Got my Goat!!!

Victory :D
The piccys of Gabby the supergoat are now up in the gallery :nod:
Thank you Ian for sorting out the probs I was having there :):thumb:
Thanks GK :D

Have to get him a proper trough though.
At the moment we take him water out in a plastic bucket.
Most of the time he has a lot of trouble deciding if he wants to drink the water
or eat the bucket :rolleyes:
Aaahhh ... Gabby is THE most gorgeous goat! He looks just as though he is smiling at the camera too. Lovely looking coat, it looks as if it would feel very soft(?) Horns look pretty sharp though, so don't think I would like to make him cross :D
Those horns look sharpish and by the look on his face he doesn't look amused, what did you do to him Ciri prior to taking the piccy.....
Yeah, Gabby's cool & he's half angora so that fur is lovely & soft & fluffy :)
Plus Being not a pure-bred, he's spent most of his life up in the hills keeping the gorse down so is pretty tough :)
Angora goats can be a bit soft & prone to getting sick in bad weather etc.
But a year or so up in the hills has taken care of that.
Was quite impressed at the farm. Over here Gorse is a 'noxious weed' (ie it's illegal to grow it on purpose).
Brought over to make pretty hedges like in England,
it sunk it's roots into NZ soil
(Most trees & the like grow about 4x faster down here because NZ has very rich soil.
Although our timber industry is taking care of that for us... renewable resource my ar*se, pine will strip the soil & constant replanting without renewing the soil is going to turn our timberlands into useless desert in less than 100 years. Stabbing themselves in the back really :rolleyes: )
said 'yummy' & took off.
most farmers do constant battle with gorse,
poisoning & burn-offs
& are still losing.
This guy had two hills.
one he kept the gorse down with goats... almost bare.
The other he burned off-each year,
covered in gorse!
I know goats will eat anything but that was bl*ody impressive!
The farmer & his wife kept Gabby down for a couple of weeks,
Getting him used to people etc,
before they let us take him,
& we've been patting & hand feeding him heaps since he arrived
& he is so tame now :)
No need to worry about them sharp horns :)