someone needs to stay awake in class. his grammar is terrible.
Clear said:MUST I EXPLAIN EVERYTHING? ...This is very fundamental stuff... you guys
should try reading a few books.
the fanboys (like you) forget (or are unaware) that to define anything,
even an OS, you
must contrast it with surrounding elements or in this case other OS.
It exist both in art and in science and applies to everything.
You cannot measure if something is cold or hot for example if you do not
have a frame of reference,
since the temperature is calculated as a difference. This is basic
In art there cannot exist form color or lightiing without contrast.
You cannot define if vista is good or bad, its nice features and its dumb
problems, unless you can compare it with other products.
and Mac OS.
If they want us to not compare what they are asking is only for us to
vista as a perfect godlike OS that is above any criticism and comparison,
and that aint gonna happen.
Well cc, the above is nothing more than a totally worthless meaninglessEven Microsoft has taken a very good look at ubuntu, and they have copied
some elements from GNOME almost exactly ... lol I was just on ubuntu 8.04
and noticed that when you click on the date (on the panel (like taskbar of
windows) its extremely similar behavior to vista when you do that... even
the graphic when this area is pressed seems similar.
"What were you(r) hardware problems, and what software did you need that
you couldn't find?"
"Didn't change your Software Source to a server near you, and kept the
default server, huh?"
"Because you were too ignorant to give Linux a real try?"
"MS makes their users beg to use Vista?"
"Really? Then why is Vista's user base not growing at the same rate or
better than XP did?"
"You don't even know enough not to post to the USENET in HTML, so why
should we take your opinion seriously?"
Naw, I didn't ask you any questions at all! /sarcasm
And then you have the temerity to feign that I didn't ask any questions
at all!
Boy, are you just completely full of sh*t, or what?
Criticism isn't a bad thing except to those that are close-minded to
begin with.
Yes, you are can believe in talking snakes, if that's what you want to
believe in.
But since you have given us your unsolicited opinion, you should be able
to explain why, especially if you aren't just BSing us.
I already have, and I've repeated them here, now it is just a matter of
whether you are man enough to answer them.
NetBiznessMan said:Well don't, It really does suck. I though I would be fare and give it a try, (installed v8.04) I've used Microsoft OS since Windows 3.1. I tried it for awhile and it is not worth a crap.
Anything you want to do is 10 times more involving to get accomplished and hardware support is a joke. Not to mention necessary applications that a person needs to manage their needs.
Just forget about playing a game from this decade also, so save yourself the time it takes to download the program (4hrs, 61KiB/s through put was all the server would allow for a connection) and stick with a proven OS that has a real future for all and keep your Windows.
I've been using Vista from the begging and it is just wonderful. Any complaining you here about it is coming from about 1% or less of users. It will always be that way so don't worry about it.
P.S. I know this is off topic for the forum but after reading some posts here I just needed to speak my mind. Thanks and have a great Vista day.......
Clear said:MUST I EXPLAIN EVERYTHING? ...This is very fundamental stuff... you guys
should try reading a few books.
the fanboys (like you) forget (or are unaware) that to define anything,
even an OS, you
must contrast it with surrounding elements or in this case other OS.
It exist both in art and in science and applies to everything.
You cannot measure if something is cold or hot for example if you do not
have a frame of reference,
since the temperature is calculated as a difference. This is basic
In art there cannot exist form color or lightiing without contrast.
You cannot define if vista is good or bad, its nice features and its dumb
problems, unless you can compare it with other products. Some are XP,
and Mac OS.
If they want us to not compare what they are asking is only for us to
vista as a perfect godlike OS that is above any criticism and comparison,
and that aint gonna happen.
Even Microsoft has taken a very good look at ubuntu, and they have copied
some elements from GNOME almost exactly ... lol I was just on ubuntu 8.04
and noticed that when you click on the date (on the panel (like taskbar of
windows) its extremely similar behavior to vista when you do that... even
the graphic when this area is pressed seems similar.
Lang said:You didn't answer my first question. You blathered on for a good bit,
but avoided answering the question.
And... the claims that because this is Vista.General means one can
compare OS's is totally off track... the whole point of question one.
I'm so sure that posts in the Ubuntu NG that Vista and OS X are
superior, or in the Mac Discussion forums that Vista and Ubuntu are
superior, and folks should move to one or the other alternatives, would
be met with flames aplenty.
I've tried almost every release of Ubuntu, hoping that it would approach
the functionality and ease of use provided by Windows or OS X... but
haven't experienced that yet. But I don't throw up posts here saying
Ubuntu sucks... because... this is Vista.General, not OS.general.
Ubuntu doesn't suck. I've been using it for years, and in some ways prefer it over XPAlias said:New to Usenet?