I've only been a pc user since 2002 and always used Avast Home free version . It has given me about 20 alerts whilst I have been surfimg which the program then stopped the nastys from getting into my machine . It has also shown up some possible nastys from downloads I have made , but some of those could have been false alarms . Touch wood I have never had a nasty infection .
I do run all the time and they do not seem to slow down the pc ,
McAfee Firewall free from AOL
Avast free anti virus
Windows Defender - free from Microsoft
SpyBot Search and Destroy free addaware
There is no reason for anyone not to have their pc protected with all the free programs about . If your pc gets infected its not the end of the world . However you may loose all your important data, pics, music etc etc . Also it will , no matter what you do or how much you know , take a few hours at least to clear the problem up . Thats every time you get infected .
I demonstrated how easy it is to get a pc infected with a friend . I built a pc for them and was going to let them find and download and install all the protection stuff themselves whilst I was there to help them along the way . The teenager I was trying to help did not want to waste time with boring stuff and just wanted to get on with more important stuff , instant messaging etc etc . The parent did not really see the value in it either as they were only going to be surfing and using good sites , not hmm cough cough dodgy sites . So they turned me offer of help down and said they would do the protection stuff later . Like I believed that . Anyways it was the lasses pc so I just shrugged me shoulders and let her carry on and sat in a different room with her mum and chatted away .
Next day I got a call saying that someting was wrong withthe pc . I went around and found that they had downloaded and installed Avast and it kept on showing virus warnings and they did not know what to do . So I showed them how to use the , remove , move to chest etc etc functions of Avast but the pc was still not right . Teenage trauma all round ensued .
Now I was on holiday and had given good advice so I was not prepared to fanny around searching and cleaning up the pc . So I said the best thing would be to do a clean install making sure that protection was in place from the start .
How would this be done and how long would it take me to do this as an important message needed to be sent , asked the teenager .
I laughed wickedly .
Won't take me any time at all I said .
Good said the teenager .
Your going to do it I said .
Me squeaked the teenager , how long will that take .
Not long I said I'll get you started and started the process for her .
Better not take long the teenager muttered .
If you get stuck I'll be in the garden with your mum I said as I closed the door .
It took as you will all know a long time . One angry teenager got angrier and worn out by the end of 4 or 5 hours . I was called for advice quite a few times and met with a angry and glum face every time I said , yes you have finished that part but now you need the updates , you have to download and install this etc etc .
Finally the job was done and messages could be senyt and recieved again .
Was the teenager happy .
Not really .
As there was a problem trying to play some anamie files .
Ahh I said you'll be needing to install some codecs and that nice player they are her in this folder , if you get stuck read the help file . I'll be next door talking to your mum .
I can't read the help file wailed the teenager .
Ahh I said you'll need to install Acrobat or this much quicker FoxitReader. Its here in this folder , I'll be next door talking to your mum.
An so it went on .
All that work setting up the pc down the drain all them programs and tweaks gone in an instant .Did I mind , not really . Do I mind all the phone calls , how do I do this that an tuther, not really .
See the teenager has a pc that works well . She also knows how to install an operating system and all the stuff that entails . She knows how to install and set up programs . Best of all she understands why its important to have up to date protection .
Like me parents always told me . There is an easy way to learn and there is a hard way to learn .