See below. You should have a pretty good idea of how it works by now.
First a small fix for the original function...
Function GetUnitCost(ProdCode)
Const DB_NAME As String = "qcpProg.mdb"
Const SYSDB_NAME As String = "qcpSystem.mdw"
Const DB_PW As String = "myPassword"
Dim retVal As Variant ' ##change here##
Dim conn As Object
Dim rst As Object
Dim sql As String
Dim parentPath As String
Dim dbPath As String, sysdbPath As String
On Error GoTo haveError
parentPath = Left(ThisWorkbook.Path, _
InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Path, "\"))
dbPath = parentPath & DB_NAME
sysdbPath = parentPath & SYSDB_NAME
retVal = "NoProdCodeSupplied"
If Len(ProdCode) > 0 Then
sql = "select UnitCost from tProduct where " & _
" ProductCode = '" & ProdCode & "'"
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
dbPath & ";Jet OLEDB:System Database=" & _
sysdbPath & ";User ID=michele;" & _
"Password=" & DB_PW & ";"
Set rst = conn.Execute(sql)
If Not rst.EOF Then
retVal = CDbl(rst.Fields(0).Value) ' ##change here##
retVal = "UnknownProdCode!"
End If
End If
GetUnitCost = retVal
Exit Function
GetUnitCost = Err.Description
End Function
A new version for your referrer query...
Function GetClientReferrer(FName, LName)
Const DB_NAME As String = "qcpProg.mdb"
Const SYSDB_NAME As String = "qcpSystem.mdw"
Const DB_PW As String = "myPassword"
Dim retVal As string
Dim conn As Object
Dim rst As Object
Dim sql As String
Dim parentPath As String
Dim dbPath As String, sysdbPath As String
On Error GoTo haveError
parentPath = Left(ThisWorkbook.Path, _
InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Path, "\"))
dbPath = parentPath & DB_NAME
sysdbPath = parentPath & SYSDB_NAME
retVal = "First & Last names required!"
If Len(FName) > 0 and Len(LName) > 0 Then
sql = "select Referrer from tClient where " & _
" FName = '" & FName & "' and " & _
" LName = '" & LName & "'"
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
dbPath & ";Jet OLEDB:System Database=" & _
sysdbPath & ";User ID=michele;" & _
"Password=" & DB_PW & ";"
Set rst = conn.Execute(sql)
If Not rst.EOF Then
retVal = rst.Fields(0).Value
retVal = "Unknown Client!"
End If
End If
GetClientReferrer = retVal
Exit Function
GetClientReferrer = Err.Description
End Function
mjones said:
Naturally, I thought to format the cell directly in the spreadsheet,
i.e. Format > Cells > Number with 2 decimal places, but it just ignors
the format. The values shown look like 15.2263 where some have 2
decimal places, others 3, etc.
Tim, your code is great and I've found another good use for it except
this time, I've getting a few duplicates in the ProductCode field. A
tie breaker is needed. Can I adjust he code to say select Referrer
from tClient where LName and FnameF. In other words, could I say in
the cell =GetUnitCost(A1) except have two values like (A1,A2)?
Thanks again!!