Freeware Logo: We have a Winner...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vegard Krog Petersen
  • Start date Start date
I dunno, wings are used all over the world for different things.
Airline pilots have wings, many countried have wings in their seals to
denote freedom (the USA for example). I don't recall any documentation
that specifically awards the wing symbol to bikers exclusively.

Not a logo, a banner. Big difference!

Just my 2 pennies!
seabat said:
I don't recall any documentation
that specifically awards the wing symbol to bikers exclusively.

Bikers have taken all of their signs from the military, especially the
german military, to get respect.

They do not know the difference between respect and fear, so they use the
most frightening symbols they know about. Nazi military signs, german
shepherd dogs, the swastika, etc..
Vegard said:
Roger Johansson wrote:

It was not an Pricelessware vote. It was a vote upon my initiative.
Should that have been forbidden? And I don't think anyone is "appointed"

Agree. Anyone can call for a vote in ACF.

73 votes is a big "voter turnout" for ACF.
73 votes and a long discussion thread. Please Susan: what's the normal
amount of people voting for a program on the Pricelessware list?

79 voters for PL2005. see: and
100 voters for PL2004 (we don't have counts for earlier years - I think
there were about 75 voters for PL2003).

On 21 Dec 2004 12:23:51 GMT, Roger Johansson wrote...
But you are right about the number of voters, I guess, 73 is a big number
of participators.

The one thing that none of us will ever know for sure is exactly how many
people read this group either regularly or infrequently. 73 is a big
number in a group of a hundred or so, but is less impressive if there are
millions of readers.
Paul said:
On 21 Dec 2004 12:23:51 GMT, Roger Johansson wrote...

The one thing that none of us will ever know for sure is exactly how many
people read this group either regularly or infrequently. 73 is a big
number in a group of a hundred or so, but is less impressive if there are
millions of readers.

erm. . . there's info about that here:

MSR Netscan - Usenet Social Accounting Search Engine
alt.comp.freeware report card

That's not the whole story these days - as some web sites are displaying
the ACF newsgroup as a forum.

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 12:54:38 -0500, Susan Bugher wrote...
erm. . . there's info about that here:

Erm........ that relates to posts doesn't it? I'm referring to the number
of people actually reading this group which is surely incalculable.
Susan Bugher said:
erm. . . there's info about that here:

MSR Netscan - Usenet Social Accounting Search Engine
alt.comp.freeware report card

That's not the whole story these days - as some web sites are displaying
the ACF newsgroup as a forum.


That's a very useful site which could be included on the site information
posts. I was amused to find a "rival" newsgroup, alt.freeware, which had a
600% increase in the number of posts (up from one to seven!) and a 200%
increase in people (up from one to three!). Well, I suppose they have to
start somewhere.


Frank Bohan
¶ When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.
Paul said:
Erm........ that relates to posts doesn't it? I'm referring to the number
of people actually reading this group which is surely incalculable.

Sorry. I read your post too hastily. You are correct - the web page
shows an estimate of the number of people who posted to ACF. (The
numbers are approximate since some people post under more than one name.)

re incalculable: A statistical survey could probably come up with a
pretty good estimate of the number of people who actually read ACF - I
don't know of a link to such a survey (or if one has ever been done).


a little bit off-topic perhaps, but I want to let you know that I am one of
the (million) "passive" readers of acf. About eight weeks ago I discovered
acf and since then I read the posts daily. Keep it up!

Ferry (snorre) from Raalte Holland.
Susan said:
I suggest you see if the people in *ACFG* would like to mention the
Freeware logo on the *ACFG* web pages at
I think you have a certain amount of influence over there. . .

I do? Oh, that guy made that page! I'll break both his legs if he
doesn't do what I tell him! ;-)
Yes you are. ;) I dunno about an entire *ACF* web page for the logo
but. . .

Well, can't blame a guy for trying! :-)

Seriously, Susan: There has been no feedback on the possible inclusion
of the freeware logo on the pricelessware pages. You know, you could
just use the image whereever you see fit I you want to. What about the
acf information page? The most important think is that the image is
being used and people learning what it represents.

Regards from Vegard
Is there going to be vote or is it a pick one and put it on our web
sites? I like most of them myself. Good job!


Having reread my post (and not wanting to sound like I'm taking credit
for someone elses work) I should add that I did not make 2003.gif,
2003button.gif, or 2004.gif. I did add the animation to

The other buttons I did make. Also, I just realized
pricelesswarebutton.png doesn't show with the htm viewer. oops.
It looks like this
and was made using this web resource:
Vegard said:
I do? Oh, that guy made that page! I'll break both his legs if he
doesn't do what I tell him! ;-)

After you "reason" with him ;) let me know what needs to be changed on
the ACFG pages.

I revised the acf Members page to point to the directory with the new
(and old) Pricelessware buttons. While I was doing that I added a link
to the Freeware logo site (I used one of the smaller Freeware images for
the link). see:

That's a very useful site which could be included on the site information

ISTM the acf info posts should be short - only *essential* info. FWIW -
that site *is* listed on the Links page.

I was amused to find a "rival" newsgroup, alt.freeware, which had a
600% increase in the number of posts (up from one to seven!) and a 200%
increase in people (up from one to three!). Well, I suppose they have to
start somewhere.

With numbers like that it's hard to go anywhere but up. :)
