Half Life 2 Goodness

Finished HL2 on Wednesday, disappointed with the ending, but loved the game :)

I just wish they would release a game one day that lasts much longer than 10-15 hours, as that is only a week or two of gaming!

My favorite part was the mission with the placable turrets! Very fun!
Ian Cunningham said:
My favorite part was the mission with the placable turrets! Very fun!
That's the part I'm on now. Probably the most difficult part of the game so far, imo.
floppybootstomp said:
That's the part I'm on now. Probably the most difficult part of the game so far, imo.
Yeah I agree!

I took the turrets to the final part of the level, took a few minutes extra but was worth it for the end!
hi =just done HL2 set to hard (so it lasts longer) 128-9700 ego-gericom its monty(abit sick it done now-doom3 is next):eek::eek: want one( dog) that is wish i did some screen shots when he grabs the flying thing
Hey Darkangel, most games have that kind of warning, mostly about warning to photosensitve folks