From: "FromTheRafters" <
[email protected]>
| Since I know that you are a liar, I will assume that that is a lie.
You are correct in your assumption.
I have not stolen anything and the ONLY voice to this effect you hear
is Butts'.
The fact is a 'nym, without proof existence, filed a DMCA claim
(3/23/'07) to the web site
provider (IPowerWeb) for Ian Kenefick's web site (IK-CS.Com)
indicating that this 'nym had
created my Multi AV Scanning Tool, WinFixerFix, SmitFraud Fix and the
WGET utility.
The fact is that my Multi AV is extremely unique in that it is written
in KiXtart. There
are ZERO other anti malware utilities written in this interpreter.
Additionally for well
over 15 years I have been a member of the KiXtart community and have
collaborated with
them in the Multi AV Scanning Tool. However it was built upon
previous work such as the
Trend Sysclean Front End and the McAfee Front End which were combined
in what became the
Multi AV Scanning Tool. Additionally there were other anti malware
scanners built around
the same core code that preceeded the Multi AV that was not in the
DMCA complaint.
As an additional fact, the DMCA notification claimed...
"All three programs listed above use a utility called WGET.exe which
belongs to me. I am
the author of that program and the website has No permission to use
it. References to my
wget program can be found here"
The WGET utility is 100% free and freely distributable under the Free
Software Foundation
and GNU public licenses and was *NEVER* authored by "Gregory Taylor,
(e-mail address removed) "
which was the 'nym used in the DMCA Takedown Notification. Micah J.
Cowan is the
maintainer of WGET.
The DMCA Takedown Notification was a fraudulent fabrication and the
noted author "Gregory
Taylor, President and CEO, GT tools inc" doesn't even exist.
The above fraudulent act was indeed perpetrated by Butts in
retaliation for me publicly
denouncing his plagiarism of other people's software and violations of
their intellectual
property rights.