Don Kelloway
Art said:Art said:Art wrote:
You're not safe, but you're ignorant if you take hits. Do yourself a
favor and learn "safe hex" :
false premise leads to false conclusion... safe hex does not guarantee
one won't take hits, therefore the fact that he has taken hits does not
imply that he wasn't following safe hex nor that he was ignorant...
The false premise too many users seem to operate on is the
inevitability of taking hits. Obviosly there are no guarantees. It's
all a matter of reducing the likelyhood of taking hits to such a small
anount that in practice it may never happen. Also, the plural "hits"
is even more unlikely. I expect I might take a hit sooner or later but
I would be surprised if I ever take two
since there are no guarantees, taking a hit *is* inevitable... just as
inevitable as losing money at the casino... in the long run you always
Lousy analogy. In this game we can stack the deck in our favor.
your only real hope is to quit while you're ahead...
More bullshit. You're dealing here with probabilities, not
certainties. It's quite possible that some of us will never take a
single hit.
I certainly can't be the only one, but I will chime-in and state for the
record that in my 20+ years of computing, including two-thirds as many years
involving the Internet, I have *never* been hit. Though I've been privy to
fixing many other people's computers who have. The funny thing is that in
almost all instances, each were using some sort of AV product.
Do I run AV software real-time? No.
Have I always practiced Safe-Hex? Absolutely!
Has my ability to perform my job been hindered by the practice of Safe-Hex?
Not in the least.