Full Screen

  • Thread starter Thread starter RScotti
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I see what you mean. HOW Do I get the original tool bar back? I don't like this one?
The original one had a long address bar this one is very short. It also does Auto Hide on my task
bar for my other folders that are open even though I have Auto hide not checked..

Hi Scotti!
You can do that - but if the toolbar stays the next Explorer you open will
show it again.

If you want to see "real Fullscreen" you can hide the toolbar (autohide) and
close the Explorer. Than the next Explorer you open will come up in real

(I told you about it because I wondered why this toolbar still was visible
inspide of me pressing the F11 key. If yours is already in autohide mode
everything is OK :o)



Have a good day!
Rich Scotti
I also lost my Auto Fill on my Goggle toolbar and don't know how to get it back.
Please tell me how to get the original IE Toolbar back?

Hi Scotti!
You can do that - but if the toolbar stays the next Explorer you open will
show it again.

If you want to see "real Fullscreen" you can hide the toolbar (autohide) and
close the Explorer. Than the next Explorer you open will come up in real

(I told you about it because I wondered why this toolbar still was visible
inspide of me pressing the F11 key. If yours is already in autohide mode
everything is OK :o)



Have a good day!
Rich Scotti
Hi Ralf,
I had to do a System Restore to get back my old Tool Bar the one you get with F11 SUCKS!
I can see why you would want to hide it.
I like the Toolbars and the TaskBars Autohide is inconvenient cause you have to play around with
your mouse to get it back. I like it there all the time.

Hi Scotti!
You can do that - but if the toolbar stays the next Explorer you open will
show it again.

If you want to see "real Fullscreen" you can hide the toolbar (autohide) and
close the Explorer. Than the next Explorer you open will come up in real

(I told you about it because I wondered why this toolbar still was visible
inspide of me pressing the F11 key. If yours is already in autohide mode
everything is OK :o)



Have a good day!
Rich Scotti
Hi Again Ralf,
Is that Toolbar the one you get when you hit F11 going to come with IE7?

Hi Scotti!
You can do that - but if the toolbar stays the next Explorer you open will
show it again.

If you want to see "real Fullscreen" you can hide the toolbar (autohide) and
close the Explorer. Than the next Explorer you open will come up in real

(I told you about it because I wondered why this toolbar still was visible
inspide of me pressing the F11 key. If yours is already in autohide mode
everything is OK :o)



Have a good day!
Rich Scotti
Hi Scotti!
F11 toggles between the "normal"mode with all your toolbars and "Fullscreen"
with a minimal toolbar (if "Autohide" is "off"). So if you press F11 again
the old state should be restored - with all your preferred toolbars.

In "Fullscreen" mode it is possible that a minimal toolbar stays. If you
need it - let as it is - if you like to see the "real" full screen than you
have the possibility to switch between the "Autohide" mode "on" and "off".
This has nothing to do with your toolbars you can use and see if you are not
in "Fullscreen" mode. So: if you want to have all nice features of IE: don't
use it in "Fullscreen" and if you like to see something in "Fullscreen" have
fun but without the other toolbars. They would disturb the full view anyway.

(I hope I understood you well.)

Much luck!

Hi Ralf,
What I am saying is that the toolbar I got with F11 was different. It had a short address bar mine
is almost the length of the screen and easy to edit. It also "compressed" my other toolbars Goggle
and BOA. I didn't try F11 again to see if comes back.

Is that toolbar going to be used in IE7? I really don't like it.

Hi Scotti!
F11 toggles between the "normal"mode with all your toolbars and "Fullscreen"
with a minimal toolbar (if "Autohide" is "off"). So if you press F11 again
the old state should be restored - with all your preferred toolbars.

In "Fullscreen" mode it is possible that a minimal toolbar stays. If you
need it - let as it is - if you like to see the "real" full screen than you
have the possibility to switch between the "Autohide" mode "on" and "off".
This has nothing to do with your toolbars you can use and see if you are not
in "Fullscreen" mode. So: if you want to have all nice features of IE: don't
use it in "Fullscreen" and if you like to see something in "Fullscreen" have
fun but without the other toolbars. They would disturb the full view anyway.

(I hope I understood you well.)

Much luck!


Have a good day!
Rich Scotti
Hi Scotti!

F11 maximizes the view area of IE so it minimizes the toolbars. You can even
hide the little toolbar totaly.

If you like the normal view - press F11 again and that's it :o)

I don't know to much about IE7, so I don't know how it looks like.

Have fun

Thanks Ralf,

I didn't realize my original toolbar would come back. Should have given it a chance!

Hi Scotti!

F11 maximizes the view area of IE so it minimizes the toolbars. You can even
hide the little toolbar totaly.

If you like the normal view - press F11 again and that's it :o)

I don't know to much about IE7, so I don't know how it looks like.

Have fun


Have a good day!
Rich Scotti