Yeah, Gabby's cool & he's half angora so that fur is lovely & soft & fluffy

Plus Being not a pure-bred, he's spent most of his life up in the hills keeping the gorse down so is pretty tough

Angora goats can be a bit soft & prone to getting sick in bad weather etc.
But a year or so up in the hills has taken care of that.
Was quite impressed at the farm. Over here Gorse is a 'noxious weed' (ie it's illegal to grow it on purpose).
Brought over to make pretty hedges like in England,
it sunk it's roots into NZ soil
(Most trees & the like grow about 4x faster down here because NZ has very rich soil.
Although our timber industry is taking care of that for us... renewable resource my ar*se, pine will strip the soil & constant replanting without renewing the soil is going to turn our timberlands into useless desert in less than 100 years. Stabbing themselves in the back really

said 'yummy' & took off.
most farmers do constant battle with gorse,
poisoning & burn-offs
& are still losing.
This guy had two hills.
one he kept the gorse down with goats... almost bare.
The other he burned off-each year,
covered in gorse!
I know goats will eat anything but that was bl*ody impressive!
The farmer & his wife kept Gabby down for a couple of weeks,
Getting him used to people etc,
before they let us take him,
& we've been patting & hand feeding him heaps since he arrived
& he is so tame now

No need to worry about them sharp horns