Rod said:
John Turco wrote
Yes, between the ears, very severly indeed. Have a look at his usenet posts sometime.
Stands out like dogs balls.
Well, I just had a glance at his Web page (which, apparently, hasn't been updated
since December 3, 2006); he's a rabid atheist, obviously.
Rather likely given his last name.
I'm thinkin' that there's lots o' Irish (descendents), in Australia, though.
They're the USA's second largest ethnic group, behind the Germans (and ahead
of the third-place English, surprisingly enough).
Corse they are underpriviledged, they have all those child raping priests.
Hmmm, could such traumatization be the reason Barry O'Grady is so atheistic,
as an adult?
BOG is the spawn of one of them.
Perhaps, but...I'd bet that Folkert Rienstra is far worse. Do you believe
Folksy would be allowed to even >visit< Oz, without his keeper?
(Speaking of Usenet nuisances: Where's our crusty Canuck, Eric Gisin?)
You see, Rod -- I didn't delete any of the above text, either!