Rob Giordano \(Crash\)
holy cow...DW is *only* a 59meg download
| | > I want to takes a class in either dreamweaver or frontpage. WHich is the
| best
| > for me. (A beginner)
| >
| > Gary
| If it's anything like the class I took (just to see what they taught at my
| local college)
| They will teach you bad habits...
| Your better getting a trial .. trying them out, if it depends on your
| then FP is the one for you. If you really don't have much money get an
| version 2002 at ebay.
| Join Forums and lists and haunt the newsgroup ...
| http://accessfp.net/fplists.htm
| Use the Help in FrontPage
| Get books from the library
| just ask for help.
| Tina
| --
| http://accessfp.net/ - FrontPage Tutorials
| http://anyfrontpage.com/ - http://frontpage-ebooks.com/
| http://addonfp.com/ - FrontPage Addons
| http://frontpage-tips.com/ - Weekly FrontPage Tips
| http://msmvps.com/blogs/frontpage/ - FrontPage News Blog
| http://frontpage-blog.com/ - FrontPage Blog
| http://clarke-abstract-art.com/ - Original Abstract Pen and Ink Drawings
| | > I want to takes a class in either dreamweaver or frontpage. WHich is the
| best
| > for me. (A beginner)
| >
| > Gary
| If it's anything like the class I took (just to see what they taught at my
| local college)
| They will teach you bad habits...
| Your better getting a trial .. trying them out, if it depends on your
| then FP is the one for you. If you really don't have much money get an
| version 2002 at ebay.
| Join Forums and lists and haunt the newsgroup ...
| http://accessfp.net/fplists.htm
| Use the Help in FrontPage
| Get books from the library
| just ask for help.
| Tina
| --
| http://accessfp.net/ - FrontPage Tutorials
| http://anyfrontpage.com/ - http://frontpage-ebooks.com/
| http://addonfp.com/ - FrontPage Addons
| http://frontpage-tips.com/ - Weekly FrontPage Tips
| http://msmvps.com/blogs/frontpage/ - FrontPage News Blog
| http://frontpage-blog.com/ - FrontPage Blog
| http://clarke-abstract-art.com/ - Original Abstract Pen and Ink Drawings