Greedy MP's with snout in trough again

floppybootstomp said:
I wish you'd get yourself another motor..... :rolleyes:


I mean, really, WGAF? :)

I do and so do a lot of other Britons. :p

"All shadow cabinet members who have had their expenses questioned will repay some of the money, the BBC understands.

Tory leader David Cameron will announce a radical overhaul of what his MPs can claim in expenses shortly.

Three Tory MPs have already agreed to pay back Commons expenses claimed for swimming pool maintenance after details were revealed in the Daily Telegraph.

And Commons leader Harriet Harman is to ask Parliament to force MPs to repay expenses claims considered excessive."

MPs are doing an important job and should be paid enough that high-quality people without independent means are financially able to do it. Being an MP is a public service and should not be a way to become rich. But nor should MPs earn only an average wage. Being an MP ought surely to pay as much as a GP or a secondary school head teacher.

New Labour MPs, with their home improvements and their little property empires use the expenses system to get away from the working classes as fast as they possibly can. Tory MPs with their moats and country homes and porticoes (whatever the hell they are) have already got away from the working classes as fast as they possibly could and now use their expenses to shore up the defences.
I still say WGAF? :)

Britons - a nation of whiners and moaners?

Not happy unless whingein' on about some injustice or other?

You're all just jealous you weren't given enough brains to get your snout in the trough :p

I interviewed Harriet Harman once - nice lady :) Somewhere in Dulwich as I recall.

It's when I see stuff like this I'm glad of my Irish blood...

"Oh it's the rich wot gets the pleasure... gawd bless you sir and spare a farthing... "
The quest for riches darkens the sense of right and wrong.

Antiphanes, ancient Greek dramatist

nivrip said:
The quest for riches darkens the sense of right and wrong.

Antiphanes, ancient Greek dramatist


"Money may not bring happiness but it feeds my family and puts shoes on my feet"

Sydney Sprogget, current day car assembly worker, Bethnal Green, 2007.

Bowls anyone. Heads are rolling not only in the Commons but the Lords aswell.

"Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the decision was taken because of the "serious" nature of the allegations.

Mr Morley said the claim had been a "mistake" due to "sloppy accounting" and said he had paid the money back."

So we are expected to belive that his guy forgot he had sold a house 18 months previously and and that the £800 a month expeses claim was an oversight.

Hmm ! Lets think about this.

I'm sat at me desk with a claim form and I'm working me way down it filling in stuff like " What is the address of the property you are claiming for" Gosh I can't just be sure about that so I'll just put down what I put last year.

If the dummy can't even fill in a simple form what the heck is he doing in parliment. More infuriating why has he not been charged with FRAUD.

Read through this if you have the stomach for it. Countrys leaders, pah I wouldn't spit on em if they were on fire.

Line 'em up against the wall and shoot 'em! :mad:

It's a disgrace!

When I were a lad!

Moan moan blather blather...

They are the elite, the gentry, the blessed, the rich, the learned and the advantaged.

You, sir, are just a lowly plub so accept your lot and be grateful your betters even allow you to walk the streets.

The king was in his counting house counting out his money... :)

Politicians; Royalty; Spooks and traffic wardens - parasites all - line 'em up and shoot 'em!

The revolution starts now o my brothers - who'll be the first? :)
I would hardly call this a hate thread but then you have your own individual slant on the subject.

I can announce today that i have decided to stand as an MP at the next general election.
I could be the first Raving Loony MP representing the OMRLP!;)

I've never taken politics seriously so i dont intend to start now!!
Seeing as how nearly the whole country is taking an interest in this now I'll make this me last post on the subject. The quotes are from readers of the article. I recon these ordinary folk have more brains each than the leaders of the political parties combined.

"Firstly, changes to the MPs expenses does not need to be an extended process. We are only talking about 600 odd people so this isn't anything like on a par with multi-nationals who employ thousands of staff. This could be sorted out in a few hours by the leaders of each party sitting down and deciding on a common sense approach.

Secondly, why can't MPs who have excessive commuting requirements be allocated residential apartments in the London area at a purpose built cluster. This could provide substantial job gains for the local area - remember we have MPs who are currently commuting comfortably from Reading so this doesn't even have to be within the M25 but within easy access. Furniture requirements for each MP could come from a central store and be returned if an MP loses his seat, resigns etc. Each MP would only be able to get furniture from this central repository.

Thirdly, if MPs have purchased for White Goods and furniture on expenses then surely if they lose their seat this stuff should revert to the common purse and could be then used for charitable purposes. A few dozen TVs at the best part of 1 thousand pounds a pop could work wonders in hostels, hospitals etc.
Chris Hill, Wallingford, UK"

"Comfortable furnished and serviced 'courtesy' apartment for qualifying MPs within a short distance of Westminster. Purchased, managed and maintained to a defined standard by an accountable property management company. Fixed furnishing and equipping allowance on occupancy. Or a hotel room to a defined maximum.

First class rail, standard class flights, 'regular' private hire taxi or AA/RAC recommended mileage allowance for own cars for travelling on constituency or parliamentary duties only. Local (constituency or Westminster) public transport or 'black cab' fares.

Modest daily food and drink (not alcohol) subsistence when working away from constituency.

That's basically all they need and what most of us who travel for work get and shouldn't leave them out of pocket. Anything else, they pay.

If they want and use a 2nd purchased or mortgaged home, nothing.
Tony T, Southampton"

Feckit you should be PM. :D
Senior Tory wants MP pay doubled

Just in case you missed this tit bit of forward thinking by one of the chaps who run our country. ;)

"He says: "I have reluctantly become convinced, over the last few weeks, that the most effective way of restoring public confidence in Parliament is for there to be a significant increase in Members' salaries and an abolition of all allowances, save the allowance to pay for staff and a constituency office.

"In order to ensure that Members could perform their parliamentary and constituency duties effectively, and have, where necessary, a second home, the salary of Members would have to be doubled at least...""

He's quite right of course :)

And we should also put all the poor people to work in the salt mines, reintroduce slavery and stick the heads of thieves on pikes at the southern side of London Bridge as a deterrent to those who might be tempted to steal a loaf of bread to feed their family.

You know it makes sense :)

That MP, er, he does bear an uncanny resemblance to a pig doesn't he?
floppybootstomp said:
He's quite right of course :)

And we should also put all the poor people to work in the salt mines, reintroduce slavery and stick the heads of thieves on pikes at the southern side of London Bridge as a deterrent to those who might be tempted to steal a loaf of bread to feed their family.

You know it makes sense :)

That MP, er, he does bear an uncanny resemblance to a pig doesn't he?

Flops for president

He does indeed

"At least one MP is expected to be prosecuted over the Parliamentary expenses scandal.

Former Labour minister Elliot Morley, who claimed £16,000 interest payments for a 'phantom' mortgage, is seen as the most likely politician to be charged."

"The tax affairs of 27 MPs are being investigated by HM Revenue and Customs, the department has confirmed.

HMRC says it will not reveal the identities of the MPs involved or elaborate on what is being looked into."

"In Sweden, members of parliament are as open to scrutiny as one would expect from a country that prides itself on being one of the world's most transparent democracies.

Under transparency laws, any Swedish citizen can acquire any information from any state agency without censure, unless the information regards secret documents involving other states."

"MPs allowances are once more in the spotlight after The Daily Telegraph published details of claims made by Cabinet members. But what can MPs claim for under the current system and how much?"

Paid to MPs who lose their seat or stand down at a general election - it is based on their age and length of service and amounts to between 50% and 100% of their annual salary."

Even if you do not read the rest of the links take a look at the last one to see just exactly what MP's can claim for. You will be shocked at the total amount that some MP's can and do claim.
Even if they stand down they can claim more for doing nothing than most folk earn.

Viva la revolution, bring back the guillotine.

On a more serious note the Swedish model looks very good and I can not see why we could not use it here in blighty.
Abarbarian said:
On a more serious note the Swedish model looks very good and I can not see why we could not use it here in blighty.

Hear, hear ! :D

(It just goes on and on. :lol: )