I won't give up as there is no urgency, this all helps the learning bit. The PC was a throw-out which couldn't see its hard drive. I re-arranged the tight cables and it was ok.
It is AMD(k6)tm 360MHz, 256Mb RAM and this new 40GB HDD, originally 4.2 GB. Unfortunately there are no manufacturers markings on the MB. The BIOS release is 08/13/1999 and the BIOS ID string is American Megatrends 51-0813-001437-00101111-071595-M571-007-M571-H. I have failed to identify the MB previously with this info on the Net. Apart from 'Made in China' there are two labels GUFR84107892 and 8GU04008509 Ver E01. There is nothing else and I have no paperwork. The PC was built for a friend.
muckshifter said:
'Fraid not. Mine is 220x200mm, looks like same shape. The PSU and keyboard sockets and CPU are in the same place. Three card slots, two brown slots and two RAM slots in the same place. TX is above right of CPU.
MB out of case of AMD k6 300MHz pc. Nothing obvious such as MB ...xyz.
AMIBIOS 586 ER 16125.
Canada ICES-003 Class B - checked this re the monitor.
On side of long brown slot SH55909038774 and 00E006E2DD03
On back of MB BAE-VO 990835
So all I can see from this that it is a 586?
They really did not want to be identified!
am I good ... or am I good!

Got it ... :D

It is as I feared, an old baby-AT PCChips (not my flavour MBs) heap of old ........ ;)

In the BIOS it has an Auto Set HD
[font=Arial, sans-serif]Use these items to configure devices on the primary and secondary IDE channels. To configure a hard disk drive, choose Auto.[/font]
If it don't see the full size then you is snookered ... time to chuck it in the bin. ;)

I have the rest of the 'manual' if you need it ... :thumb:


Have pcchips gone bust? I used to have a IDT WinChip MBoard, very poorly built!
murdoch said:
Have pcchips gone bust? I used to have a IDT WinChip MBoard, very poorly built!
Unfortunately ... no ... but you'll find them churning out more rubbish under the name ECS.

Thanks Muckshifter,
As usual, very good. I will download the manual and continue to play for fun and experience and it doesn't matter what I break.
Will start new thread re replacement from local pc shed.
Downloaded AMD 300MHz manual from link supplied by Muckshifter. Read that MB jumpers had to be switched to disable on-board sound, usb and LAN. Took out all new stuff and re-assembled with 40Gb hdd but kept jumpers on 32Gb clip. Tried clean install xp - would not format hdd. Tried five times - getting blue screens, grey screens, fatal error, missing file, nearly got there, pc would not reboot automatically. Switched it off, booted from hdd, cd ROM cut in. Finally after another couple of goes it was there, after about three hours.
Apologies for all the red herrings wasting your time but I know a lot more now than when I was buggering it up.
Thanks you two,