Gamecube production halted!

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Steve Linberg said:
This drives the price up. So I read on Penny Arcade that Mario Golf is
a lot of fun and great for having friends over with and so on. And then
I see it at Media Play for $50. Are you kidding me? My wallet stays in
my pocket. $30, ok, I'd probably get it. $40, it better be Game of the
Year. $50? I'll wait a few years and scoop it up when it hits the
bargain bin, thanks.

It's funny. I didn't even touch on the prices of games when I originally
posted. It is one of the reasons that I went with the PS2. I could get games
(Greatest Hits) for $20. Other games (typical) ranged from $30-40. There are
some that go beyond that, though.

I think much the same way. $20, if I'm somewhat interested, I'll probably
get it. $30, it had better be a good game. At $40, it had better be a game
I've been waiting for with incredible anticipation for quite some time. I
won't buy above $40. I'll just wait a few weeks until it comes down.

MS has nothing to compare with in it's history. it is it's first
Its losing money. Anybody but micro$oft would have gone broke with this.
This is like like the .com fever ... when it was more important to have
hype, style, and cool products than it was to have boring things like
profit... or even revenue.

Microsoft is "doing decently well" because businesses so tied to
microsoft they're in a situation where they buy thousands of "Client
Access Licnenses" so that the software they bought for one computer can
legally talk to the software they bought for another computer. And they
can't get out of it because switching vendors is even more expensive.

I think those who've brought up MS losing money on the XBox make an
excellent point. They can't just keep losing money on it forever and still
please their investors.

I was mainly thinking 'perception-wise' in terms of Sony being on top with
Xbox in second place and GameCube in third.
More hype. The company is profitable. Period. In 'the real world' that's
all that matters.

I think they are profitable because of their GameBoy business. It seems
(from the articles which I've read including statements from higher-ups at
Nintendo (I don't have any links handy)) that the GameCube is thought of as
a bit of a blunder on their part. They seem to be saying things like, "How
do we not make the same mistake next time?" (which is good - it's a
realization that they have goofed this one up a bit.)
From 90%+ with the NES they really only had one direction to go. Sure
Sony has won this round, everybody agrees, but all three are poised for
the next round. Its far too early to call a winner for the next round.
Maybe it'll be Microsoft... maybe its their turn in the sun... but
consoles aren't like operating systems or office suites, they get
replaced wholesale every few years and the next round after that is
anybody's grab.

While the 'once on top' statement does have merit, I still think that there
is something to being associated with creating losing products. The NES was
when they were on top (forgetting GameBoy for a moment). With the SNES, N64,
and GameCube, they've seemingly screwed it up just a bit more each time.

I think Atari is a good example of this. They had their huge success with
the 2600. The 5200 was a dog, sales-wise, and the 7800 was even worse. They
then try to re-enter and bring out the Jaguar in the mid-90s. I think the
people associate Atari with failed machines and thus stayed away from the
Jaguar. They'd more likely go with a Nintendo or Sega over it because of
Atari's past failures. It's no fun owning the machine that was left behind.
People see that and avoid buying a machine that they will feel left behind
And again profitability rears its ugly head. We all know Nintendo was
making more per title than MS. So even if MS outsold 2 titles to 1 its
possible Nintendo walked away with more cash from it.

Sooner or later MS is going to want to run XBOX like a business, with
profitability expectations. When that happens it will be a much more
interesting environment.

I think you (and others) have made excellent points in regards to MS and
their sales and profitability (well, with regards to their video game

Have a great week!

Phil said:
Gene Poole <[email protected]> wrote in message

You are wrong, latest numbers have Xbox up on GC by 4 million units.
Even if you spot it the 800k is this announcemnet from Nitendo thats
still 3.2 million more Xboxes sole than GCs. Of course the PS2 has
sold 40 million more than the Xbox so it's satying #1 in sales.

Will you stop already with this erroneous EGM quote.
Shadow said:
Microsoft themselves in their quarterly report stated under no uncertain terms
that they sold 9.4 million units as of June 30th of this year, 2003. Now shut
the **** up about EGM, you moron.

Which qtr? Gotta link? Because I'd like to see it. I remember reading
something to that affect in March but that would be Q1 wouldn't it.
El Guapo said:
How many times do we have to point out to you that EGM was wrong? Did you
recently take a hit to the head? Have you been chewing on lead paint chips?
I mean, come on!

According to Sony they were right about the PS2 numbers :-)
Phil said:
According to Sony they were right about the PS2 numbers :-)

faulty reasoning, and also prolly specious. since they were correct on
one set of numbers they must therefore be correct on all others? it
doesn't follow.

Gene Poole

There's too many sharks in the gene pool
Too many screw-ups washing on shore
Too many sharks in the gene pool
Too many preventable accidents among us
Gene Poole wrote
faulty reasoning, and also prolly specious. since they were correct on
one set of numbers they must therefore be correct on all others? it
doesn't follow.

Is it true the Gamecube keeps tigers away? I haven't seen any tigers
since I bought it.
Phil said:
"Shadow" <[email protected]> wrote in message

Which qtr? Gotta link? Because I'd like to see it. I remember reading
something to that affect in March but that would be Q1 wouldn't it.

Not per quarter, all units sold worldwide up to June 30th, 2003 from the time of
launch. It was in their Q4 report released last month. If you could stop
masturbating to EGM's articles long enough, you might've seen it.

Sixth paragraph down. Note the part where it says, and I quote:

"Since the launch of Xbox in 2001, Microsoft has sold over 9.4 million Xbox
consoles worldwide"

Now please, gather up what's left of your self-respect and stop quoting EGM like
it's your ****ing Bible.