Vegard Krog Petersen
The Freeware Logo Contest & Vote in alt.comp.freeware between December
4th. and December 19th. 2004 is now over.
Big thanks to all who voted and all the creators of possible freeware
And the winner (a landslide victory) is:
Image no. 15 - "Wings of freeware" by Ronald Sandee with 41 of 73 votes.
The image and recommandations for its use can be seen on this URL:
Ronald Sandee has made several sets of the freeware logo image with
differents sizes and backgrounds etc.
Now, can anybody give me the brilliant strategic plan to get the logo
used on many, many websites and programs? I can't e-mail every single
freeware author

Note that the freeware logo is not an a.c.f. logo.
What is this 'Freeware Logo'? :
The goal is to make the The Freeware Logo a universally recognizable
symbol for freeware programs and websites.
4th. and December 19th. 2004 is now over.
Big thanks to all who voted and all the creators of possible freeware
And the winner (a landslide victory) is:
Image no. 15 - "Wings of freeware" by Ronald Sandee with 41 of 73 votes.
The image and recommandations for its use can be seen on this URL:
Ronald Sandee has made several sets of the freeware logo image with
differents sizes and backgrounds etc.
Now, can anybody give me the brilliant strategic plan to get the logo
used on many, many websites and programs? I can't e-mail every single
freeware author

Note that the freeware logo is not an a.c.f. logo.
What is this 'Freeware Logo'? :
The goal is to make the The Freeware Logo a universally recognizable
symbol for freeware programs and websites.