Yesterday I came to the machine, which is always on, but when idle, cuts
off the monitor, and nothing would happen (nothing would display) when
I used the mouse or keyboard. The first two attempted reboots didn't get
Windows to load, but on the third, Windows started the system performed
normally. Since then, everything seems to be okay, and I can reboot
without a problem. I'm not sure what happened, but I *did* increase the
size of the pagefile yesterday, and I postponed the necessary reboot.
The case is open and I can touch the hard drives. Yesterday during and
after the failure, they all *felt* to be hotter than they should be. I
have two Western Digitals and a Seagate. Looking at the HD mfg sites, I
learned a modern HDs can operate up to 60 degrees C. I got this utility,
SIGuardian v 1.7 trial
http://www.siguardian.com/products/siguardian/index.html , to get the
temperature and it shows the temperature of the drives, but it
misidentifies all my drives as being Seagate. This makes me suspect that
the temp reading provided by the app may be incorrect too.
Today, SIGuardian shows all the drives at 34 C. Yesterday, when I looked
just after the event, they were almost at 50 C. Perplexing.
Can I trust the temp values given by SIGuardian even though it
incorrectly identifies the manufacturers of the HDs?
Is there another utility to monitor the HD temps?
Or is there a direct way through Windows to see the temp of the HDs?
Shuttle AN35N Ultra V1.1, AMD Athlon XP 2800+
Windows XP Home SP1
Drive #1 - WDC WD16 00JB-00GVA0 SCSI Disk Device (149 GB)
Drive #2 - ST312002 6A SCSI Disk Device (111 GB), System and Boot Drive
Drive #3 - WDC WD80 0JB-00ETA0 SCSI Disk Device (74 GB)
off the monitor, and nothing would happen (nothing would display) when
I used the mouse or keyboard. The first two attempted reboots didn't get
Windows to load, but on the third, Windows started the system performed
normally. Since then, everything seems to be okay, and I can reboot
without a problem. I'm not sure what happened, but I *did* increase the
size of the pagefile yesterday, and I postponed the necessary reboot.
The case is open and I can touch the hard drives. Yesterday during and
after the failure, they all *felt* to be hotter than they should be. I
have two Western Digitals and a Seagate. Looking at the HD mfg sites, I
learned a modern HDs can operate up to 60 degrees C. I got this utility,
SIGuardian v 1.7 trial
http://www.siguardian.com/products/siguardian/index.html , to get the
temperature and it shows the temperature of the drives, but it
misidentifies all my drives as being Seagate. This makes me suspect that
the temp reading provided by the app may be incorrect too.
Today, SIGuardian shows all the drives at 34 C. Yesterday, when I looked
just after the event, they were almost at 50 C. Perplexing.
Can I trust the temp values given by SIGuardian even though it
incorrectly identifies the manufacturers of the HDs?
Is there another utility to monitor the HD temps?
Or is there a direct way through Windows to see the temp of the HDs?
Shuttle AN35N Ultra V1.1, AMD Athlon XP 2800+
Windows XP Home SP1
Drive #1 - WDC WD16 00JB-00GVA0 SCSI Disk Device (149 GB)
Drive #2 - ST312002 6A SCSI Disk Device (111 GB), System and Boot Drive
Drive #3 - WDC WD80 0JB-00ETA0 SCSI Disk Device (74 GB)