|Excellent job, Garrett! I love the new way you have it organized. You
|must have busted your ASS doing this! Many, many thanks for you hard work.
A most excellent improvement. A really clean design and easy on the
eyes. I like the word "terms" instead of ware.
I really like the "inducted in" part. Which brings me to the suggestion
that some programs should be made permanent on the list. A program has
been included for 5 years (like Catfish). It should automatically be
included and accepted on any future Pricelessware list. Not saying that
it couldn't be removed if a better program comes along.
Once a program has been voted on for years it's status should change.
Instead of people having to prove it belongs on the Pricelessware list
(which basically is what is done by voting), they should have to prove
that it doesn't belong on the Pricelessware list. This of course should
only apply to the programs that have been on the list for years.
Or new categories could be added
Classic Pricelessware
Golden Pricelessware
Pricelessware Favorites
The length of time could be 3,5,7,10,15,20 years
Thanks for all your hard work Garrett.