thanks so much for all this information.. Most of what you are suggesting
for me, is beyond me.. I am having difficulty doing some of the suggestions
as noted to Netpatsfan..
If not understood the first time, then it is probably best
information AND requires multiple readings. That, for example, is how
I learned to change auto oil. Why did I learn to change oil? So that
I could learn how to fix anything. One thing learned: useful
information is never understood in the first reading.
I am totally confused by what is not possible? For example, list of
what can cause freezing is one paragraph. That one paragraph is an
action item. Read it, then stop; act only on that paragraph. Then
move on:
Moving on, ... List includes video processor, sound card,
CPU, some motherboard functions, some memory, and
power supply 'system'.
Listed are what can cause a system freeze. If Chkdsk found a
failure on drive says nothing about what froze a system. That drive
may be a symptom of failure. Errors reported from the Chkdsk are
useful if those error messages were quoted. If error report is not
understood, then numbers are probably THE most important fact to
others who might provide assistance. But again, value of strange
facts is also learned from fixing things.
Reason why failure still exists? Things irrelevant to a computer
freeze were suspect. As long as you only expect to understand one
paragraph at a time, then the entire post is easy. Never expect to
understand an entire post until every paragraph has been 'acted upon';
one paragraph at a time.
Next paragraph defined one thing that can make everything (including
disk drive) appear defective. Then next paragraph said to access all
peripherals simultaneously. Go away and do that. Then come back and
read next paragraph. Next paragraph defined a 'less than two
minute' procedure that provides numbers and useful replies from this
author. You don't know why to do it and do not care. A computer
designer with generations of experience with your problem said to do
it. So act on each paragraph. Only understand 'why' long after
everything in that post is performed and reported here.
You cannot perform that paragraph? Then stop; post for assistance.
Don't spend all day struggling. Stop and ask for directions -
frequently. If not, then others are wasting our time because others
don't learn from your mistakes or confusion.
Don't plan on doing anything like replace a power supply - until the
failure is identified. Again, in that earlier paragraph. Power
supply is not the power supply 'system'. An important point. A
power supply 'system' defect may not be solved by a new power supply
(that also costs at least $60 retail if it contains required