I've been working on a newsletter all week, a highly complex issue
with lots of multiple printed pages and paste-on photos. All through
the many test prints to adjust layout to close tolerances the big HP4
laser printer performed flawlessly. Now that I'm printing camera-ready
copy and photos on pricey high-gloss, the damned thing has gotten
Actually, it has been tolerably cranky for quite some time, requiring
a reboot to print. Suddenly re booting doesn't help.
It displays three status messages: Ready (It always works), Out of
Paper (It isn't and it generally prints), and Offline (Forget about
printing anything). Normally I can just switch to Diana's Brother
laser. But it prints too dark for reproduction purposes and probably
would mess up typeface spacing.
This morning I'm seeing the Out of Paper message. I discovered that if
I leave the room it mocks me by printing in my absence. I'm only half
kidding. I started a bit after 7 this morning and just got the last
page printed at 10:30. And now it seems to want to work. If that isn't
deliberate mocking, I don't know what is.
Anyone have any ideas?
with lots of multiple printed pages and paste-on photos. All through
the many test prints to adjust layout to close tolerances the big HP4
laser printer performed flawlessly. Now that I'm printing camera-ready
copy and photos on pricey high-gloss, the damned thing has gotten
Actually, it has been tolerably cranky for quite some time, requiring
a reboot to print. Suddenly re booting doesn't help.
It displays three status messages: Ready (It always works), Out of
Paper (It isn't and it generally prints), and Offline (Forget about
printing anything). Normally I can just switch to Diana's Brother
laser. But it prints too dark for reproduction purposes and probably
would mess up typeface spacing.
This morning I'm seeing the Out of Paper message. I discovered that if
I leave the room it mocks me by printing in my absence. I'm only half
kidding. I started a bit after 7 this morning and just got the last
page printed at 10:30. And now it seems to want to work. If that isn't
deliberate mocking, I don't know what is.
Anyone have any ideas?