I'm a Swat 4 widow
My boyfriend brought it for me about 2 months ago but ever since he's been playing on it on MY Pc. Very annoying for me but he is completly addictited to it.
He sleeps for about 4 hours he gets up and goes on swat he pauses for about 5 minutes to pour himself a drink, light a fag, and go for a pee then he's back on Swat, he might stop 5 hours later to grab some food from the fridge then he's back on Swat. If he's working he'll play on Swat first before he goes then as soon as he's home he's back on Swat.
It's getting ridiculus does anyone know of any Swat Annonomous groups?
What with being a Swat widow I would not recommend buying it for the sake of your partner if you have one.
If you do decide to buy it put a bullet in Sly's head for me. He usually plays on the Food Wall Maps.