The Goat's settled in remarkably well very quickly & is very tame. The kids love him & we all spend some time up in his paddock each day fussing & patting him.
By now all of the cats & one of the dogs have been similarly informed of their place in the goat herd hierachy & tend to keep a healthy distance

Whenever I go up the back paddock my dog khola makes sure that she keeps me between her & the goat

The picture of doggy courage, if we ever got burgled she'd be hiding under my desk the whole time

So far we've kept John's dog Sam well away from the goat though as he is not likely to be quite so... accepting when assigned his place in the herd.
The goat has been named. He'd picked up the name 'Gabby' before we got him home, because he was so talkative & since he hasn't shut up since the name seems to have stuck. He's even more of a chatter box than I am & can 'shout' too. I'm sure everyone in the bay hears about it if he reckons it's too long since we last visited him
So far he seems to be coping with his lawn mowery duties, although the spring growth hasn't really started yet... that'll be the real test of his mettle
I have noticed that he tends to prefer trees to grass. He can't actually reach any properly on his own as we put a running-line down the middle of the paddock with a chain that just lets him reach the fence. John looked after his landlord's goat before he moved here, so we're familiar with just how good escape artists they are (Indeed, one of John's neighbours informed me of this at great length each time she brought the goat back) & there's no way our fence would hold him on it's own.
But bits of tree are his favourite treat whenever we go up to visit

We tried him with toast, buttered of course, but got nothing but a turned up nose. But when it comes to tree... nothing can compete. Preferably with the branchletts attached

No accounting for taste i suppose

Luckily we have an abundance of trees around here to keep him supplied, lol.
All in all he's cool... & definitely the smartest goat ever

Not that I'm biased or anything
By the way chris... I have to ask... why stephen?