Happy New Year

And what about your expectations and your bank balance?

Awww..... never mind. Just have a great New Year.

A little late I know BUT I wish all at PC Review a Happy New Year and a prosperous one at that.:thumb::user::thumb::user::thumb::user:
I have to apologise to all members as I have not been participating very much as I was, but the truth is I have been using many of the Linux Mint help sites, but that does not mean I have forgotten all my friends on PCR, I wish you all a very Prosperous and happy New Year.
The last year has been quite an education as far as operating systems go have tried other Linux Distro's but have always returned to Linux Mint Cinnamon and now running Mint Cinnamon 18.3 64bit. My feeling is if you are used to W10 Cinnamon is easy to transfer to and unlike most Linux distro's it works out of the box, and you do not need command line which put me off most of the other Linux distro's. One of the advantages of Mint cinnamon it relates well to Windows 7 and to some extent W8 in the look and feel and the other advantage of Linux it is free and Mint Cinnamon is the best for the novice and I have enjoyed using it enormously. One of the distro's I tried was Ubuntu but on that you still have to use command line and with my befuddled mind I found it more complicated but one of the better ones for a new user. Hay ho I think I will now be a Linux Mint Cinnamon user for ever and there is so much on line help out there.:user::thumb::cheers:
Was having tea with the prophet Zarquod and forgot what day it was. Still belated seasons greetings are better than none. All the best for the New Year folks.