Happy Birthday ME :D

Thanks Ady :D

I'm sure that he will... just as soon as i can catch him ;)

Happy Birthday Ciri!

If your really nice, you may recieve a large bottle of whiskey in the post shortly...

Oops no there it goes...;)
May you enjoy many more Happy Birf-days Cirianz!;) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Happy Birthday Gal :) Woot! Do....... whatever you wanna do ;)

Have a good 'un and enjoy :)
:D Thank you guys :D All in all I had a fantastic day :nod:

One of John's boys dropped in in the evening to say happy birthday & even gave me a birthday hug!!! Caught me quite by surprise as he's 22 & in my experience most males become allergic to hugs somewhere between 12-15yo & don't usually recover from the affliction until somewhere between 25-30yo, If they ever do recover that is. & he was quite sober too! & he's not a naturally 'huggy' person either. Definitely something to remember anyway :)

& they all sung "Happy birthday" too me as well :D
Off key... as Happy birthday should always be sung :nod:

Although They didn't manage 39 hip-hip-horays :lol: But 4 was certainly plenty :D

ROTFL :lol:

A wonderful day all round :D
Sorry i missed it, been away for a few days, but here goes.

Happy Belated Birthday
Thank you Feckit :D

Hope you had a good birthday yourself :nod:

You were having a BBQ weren't you? How'd it go? :D
cirianz said:
You were having a BBQ weren't you? How'd it go? :D
BBQ went well, drank lots of Stella, Pimms & that French bubbly stuff:D
Visited deepest Somerset yesteday & bought some beer direct from the brewery:thumb:
Out on the piste this weekend, beer + curry = fun:D

What did you do for your birthday, anything nice??
Thanks Patty :D

& Feckit...
I've heard Beer + curry can equal long periods of time spent in the smallest room :lol:

Mind you, I've never been one for curry... Now a nice hot cilli!!!! yum :nod:

I'm glad your BBQ/Party went well.

I had plans for my Bday,
maybe after the kids went to bed...
a nice romantic dinner...
a bottle of wine... ;) :D

But instead we had John's boy drop around &, although it was a different type of 'good time' than i had planned, it was nevertheless a good time had by all & a good evening, so yes, it was a nice Birthday :) mostly relaxed, chatting & laughing sort of a time :) Was good.
cirianz said:
Thanks Taffy :)

No. no plans for cakes... although... now that you mention it... :rolleyes:

Thought I might open a bottle of wine with tea tonight though...

Get John 'tipsy'....

drag him off, kicking & screaming, by the ankle, cave-woman style.
Sounds good to me :rolleyes: :lol:

Now, all I need is a bearskin mini dress & a club :rolleyes:

Hey Ciri,

As you are still a 30-something, why not make it a three-day event? One day to represent each decade .... then you could still go "clubbing" in your bearskin mini-dress;)
happy { belated :wall: } b-day, ciri! ~ am glad you enjoyed your special day :) :)
Thanks darcy :) All good whishes are appreciated, whenever they arrive & it was an... interesting day :nod:

Taffy: I'm still ROTFLMAO at the image... should I drag him around the clubs by the ankle do you think... or should I let him walk?

I decided to take your advice & had concocted evil plans for John on saturday night... &, you won't believe this... but guess who showed up... again! :wall:
Oh well, he's always had a knack for that :rolleyes:
But, he was wanting me to give him a haircut, so I got my revenge after all... :lol:
Pity he didn't want a dye job :rolleyes:

Whoops... was that the sound of Ady running for his life I heard? :p