Actually, I didn't remove the original drivers before installing the ATI
drivers -- and my PC is working perfectly.
The original smart-ass told me to run the Detonator removal software when I
had made clear that I had already removed the nVidia card. However, I have
now removed the nVidia software using Control Panel.
Maybe your kids could give you lessons in manners?
From what I see Bobby, you shouldn't refer to someone as a smartass
for giving advice. Please remember that there are hundreds of new
posts a day, sometimes some or missing or someone missed a statement
or two. It happens, I've done it too "oops, didn't see you already
said that" - just like I don't have the original post that you refered
to as a "smart ass".
His information is good, may not work for everyone - and you are NOT
the only person reading his (OP) responses. When I posted to you in
the Nvidia group, my response was to you - but the info I (and others)
provide is FOR EVERYONE.
I and others LEARN from reading posts as well.
While I consider a "smart ass" a tiny word, it wasn't called for
here... you could have said the same thing without throwing that in
there. Yes, I flame people on newsgroups as well.
PS: I didn't know you couldn't run Detonator drivers without the video
card, but I'm not sure that is true or why it would be. It would
still be worth a shot to do so... but I think that should be run After
the normal uninstallation of the drivers. Whatever the case, as long
as the ATI card works, its not an issue.