Echo ... would you believe that the pdfmaker toolbar disappeared, yet again.
I had it in Powerpoint ... worked just fine. I opened Word, surenuff, it
was gone. I need it. Gotta delete normal.dot again to get it back. Man ..
I don't believe it! The small consolation is that I can get it back
quickly, by deleting normal.dot and restarting word. Drafts! Diana
Thanks, Diana. I actually spoke at the PPT Live conference put on by Rick
Altman last October. It's a 3 (or 4?) day workshop/conference for PPT. There
will be another this year in San Diego.
I had it in Powerpoint ... worked just fine. I opened Word, surenuff, it
was gone. I need it. Gotta delete normal.dot again to get it back. Man ..
I don't believe it! The small consolation is that I can get it back
quickly, by deleting normal.dot and restarting word. Drafts! Diana
Thanks, Diana. I actually spoke at the PPT Live conference put on by Rick
Altman last October. It's a 3 (or 4?) day workshop/conference for PPT. There
will be another this year in San Diego.
Echo, on an unrelated note, I thought I'd share this with
For anyone that uses Powerpoint and/or CorelDraw (I have a
tendancy to use both), there's an interesting 2-day
workshop/seminar in a few cities in Canada/US. The first
day is for CorelDraw and the 2nd day is for Powerpoint. I
find this interesting, because I use both for various
reasons and often create my graphics for Powerpoint in
Corel. I also do odd things in Powerpoint for Corel
(don't ask .... lol). Anyway ... here's the link. I'm
not familiar with the firm that is hosting this event, but
it looks interesting. They've set it up so that you can
attend either day ... don't have to attend both.
-----Original Message-----
Well, let me think. I suspect you'll have to add the link to Acrobat itself.
Then again, you might be able to maintain the links when creating the PDF. I
sure wish Steve R. would pop into this thread -- he's the real PDF guru!
We just upgraded to Acrobat 6.0 at work, and although we're having some odd
problems with fonts, the maintenance-of-hyperlinks seems to work well.
Instead of printing to Distiller or PDF Writer or whatever, we use the "PDF
Maker" icon thingy which Acrobat installs in the Office applications'
toolbars. You can specify in the settings that links are maintained when the
PDF is created.
If you want to send me a couple of slides via email, I can try them with
Acrobat 6.0 and see if the links are maintained. I don't have the earlier
version still installed, sorry, so I can't test it. I'm not sure if previous
versions will maintain the links or not, but if you have that Acrobat 5.0.x
toolbar available in PPT, you might see if using that to create the PDF
through yourDianah said:Echo, this is such a shame. I added the action button and the link works
when I run a slide show (as a test), but after it's pdf'd, there's no sign
of a hyperlink at all. No way to go "back" to the site. Bummer!
This help topic seems to be telling you how to navigate
folderstitle of this Helpwhen you go to open a new file. Can I ask what the
topicto suggest to MSis and what keywords you typed in to find it? I'd like
thatmatches what youthey add that search term to a Help topic which better
wereintact when you createsearching for.
What you want is an action setting or hyperlink on your slide. Create your
button, then right-click it and select Action Settings. In the Hyperlink
box, select URL/Webpage, then type in your URL.
You'll want to double-check that the link remains
thewhatever it's called)PDF.
I created a 1 slide file in Powerpoint 2002 (that will be pdf'd) for a
website. I want to put a "back" button/link (or
onback to the sitethe top of the page, so that visitors will be taken
couldn't do it. So, I looked it up in help and got the following:
1. On the Standard toolbar, click Open .
2. In the Open dialog box, click the Back button .
There is no "Back" button in my open dialogue box. Does anyone else
understand these instructions or can someone else explain it better.
in advance.