Freeware Logo: We have a Winner...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vegard Krog Petersen
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Vegard Krog Petersen

The Freeware Logo Contest & Vote in alt.comp.freeware between December
4th. and December 19th. 2004 is now over.

Big thanks to all who voted and all the creators of possible freeware

And the winner (a landslide victory) is:
Image no. 15 - "Wings of freeware" by Ronald Sandee with 41 of 73 votes.

The image and recommandations for its use can be seen on this URL:

Ronald Sandee has made several sets of the freeware logo image with
differents sizes and backgrounds etc.

Now, can anybody give me the brilliant strategic plan to get the logo
used on many, many websites and programs? I can't e-mail every single
freeware author :-) :-)

Note that the freeware logo is not an a.c.f. logo.

What is this 'Freeware Logo'? :
The goal is to make the The Freeware Logo a universally recognizable
symbol for freeware programs and websites.
The Freeware Logo Contest & Vote in alt.comp.freeware between December
4th. and December 19th. 2004 is now over.

Big thanks to all who voted and all the creators of possible freeware

And the winner (a landslide victory) is:
Image no. 15 - "Wings of freeware" by Ronald Sandee with 41 of 73 votes.

The image and recommandations for its use can be seen on this URL:

Ronald Sandee has made several sets of the freeware logo image with
differents sizes and backgrounds etc.

Now, can anybody give me the brilliant strategic plan to get the logo
used on many, many websites and programs? I can't e-mail every single
freeware author :-) :-)

Note that the freeware logo is not an a.c.f. logo.

Everyone can put one on their web site to start.
BTW Is Pricelessware coming out with a new banner soon? (88 x 30)
Vegard said:
And the winner (a landslide victory) is:
Image no. 15 - "Wings of freeware" by Ronald Sandee with 41 of 73 votes.

Thanks for organizing this Vegard and congratulations to Ronald. Will we
be voting on our favorite freeware image once a year now? ;)
The image and recommandations for its use can be seen on this URL:

Ronald Sandee has made several sets of the freeware logo image with
differents sizes and backgrounds etc.

Now, can anybody give me the brilliant strategic plan to get the logo
used on many, many websites and programs? I can't e-mail every single
freeware author :-) :-)

under the heading of every little bit helps. . .

Maybe we could have the image and a link to:

on the acf Members page:

and label it: "freeware symbol"

Comments from the group please. Should I add something along those lines
to the Members page? or some other web page?

Vegard Krog Petersen said:
The Freeware Logo Contest & Vote in alt.comp.freeware between December
4th. and December 19th. 2004 is now over.

Big thanks to all who voted and all the creators of possible freeware

And the winner (a landslide victory) is:
Image no. 15 - "Wings of freeware" by Ronald Sandee with 41 of 73 votes.

I'm just curious, is that a circle crossing out the number "1"? What does
that mean?


Why, just to keep them *pondering*, of course.

Actually, the *wings* design is quite similar to one that bikers have been
using for years, in various forms.
I'm just curious, is that a circle crossing out the number "1"? What does
that mean?

Quite likely a symbolic (coin) monetary unit, or simply put, "no payment
involved, or required".

In other words, a "Bill Gate$ FREE Zone"! ;-)
Quite likely a symbolic (coin) monetary unit, or simply put, "no
payment involved, or required".

In other words, a "Bill Gate$ FREE Zone"! ;-)

What does the chairman of the company who developed the OS you are
using have to do with it ?
Susan said:
Thanks for organizing this Vegard and congratulations to Ronald. Will we
be voting on our favorite freeware image once a year now? ;)

Thanks, Susan!
And I'm so glad I know you're kidding about the yearly vote :-)
under the heading of every little bit helps. . .
Maybe we could have the image and a link to:
on the acf Members page:
and label it: "freeware symbol"
Comments from the group please. Should I add something along those lines
to the Members page? or some other web page?

A little page of it's own, perhaps, kind and sweet Susan
(I'm shameless!) :-)

Regards from Vegard
Rod said:
What does the chairman of the company who developed the OS you are
using have to do with it ?

Ah, but you mean the OS that you -think- I am using. ;-)
First off all I like to thank all those people who voted for the logo I
created. In the past two weeks Vegard Krog Petersen and me have tried, in
close confer, to create a final logo, that would be acceptable and suitable
for use. The hours I saved searching the web, thanks to those who are
willing to exchange their findings in acf, and those who set there programs
available and free for use, so I could improve my system corresponding my
personal wishes, I'm happy I can do something in return. It was a pleasure
working on it.

A question that reached me this morning by email regarding how to use the
logos and banners I can mention that all logos, banners and icons are free
for use as writte down by Vegard.
I do not object using the banner as a logo in the way it was proposed.

Thanks again,

groet ... ronald sandee.
WhItE RaBBiT said:
Actually, the *wings* design is quite similar to one that bikers have
been using for years, in various forms.

This vote was never organized in a regular way.

It was never discussed if we should organize such a vote.
It was not handled by the person we have appointed to organize votings.

The alternatives were not listed with url's to pictures. Only the people
who happened to find the pictures by themselves could see what they
looked like.

The "wings" alternative which got a lot of votes is very ugly and looks
like a fake police badge.

Only a small part of the participators in acf ever got involved in this
issue, probably because most people here were not interested in this
irregular procedure or a freeware/biker logo.

We already have a logo, the Pricelessware word and the buttons with that
First off all I like to thank all those people who voted for the logo I
created. In the past two weeks Vegard Krog Petersen and me have tried, in
close confer, to create a final logo, that would be acceptable and suitable
for use. Thanks to those who are willing to exchange their findings in acf,
and those who set their programs available and free for use, I could improve
my system corresponding my personal wishes, and saved hours searching the
web, so I'm happy I can do something in return. It was a pleasure working on

A question that reached me this morning by email regarding how to use the
logos and banners I can mention that all logos, banners and icons are free
for use as writte down by Vegard.
I do not object using the banner as a logo in the way it was proposed.

Thanks again,

groet ... ronald sandee.
Roger said:
This vote was never organized in a regular way.

Hi, Roger. It may not come as a surprise that I disagree with you :-)
Please specify 'regular way'?
It was done in the same way as the yearly Pricelessware voting.
It was never discussed if we should organize such a vote.

There has been several long threads about the possibility of a freeware
logo (all started by me). How could there be anything other than a vote?
I could not choose an image myself... :-)
It was not handled by the person we have appointed to organize votings.

It was not an Pricelessware vote. It was a vote upon my initiative.
Should that have been forbidden? And I don't think anyone is "appointed"
(Sorry Susan! :-) )
The alternatives were not listed with url's to pictures.

They were! Where have you been during the vote? :-)
All the images were available on the same URL as the winner is presented
on now - see the old page here:

Ronald Sandee has made several variations of the image - it is not that
you are referring to? They share the same basics: wings, slashed coin,
ball/globe - and are similar enough not to be confusing.
Only the people who happened to find the pictures by themselves
could see what they looked like.

Not correct. See above.
The "wings" alternative which got a lot of votes is very ugly and looks
like a fake police badge.

That's a personal opinion you of course are entitled to... :-)
Only a small part of the participators in acf ever got involved in this

73 votes and a long discussion thread. Please Susan: what's the normal
amount of people voting for a program on the Pricelessware list?
probably because most people here were not interested in this
irregular procedure or a freeware/biker logo.

Not irregular (in my opinion) and no biker logo...
We already have a logo, the Pricelessware word and the buttons with that

What logo? Do you mean the Pricelessware one? This was never about that
- this was trying to get a freeware logo or symbol, not an a.c.f. logo
or Pricelessware logo.

BTW: In my opinion the a.c.f. logo is still contestant no. 13 by La
Bete. It just disappeared from people's sight and mind in 2003 when John
Corliss removed his a.c.f f.a.q.

Regards from Vegard
That's a personal opinion you of course are entitled to... :-)

Only seconds after posting that message I glanced at the tv, and saw a
german uniform from WWII which had a very similar "logo". Except for the
word freeware it was practically identical to this wings logo. It is a
typical military sign, similar designs are used by many countries air
forces, and police forces.

But you are right about the number of voters, I guess, 73 is a big number
of participators. Not much I can do about that.