Dan Lenski
Interesting. A short look at all my enclosures shows that
- Cutie 2.5" case (0x067b/0x2507): supported - Revoltec Alu Book Ed. 2
(0x04fc/0x0x15): supported - Agrosy HD360U-P (0x0840/0x0098): not
listed, i.e. unknown - Jou Jye Venus DS3 (0x152d/0x2336): supported -
WD Elements 1TB (0x1058/0x1001): supported
4/5 supported and 1/5 unknown according to their list. Not bad.
Lucky you! One of my 2.5" enclosures is unknown (Moai M110E chip) and the
other is apparently "impossible" (Alcor AU6390). I've looked at the data
sheets for both, and there's no mention of any ATA passthrough.
You'll probably get more info on your unknown enclosure if you look at
what chip it uses.
The problem here is that you basically need a new implementation for
each chipset. Takes time and is annoying. Hopefully vendors will move to
the now-defined passthrough standard soon.
Yes, indeed. Though I've looked at the code for the Cypress chips, and
it's extremely straightforward. So *if* you can get the necessary docs,
it should be very easy to add support for other enclosures that support