Half window

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Follis
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| wow kinda makes you not want to ask anything ...what is FFS

| FFS = For F*cks Sake
| Sorry about that, but you did ask!:

for professional dialogues.
Hiya Nonnymouse :-)

msnews////Accessabilty was where I migrated _here_ from...
I've had _far_ more help here (with one notable exexeption) ;-(
| Hiya Nonnymouse :-)
| msnews////Accessabilty was where I migrated _here_ from...
| I've had _far_ more help here (with one notable exexeption) ;-(

These people do not realise that their abilities, too, will
eventually diminish (assuming that they will live that long).
That's because you are stupid. I'll make it simple.

DO NOT EVER CHANGE DPI ON WINDOWS. There is never any need. Only stupid AND lazy people will do this.

You are the one that said you have the same problem as the original poster. I suspect you are lying, regardless, it's very simple. Programers do not program for anything else other than 96 dpi. It drives MS crazy.

So this one exception is that some moron changed his DPI, so all elements in a dialog won't fit in the displayed size, because programs don't expect this, and this is my fault. Well f*ckhead. It's simple. Don't use anything else other than 96 DPI or buy programs where programmers are working in dialog units (very few) rather than pixels. It IS NOT an accessibility feature.
"David Candy" <.> wrote:
| That's because you are stupid. I'll make it simple.
| DO NOT EVER CHANGE DPI ON WINDOWS. There is never any need. Only stupid AND lazy people will do this.
| You are the one that said you have the same problem as the original poster. I suspect you are lying, regardless, it's very simple.
Programers do not program for anything else other than 96 dpi. It drives MS crazy.
| So this one exception is that some moron changed his DPI, so all elements in a dialog won't fit in the displayed size, because
programs don't expect this, and this is my fault. Well f*ckhead. It's simple. Don't use anything else other than 96 DPI or buy
programs where programmers are working in dialog units (very few) rather than pixels. It IS NOT an accessibility feature.

A number of MVPs have suggested increasing DPI (for whatever reason). Are they morons too?

Zulu would like to see all text in his Microsoft-written dialog boxes larger and bolder.
An example being the Microsoft-written dialog boxes, themselves, in

Control Panel

which is where he has tried in vain to increase the size and boldness of text in all Microsoft-written dialog boxes, including that
dialog box.

So then, with a setting of 96 DPI, what is the exact procedure to increase the size and boldness of all text in all
Microsoft-written dialog boxes?
Dialog boxes specify their own font. This is the Are You Sure You Want To Delete? dialog

It is specified with an 8 pt style (the line starting with Font).
1013 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 275, 65


CAPTION "Confirm Multiple File Delete"


FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"




CONTROL 144, 12304, STATIC, SS_ICON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 10, 10, 21, 20

CONTROL "Are you sure you want to send these %1 items to the Recycle Bin?", 12291, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 41, 14, 224, 24

CONTROL "Are you sure you want to delete all of the items in the Recycle Bin?", 12294, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 41, 14, 224, 24

CONTROL "Are you sure you want to delete these %1 items?", 12295, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 41, 14, 224, 24

"David Candy" <.> wrote:
| Dialog boxes specify their own font.
| This is the Are You Sure You Want To Delete? dialog
| It is specified with an 8 pt style
| FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"

.... which IS an acessibility/usability issue. A user would need a resource editor to change every system file containing these
hard-coded fonts, only to be reverted on some future Windows Update or by Windows File Protection.

There is no practical solution for a user such as Zulu.
"David Candy" <.> wrote:
| He can always change his resolution.

I have already suggested that to him, however, with all the "noise" in this newsgroup, I do not recall if he actually tried that.
Fortunately for him, he has a (large) CRT monitor. If he had a fixed-pixel screen, then he would be stuck with the native screen
resolution if he wanted optimum clarity.
Oh what fun :-)
Thank you for coming to my defence!
On reading your responses to *that rude person* I have felt the need to
(temporarily) resuscitate him, although I refuse to converse further lest I
get cross again...

Surely this n/g exists to advise people who _are_ , in the true sense of the
word, ignorant of how to achieve the customisation they desire?
If they already had the expertise he seems to expect, why would they come
here in the first place!

FWIW I _did_ try 800 x 600, and yes, it helped in some ways, but I felt
that although I had gained on the swings, I had lost even more the
roundabouts, so I therefore reverted to 1024 x 768.

As for the 21 inch CRT that was a deliberate choice for that very reason.

I shall follow this thread with interest!
| Surely this n/g exists to advise people who _are_ , in the true sense of the
| word, ignorant of how to achieve the customisation they desire?
| If they already had the expertise he seems to expect, why would they come
| here in the first place!
| FWIW I _did_ try 800 x 600, and yes, it helped in some ways, but I felt
| that although I had gained on the swings, I had lost even more the
| roundabouts, so I therefore reverted to 1024 x 768.
| As for the 21 inch CRT that was a deliberate choice for that very reason.
| I shall follow this thread with interest!
| --
| ¦ zulu ¦
| Dell Dimension XPS-T700r, 512 MB RAM, XP Pro. SP2, 21" CRT 1024x768
| 150DPI

There is an (unenforcd) acceptable use policy for these newsgroups.

Here is a working set for you:

1. Go back to 96 DPI.
2. Choose a comfortable screen resolution.
3. Use XP Accessibility Magnifier.

XP was not designed with Zulu in mind.
If he want IE content at any size I can help too.

Dialog fonts are virtual fonts (at least for current MS programs).

Here is where MS Shell Dlg is actually mapped to a font.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes

Different fonts are different sizes (at the same point size). He may fine some fonts clearer than others. But beware, this is like the DPI thing. Dialogs generally don't expect their fonts to change. If it's written to the latest standards it's be fine (but so would 120 dpi). Still a lot of programs won't use this particular font so changes may be acceptable. But it's up to the dialog box.
Why is it that the time posted by program consistently is 3-4 minutes
ahead of the time in the task bar? It always is.

Why is it that the time posted by program consistently is 3-4 minutes
ahead of the time in the task bar? It always is.
