grinding on HDD

  • Thread starter Thread starter jb
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Dorothy Bradbury said:
Multiple small files tends to drive indexers mad (I had 700,000 at one
stage and when Norton met that things took a very long time to complete).

Something is running in the background, he needs to find just what.

Indexer is my bet if the HD passes diagnostics ok.
There are smart (& pricey) indexers out there, better than MSFTs, but
the MSFT one can really drag a system down as it goes about its work.

I had Google Desktop, but I removed it yesterday. Programs still scratch for
a while on the disk when they start, but not as much. So that means the
problem is going away right? I mean, I know they should scratch some, but I
just compare this to my laptop where programs just snap open.

It's not really an issue of speed (eventually programs seem to run okay), or
even needing to keep the disk from crashing (I keep all my data on an
external network drive). In fact, at this point it is just more an issue
that's annoying me that I can't figure it out, and that if the disk fails I
may be rebuilding the system, which I don't want to do.

- JB
JAD said:
do you have media sniffers or indexing enabled in an office suite on in
virtual memory settings?
scratch disk setup from a graphics program?
anti virus running a test behind the scene?

Where do I find the indexing for Office? I removed Google Desktop. I don't
have a media sniffer. VM is at a system managed size with 160GB free.
Graphics programs are not running -- this is mainly OUtlook, FireFox,
Outlook Express, Word, and games. No virus checker running.

When you say "in disk management" what does that mean?
No virus checker running.

Q: You are virus checking email ?
---- plus running a virus scan weekly
---- plus getting regular updates

Email is a prime candidate for viruses re Outlook/OE.
jb said:
Where do I find the indexing for Office? I removed Google Desktop. I don't
have a media sniffer. VM is at a system managed size with 160GB free.
Graphics programs are not running -- this is mainly OUtlook, FireFox,
Outlook Express, Word, and games. No virus checker running.

When you say "in disk management" what does that mean?

in admin tools in control panel...the easier way is to right click each
drive and goto properties. At the bottom of the first window..uncheck '
allow indexing on this drive ' check can take awhile to finish.