Norton Ghost 9.0 comes with the Windows version of the PARTINFO tool (what
the OP actually needs since the problems occur in Windows). Open the SUPPORT
folder on the program CD and start the tool called PartInNT.exe (save the
output file by either clicking on the "Save As..." button or on the "Copy to
Clipboard" button and pasting the contents in e.g. Notepad).
I ran PartinNT.exe and got errors, including disk geometry errors.
I don't understand what all of this means in terms of what I should
Here is the output in case someone can help me interpret the results
and draw the proper conclusions. That is, what now?
PowerQuest PartitionInfo 8.0 -- Windows NT/2000 Version
Date Generated: 10/31/04 12:29:16
Copyright (c)1994-2002, PowerQuest Corporation
Permission is granted for this utility to be freely copied so long
as it is not modified in any way. All other rights are reserved.
PowerQuest, makers of PartitionMagic(r), Drive Image(tm), and
DriveCopy(tm), can be reached at:
Voice: 801-437-8900
Fax: 801-226-8941
Web site:
E-mail: (e-mail address removed)
General System Information:
Total Physical Memory (bytes): 536,330,240
Used Physical Memory: (bytes): 174,247,936
Maximum Page File Size: (bytes): 1,306,468,352
Current Page File Size: (bytes): 160,260,096
Disk Geometry Information for Disk 1: 16709 Cylinders, 255 Heads,
63 Sectors/Track
System PartSect # Boot BCyl Head Sect FS ECyl Head
Sect StartSect NumSects
0 0 80 0 1 1 07 1023 254
63 63 163,846,872
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 0 80 0 1 1 07 10198 254 63 63
0 1 00 1023 0 1 0F 1023 254
63 163,846,935 324,496,935
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 1 00 10199 0 1 0F 30397 254 63 163846935
Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.
ucEndCylinder (30397) must be less than 16709.
163,846,935 0 00 1023 1 1 07 1023 254
63 163,846,998 163,830,807
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
163846935 0 00 10199 1 1 07 20396 254 63 163846998
Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.
ucEndCylinder (20396) must be less than 16709.
163,846,935 1 00 1023 0 1 05 1023 254
63 327,677,805 160,633,935
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
163846935 1 00 20397 0 1 05 30395 254 63 327677805
Error #107: Partition begins after end of disk.
ucBeginCylinder (20397) must be less than 16709.
Warning #109: Partition ends after end of disk.
ucEndCylinder (30395) must be less than 16709.
327,677,805 0 00 1023 1 1 07 1023 254
63 327,677,868 160,633,872
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
327677805 0 00 20397 1 1 07 30395 254 63 327677868
Error #107: Partition begins after end of disk.
ucBeginCylinder (20397) must be less than 16709.
Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.
ucEndCylinder (30395) must be less than 16709.
Partition Information for Disk 1: 131,069.4 Megabytes
Volume PartType Status Size MB PartSect #
StartSect TotalSects
C: NTFS Pri,Boot 80,003.4 0 0
63 163,846,872
ExtendedX Pri 158,445.8 0 1
163,846,935 324,496,935
EPBR Log 79,995.5 None --
163,846,935 163,830,870
D: NTFS Log 79,995.5 163,846,935 0
163,846,998 163,830,807
EPBR Log 78,434.5 163,846,935 1
327,677,805 160,633,935
E: NTFS Log 78,434.5 327,677,805 0
327,677,868 160,633,872
Unallocated Log 15.7 None --
488,311,740 32,130
Boot Record for drive C: (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 63, Type: NTFS)
1. Jump: EB 52 90
2. OEM Name: NTFS
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 8
5. Reserved Sectors: 0
6. Number of FATs: 0
7. Root Dir Entries: 0
8. Total Sectors: 0
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Total Sectors (>32MB): 0 (0x0)
15. Unused: 0x80008000
16. Total NTFS Sectors: 163846871
17. MFT Start Cluster: 4
18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 10240429
19. Clusters per FRS: 246
20. Clusters per Index Blk: 1
21. Serial Number: 0x4274591674590E53
22. Checksum: 0 (0x0)
23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive D: (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 163,846,998,
Type: NTFS)
1. Jump: EB 52 90
2. OEM Name: NTFS
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 8
5. Reserved Sectors: 0
6. Number of FATs: 0
7. Root Dir Entries: 0
8. Total Sectors: 0
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Total Sectors (>32MB): 0 (0x0)
15. Unused: 0x80008000
16. Total NTFS Sectors: 163830806
17. MFT Start Cluster: 4
18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 10239425
19. Clusters per FRS: 246
20. Clusters per Index Blk: 1
21. Serial Number: 0x1E74CF9274CF6ADB
22. Checksum: 0 (0x0)
23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive E: (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 327,677,868,
Type: NTFS)
1. Jump: EB 52 90
2. OEM Name: NTFS
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 8
5. Reserved Sectors: 0
6. Number of FATs: 0
7. Root Dir Entries: 0
8. Total Sectors: 0
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Total Sectors (>32MB): 0 (0x0)
15. Unused: 0x80008000
16. Total NTFS Sectors: 160633871
17. MFT Start Cluster: 4
18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 10039616
19. Clusters per FRS: 246
20. Clusters per Index Blk: 1
21. Serial Number: 0xC2A07F75A07F6F33
22. Checksum: 0 (0x0)
23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55