Gmail out beta??

  • Thread starter Thread starter R. L.
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R. L.

Am I reading this right?

" The initial services available with your Google account are:

* Google in Your Language - volunteer to translate
Google's services into various languages
* Gmail - free 1000 MB email service (Limited
* Google Answers - paid researchers answer questions for
* Google Web APIs - a tool for software developers to
query Google automatically
* Google Groups - post and read comments in Usenet
discussion forums"

Unofficial Adaware Updater (+other goodies)
Pricelessware voting annual results and information:,,
It doesn't look like a Gmail account, but more like a Yahoo ID or a
Microsoft Passport ID.
Am I reading this right?

" The initial services available with your Google account are:

* Google in Your Language - volunteer to translate
Google's services into various languages
* Gmail - free 1000 MB email service (Limited
* Google Answers - paid researchers answer questions for
* Google Web APIs - a tool for software developers to
query Google automatically
* Google Groups - post and read comments in Usenet
discussion forums"

Gmail show up under 'Try new services' once you log in to a Google
account, but clicking it does not give you a Gmail account.
R. L. said:
Am I reading this right?

" The initial services available with your Google account are:

* Google in Your Language - volunteer to translate
Google's services into various languages
* Gmail - free 1000 MB email service (Limited
* Google Answers - paid researchers answer questions for
* Google Web APIs - a tool for software developers to
query Google automatically
* Google Groups - post and read comments in Usenet
discussion forums"

You read it right.

Gmail - free 1000 MB email service (Limited availability)
Still in beta though.
Back of my mind is saying that the pending sale and price thereof of
Google's stock is dependent on whether Gmail and the other services are
successful or not. Google is betting they will succeed and are going to ask
for a mint (20 billion minimum) and to also keep controlling interest of
the Inc.
Big money wants to wait because they think Google is going to ask for too
much and want more control.
So it might be a wait and see game for Google, Gmail and the money-grubbing
Details at 6:00
In dszady posted:
So it might be a wait and see game for Google, Gmail and the money-grubbing
Details at 6:00

Spoken like a true blue pricelessware socialist (no free market
capitalism in your home).

DanlK, FYI Services
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</SCRIPT> said:
Spoken like a true blue pricelessware socialist (no free market
capitalism in your home).

Why are you even here in acf when you obviously want to pay for
everything and fight for the preservation of free market capitalism?

Freeware, voluntary cooperation and democracy are not in the interest of
capitalism. On the contrary, these factors are diametrically opposite of
the ideology of free market capitalism.

Are you only here to disturb and spam this newsgroup because you hate
In Roger Johansson posted:
Why are you even here in acf when you obviously want to pay for
everything and fight for the preservation of free market capitalism?

And what have you <[email protected] > and Sweden contributed to the
economic vitality of the world (except a banking system that hides all
the illegal profits of the world)?

DanlK, FYI Services
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In Anthony Deane posted:
Isn't that Switzerland?

Yup, you know all those Euro 'S' countries all look alike from here!
(You really don't think I'm gonna take any post here [like Johansson]
seriously, do you?)

DanlK, FYI Services
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Freeware, voluntary cooperation and democracy are not in the interest of
capitalism. On the contrary, these factors are diametrically opposite of
the ideology of free market capitalism.

Now Roger, that's not true. It's not even close to true. Voluntarism,
charity, and donations are a huge part of any successful Capitalistic
system. If your belief is widespread in Europe, you need to volunteer to
form an organization the spread the truth about Capitalism. :)

Capitalism is not just about money, it's about the freedom to earn money...
or not!

Now Roger, that's not true. It's not even close to true. Voluntarism,
charity, and donations are a huge part of any successful Capitalistic
system. If your belief is widespread in Europe, you need to volunteer to
form an organization the spread the truth about Capitalism. :)

The rich ladies are giving out a few loafs of bread to the poor once a
year, while their husbands are opressing millions of poor people, every
day of the year. That is capitalism. The little charity they do is just
to clean their conscience and pretend to be humane.
Capitalism is not just about money, it's about the freedom to earn money...
or not!

The "freedom to earn money" means a lot of suffering for people who are
used and abused in the process.

It is also a matter of democracy. As long as a few extremely rich guys
rule the world we will never accomplish a good society for everybody.

If free market capitalism and charity had worked there would have been
no need for democracy, human rights, workers unions, socialist ideas,
public schools and hospitals, etc..
In Roger Johansson posted:
If free market capitalism and charity had worked there would have been
no need for democracy, human rights, workers unions, socialist ideas,
public schools and hospitals, etc..

Sounz more like psa for communism.
Pretty soon I expect to hear a justification for an 'ultimate
solution' and Aryan superiority..

DanlK, FYI Services
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The rich ladies are giving out a few loafs of bread to the poor once a
year, while their husbands are opressing millions of poor people, every
day of the year. That is capitalism. The little charity they do is just
to clean their conscience and pretend to be humane.

Roger! You've read too many Socialist school text books, and watch too many
leftist influenced movies. I live right smack in the middle if the world's
best economy, and I see nothing like your description. You're either very
jealous, or you have been badly propagandized. I think you are too of big a
person to be the jealous type, so I'll discount jealousy. Maybe it's sour
grapes. Mmmmm...grapes... :P

I invite you to come live with me for a month. You will walk away with a
very different attitude. Only catch is, you must work like everyone else. No
sitting around complaining for something. You've got to work for it like the
rest of us.

Yes, that's a "down-side" to America. We work. We work hard and long. Our
work hours are longer than any country except Japan and perhaps an Asian
country or 2. Our work consumes us. We really get into it. Take our work
away, and we would wither and die. Life without work is unthinkable to most
The "freedom to earn money" means a lot of suffering for people who are
used and abused in the process.

Yes, our people are really suffering here. Do you know our rate of home
ownership is the world's highest? Even the HORRIBLY OPRESSED
African-American people have 74% home ownership. What's the rate in Sweden?
The rest of Europe? The world?

The poorest households America typically have air conditioning, cable TV,
Play Station, pure water, plenty of food (obesity is a huge problem in
America) and access to fine schools, jobs, and medical care. Do you want
everyone to be a movie star and own a fleet of fine cars? Sorry, but looks
and personality are not controlled by the State. I feel sorry for those
(including me) who are too lazy or too ugly to be a movie star, but that's
life. :)
It is also a matter of democracy. As long as a few extremely rich guys
rule the world we will never accomplish a good society for everybody.

Would you rather a few gray-jacketed dictators rule the world and commit
genocide? Are Stalin and Mao your role models?

Roger, by world standards, EVERY American is rich. I'm sorry! I apologize
for being rich, and part of the most affluent society the world has ever
known. Maybe I should kill myself and be re-born as a Buddhist monk. But,
I'm sure even monks feel guilty about something too. You can't win!

We Americans should take better care of our rich guys. That's because over
90% of all jobs are meted out by the rich guys, and the poor guys seldom
employ anyone. Rich guys are usually rich because they work 12-16 hours a
day. If all the rich guys were killed by the Socialists, everyone would go
hungry. Nobody is going hungry right now Roger. Even the cats are obese in
If free market capitalism and charity had worked there would have been
no need for democracy, human rights, workers unions, socialist ideas,
public schools and hospitals, etc..

What do you mean "Had worked"? Last time I checked, it was working GREAT!
Free market Capitalism exists BECAUSE of Democracy and human rights. Not the

Oy, Roger! You SERIOUSLY need to come to America for a visit. You have been
propagandized until your brain has turned into peanut butter.

Mmmmm... peanut butter... :P

Bob said:
Mmmmm... peanut butter... :P

Those peanuts are probably coming from an african country where the
people suffer horrendously from illnesses and starvation because the
government is a puppet government which is controlled by big companies
in some very rich capitalist country and the resources of that country
are used to enrich already very rich people instead of helping the local

It is easy to have a strong economy in a rich imperialist country if you
are robbing the third world of their resources and use it to keep the
population of the rich country reasonably happy.

But the rich country needs to stop all tendencies of democracy in the
poor countries, like in Chile when the people voted for a socialist
president who wanted to raise the price of copper and other export
goods. He was soon replaced by a president with more capitalist-friendly
views. And that is only one example, there were hundreds of similar
events during the last 100 years all over the world.

You are welcome to move this discussion to a more appropriate newsgroup
if you like, just tell me where and I'll be there.
In dszady posted:
Spoken like a true blue pricelessware socialist (no free
market capitalism in your home).

Ok, DanlK or whoever you are, why are you coming around here
to attack people (I was your last victum and now you picked on
someone else)? If someone say something that is not suiting
to your taste you can discuss with that person instead of
making attack or "delcious" remark like this one. Firstly,
naming *everyone* socialist is silly, (if I am nice enought to
not use the word stupid) Do you even really understand what
*socialist* and *capitalism* mean, or you just only hear
people and media talk about it a lot and you pick on *their*

If you really understand what "socialism" mean you certainly
wont go around and using this term so lightly here.

If you want people to respect you, your opinion, and the
business you run and your view, you got to *behave* yourself.
Going around name calling making remarks with no true
"discussion" won't gain you respect. Do you treat people like
that in your real life? The previous poster just make his/her
own opinion and you are free to discuss on it if you are
serious; But it looks like you are too lazy to do so or you
just want to troll.

On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 16:28:47 +0200, Roger Johansson
Yes, that's a "down-side" to America. We work. We work hard
and long. Our work hours are longer than any country except
Japan and perhaps an Asian country or 2. Our work consumes
us. We really get into it.

Americans do work hard. But I do know some would rather work
less, they think that they are spending way too little time
with their kids and family. For example, if a wife does not
want to work and want to stay home and take care of the kids,
she should be able to do so. But nowaday it is impossible.

However, the whole issue is NOT about capatalism vs. someone
would call socialism. It is wrong to even go there.

The problem is that rich (I mean REALLY rich people, including
politicians), are using the term capitalism to define
themselves and hence shield themselves so they can still in
power after the unjust things they did.

We now are looking at cooperationism vs. true capitalism here.
Let me give an example. You are a small potato who run a
small local business, you think you are doing well but one day
chain stores come into town and they have all the purchasing
power. They can buy the products cheaply but you can't and
they have money to lobby to the goverment the policy and tax
cut they like but you can't. Hence your business suffer.

For example, after the mad cow discease, many smaller beef
provider who export beef suffer. In order to be more
competitive, smaller farm business, trying to fit their market
need, asked the goverment to sell them the testing kit to test
their own cows for mad cow disease so they can test the beef
themselves easily and to be more competitive in the exporting
market. You know what, the US goverment say no, and say no
one other than the goverment should monitor their own beef.

The fact is the big cooperation and the USDA do NOT want other
business to be able to test their own beef because then big
beef providers will be forced to do the same to be competitive
The big beef providers in US know that Americans will still
eat beef and does not conern about it (because they sales were
not still managable). If the small business starting to do the
test and raise the product standard in the industry, they
would have to do it and increase the margin of profit they can
earn (would you rather buy safer beef if you found that some
farm in fact can garanteee to you that their beef is safe? I
would of course buy from the safer source if available). That
whole thing is anti-capitalism to me because the big business
use their power to not playing fair.

The fact is some adminstration favor fair business practice
but some favour big cooperations (because the politicians
themselves can gain from them). However, the cooperations
will use the word "capitalism" in "their" sense. Of course
they would love to say that they are all for capitalism but in
the meantime spending money to affect the goverment policy to
put into policy that is of they like.



Yes, our people are really suffering here. Do you know our
rate of home ownership is the world's highest? Even the
HORRIBLY OPRESSED African-American people have 74% home
ownership. What's the rate in Sweden? The rest of Europe?
The world?

This country has its problems, but it has the best living
standard I have seen.
The poorest households America typically have air
conditioning, cable TV, Play Station, pure water, plenty
of food (obesity is a huge problem in America) and access
to fine schools, jobs, and medical care.

This is largely true when compared to third world countries.
However, the problem is it has gotten worst during the last 15
years. There is not a reason that we can't do better. In
particular, all this living standard are typically paid by
living from paycheck to paycheck and heavy interest loan
Would you rather a few gray-jacketed dictators rule the
world and commit genocide? Are Stalin and Mao your role

Again, this is irrelevant nowaday. The cold war has ended.
Capitalism does work but we are going into "big
cooperationism" not true capitalism.
We Americans should take better care of our rich guys.
That's because over 90% of all jobs are meted out by the
rich guys, and the poor guys seldom employ anyone.

No, we don't want to take care of the real rich guy simply
because they don't need you to take care of them. We want to
encourge smaller business. So your uncle resturants, your
cousin's stores will be free to earn money fairly. In
addition, the more choices we have, the more consuming power
we will have to affect the market. For example, don't you
want to have more choices for products? But if only one or
two firms get all the market share, you won't be able to find
some product because you are the "minority" in want those
products. Just like you don't want Microsoft to have all the
guys are usually rich because they work 12-16 hours a day.

No, those are not the rich guys. Those are honest businessman
who work their butt off and they should get rewarded.

Who are the rich guy who actually got the tax cut everyone has
been talking about? Bill gate, Eron CEOs, the Walmart CEOs, a
guy own a typical honest business and work for it for 12 to 16
hours a day are NOT the one who go within the top 1% of wealth
in USA. The politicians want those small business people to
believe that they are "rich" but look, you are nowhere there
unless your compay earn more than a million per year and
unless you actually have a "say" to the government policy like
the oil companies.
If all the rich guys were killed by the Socialists,
everyone would go hungry. Nobody is going hungry right now
Roger. Even the cats are obese in America.

No, not if "THE rich guys" were killed.

If you are owning a small business and you think you are *the*
rich guy, think again.

Unofficial Adaware Updater (+other goodies)
Pricelessware voting annual results and information:,, said:
In dszady posted:

Spoken like a true blue pricelessware socialist (no free market
capitalism in your home).

DanlK, FYI Services
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Even though I didn't post it, I agreed with your opinion on PayPal.
There. Now things are positive again. I'm happy.