General Election

PETE5555 said:
Can you imagine what this is like now the price has gone up even more, yet they don’t put a penny of tax on aviation fuel!


Well thats is becuase if they did there would be a massive increase in the ammount paid for a ticket and properbly a lot more people will complain if that happened :thumb:
Well election day is minutes away, so i will go for one last rant!

All i hear from Labour is 'oh you must vote for us or you will let the other lot in'. For example what’s there health policy? What’s their council tax policy? What’s their pensions policy? What’s there policy on nuclear power? - I can tell you what it is for the last three - NOTHING!
Its a case of trust us until after the election. Sounds to me like it’s a good way of getting around unpopular decisions.

At least the Conservatives and the Lib Dems have clearly laid out policies! Unlike Labour. All we get form Blair is ' don’t let the other lot in'.

You can tell Blair’s arithmetic is bad; his last poster was complete rubbish 'If one in ten Labour voters doesn’t vote the other lot get in'. In reality if this happened, Blair would only loose 17 seats. To get anywhere close to loosing by those numbers all the Labour supporters who don’t vote would ALL have to live in the marginal constituencies.

What has Blairism done for us?
Labour has invested bucket loads of cash into public services but we have seen little improvement considering how much we have spent.


In education results have hardly improved, yet every 7 minutes a teacher is attacked, 1 in 5 start secondary school unable to read or write properly, graduate now face over £20 000 worth of debt despite Blairs two manifesto promises not to bring in top up fees.

In health we now have more 'middle managers/pen pushers' than we have qualified doctors costing us to the tune of £16Billion, and they are continuing to be employed at 3 times the rate of nurses. Over 5000 people died of MRSA last year, we have a target culture which creates masses of paperwork for doctors and makes it difficult for many to get a GPs appointments. Tony Blair promised that we would have enough NHS Dentists, we now have less.

Some crimes may be falling slowly but violent crime and gun crime are both up 10% last year. Police are bogged down with paperwork. For a policeman to stop a suspect he has to fill in a 40 question form. Burglars are being spared prison under home office guidelines. 1000s of crimes are being committed prisoners on early release. The electronic tagging system has been branded a failure with many breaking the orders, some up to 40 times before being stopped. There are not enough drug rehabilitation places.

Although we are told our economy is doing well, we lost over 1 million manufacturing jobs last year. Economists say :
While Brown has presided over a flourishing economy, courtesy of the Tories, he has also been quietly weakening it by piling a large regulatory burden on businesses, shifting resources from the public to the private sector, increasing the costs of pensions, and imposing a range of "stealth taxes".
According to the British Chamber of Commerce, for instance, the regulatory burden between 1998 and 2005 was equal to approximately £75 billion.
Business profits are low for this stage of the business cycle. Productivity is static too. So we can make three predictions: there are likely to be tax hikes, a pensions crisis and a fall in house prices early in the next government.


Tony Blair promised so much and has delivered little. We've been LET DOWN BY LABOUR.


To find out what the Conservatives would do differently click here
Conservative - Time for Action
Ooh, rant rant rant!

There's a fine line between expressing your views and trying to force your opinions on other people... please be careful, this is a friendly forum! :)
Is anyone watching the election coverage tonight?

I think we'll be watching it until about 2am, by then should have a good idea of how things stand :)
Sexy Bex said:
Is anyone watching the election coverage tonight?

I think we'll be watching it until about 2am, by then should have a good idea of how things stand :)

not me

ive got better things to do than watch a bunch of twits on the telly talking till 2am, this election stuff the sooner its over the better had enough of it

yes thats rite everyone im gona SLEEEEEEEEEEEP!

Ha ha! This will probably be a first and a last seeing as it's our first election ;)
psd99 said:
not me

ive got better things to do than watch a bunch of twits on the telly talking till 2am, this election stuff the sooner its over the better had enough of it

yes thats rite everyone im gona SLEEEEEEEEEEEP!


Snap! :D

All due respect Bex, but I seen too many of these things ;)

Although Jeremy Paxman can be quite good fun :)
Sexy Bex said:
Is anyone watching the election coverage tonight?

I think we'll be watching it until about 2am, by then should have a good idea of how things stand :)

Nice to hear someone young taking a real interest in this. I've seen many elections and even voted in some...and I'm actually quite interested in this one. I'll be listening on the radio. I just feel that sometime there's got to be a kick back against the two traditional parties (Labour and Tory) and the lib dems will get a bit more of a look in.

They won't but I can hope - not because i think they are great, but because they can't do any worse than the others and they might do better. there's not enough difference between any of the parties anyway, but i get the feeling the Lib dems will be a little more honest than others.

Someone posted a load of banner pics in support of the Tories earlier. I can't remember who and I can't be arsed to check, because that particular party had their chance and blew it bigtime, and Michael Howard's campaighn is more focused on negative messages about Labour than positive messages about themselves.

Labour? well i just don't trust Blair or the degree to which he's become infatuated with the Yanks and his status as hero over there. I don't reckon he did anything wrong about Iraq itself - i just think he has been dishonest about it to the people of his own country, and shown greater allegiance to the the US than the UK.

Lib Dems - I'm not sure, but I think it's time we let them put up or shut up.

Final note: This is a friendly forum and the views expressed about any political party should, i believe, be respected. However, if anyone slangs off anyone else because of their view...I reckon they should be banned.

BTW Ian...I heard about the Tory poster graffite but i hadn't seem 'em ...made me laugh! Cheers m8
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