Mike L
I'm gonna go alittle off topic for a second because I just wanted t
let you know that I've been extremely greatful of your generosity an
the much needed help that you've provided me with since I've joine
this site. You've litterally been the only person to keep up with m
on this thread since I've made it, and for that, you have my ful
respect. I just wanted to say thankyou and that I look forward t
returning the favour in the future
I'm gonna go alittle off topic for a second because I just wanted t
let you know that I've been extremely greatful of your generosity an
the much needed help that you've provided me with since I've joine
this site. You've litterally been the only person to keep up with m
on this thread since I've made it, and for that, you have my ful
respect. I just wanted to say thankyou and that I look forward t
returning the favour in the future