Tina Clarke
Thanks - that's encouraging. I have just downloaded SPD - soent all
afternoon in Pret on The Cloud (for free!!). Have to try importing my
FP site into it. But I'm wondering how to retain the FP theme? It uses
style sheets, and a bunch of graphics (for the background and bullet
points). And I'm wondering how the page and graphics links will remain
connected. But I don't have shared boarders thankfully. CJB.
Don't import
open fp
backup your site
then open expression web or sharepoint designer 2007 and browse to the
location of your web .... select it and open it ..
it really is that simple... that way you have all you should have no half
measure like with inporting which can and will miss things.
make sure you set up sharepoint designer 2007 or expression web .. with sp07
choose the ew 1 ebook
Setting up Expression Web Ebook ( Free )
if you want some free well coded validating templates to play with (spd 07
does not have any - and the ew one's leave something to be desired) then pop
along to http://www.frontpage-to-expression.com/site-templates/ where there
are 17 different layouts which will can be made available from within the
prog itself.. they are dwts with basic pages and there are tutorials to help
even if you dont use them its good to practice with.
This tutorial will help you with further aspects.
If you want to keep your theme then you will have to save the style sheet
and the graphics and put it together as a template to be turned into a
Free Expression Web Dynamic Web Templates Ebook
actually sounds like a good idea for a tutorial ... but not sure I want to
encourage people to use a look everyone has ... perhaps it could be based on
custom designed theme!.. have to think about that one
anyways .. thats your best way forward.. .shout if you need any help
Expression Web Tips Ebooks
Launch price $7 - 26 EW Tips each. Bundle $13 vol l & ll