Windows XP hal.dll still missing after replacement on clone HD

The XP machine has a PIII 600Mhz - thats not going to help running video either - but lets see what happens with the new card.
Well, i changed the card for the one in my old machine, a matrox mystique, good but old, then went on to and downloaded a driver for "all windows", got it unzipped and clicked setup. "for windows 95/98". WMP which auto-updated from version 9 to 11 about 40 mins ago just goes black. winDVD wont even reload. dude, i feel a "No. 4 iron" hard disk adjustment coming on right about no....fzzjkkksdsnnsdnsneghdlkkqkzioqki....dzzt....dzzt..tss....
Did you say you installed the drivers via setup "for Windows 95/98"??

You need the drivers for XP - try using THESE from the Matrox site.
No, no graphics card but am going to buy one from a PC recycling place in cambridge. will let you know how that goes. dont suppose you know anything about a card creative CT5803 do you?