Freeware Logo - last chance to suggest images

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vegard Krog Petersen
  • Start date Start date
I try all the time, and it's very stressful. There was a support group
on the internet I once found, some embarrassing name like
"clutter-bunnies" or some such, which I was going to join... But I'd
saved such a big old stack of their help documents, that it became too
hard to dig through all that to find their subscription address.

Well, there is alt.recovery.clutter.
Rod said:
Well, there is alt.recovery.clutter.

That's a possibility. I've been looking for an opportunity to brag
about my accomplishment this last year to have finally deleted 90%
of my win16 programs. (Tearful goodbyes.) Of course, over there,
they might not appreciate the details of stories like that. :)
Do you ever throw away anything ? :)
And to stay pure, what currency are those coins in that gif anyway ? :)

*Every* currency. Designed that way. Does't matter what your local
currency is, the program is *free*.
Rod said:
Do you ever throw away anything ? :)
And to stay pure, what currency are those coins in that gif anyway ? :)
BTW, the most global currency I know is:
Looks very much like the Aussie currency used to. We no longer have the
copperish one and two cent coins and the 50 cent is now hexagonal. We
also now have gold coloured $1 and $2 coins. The queen's head on the
coins means they must be commonwealth anyway.

When people collect butterflies they pin them down. Most freeware
being mentioned here is for Microsoft OS hence - Microsoft Butterfly
Collection etc.

Except if you blow that picture up to a size where you can see it, they
ain't pins through the butterfly, they're screws .... BIG screws.

No, thanks.


- We often don't appreciate what we have until we lose it. Don't wait for
that to happen.
CPA said:
When people collect butterflies they pin them down. Most freeware
being mentioned here is for Microsoft OS hence - Microsoft Butterfly
Collection etc.


Thanks for the explanation. I don't judge, you all do later in the
voting thread. Image will be available for all to vote.

Regards from vegard
Except if you blow that picture up to a size where you can see it, they
ain't pins through the butterfly, they're screws .... BIG screws.

No, thanks.

What do you expect for free? The word "Freeware" in different colored
text? ;-)

No, Charles, not at all - but the fact of it being free doesn't prevent me
from rejecting something I don't like, or that is, in my view, wrong.

Seeing as you mention colour, the logo (screwed papillons or whatever it
may end up being) needs to be in a colour (or colours) that also render
well in monochrome.

Even in this day and age not everyone worldwide (and - face it - this is a
worldwide newsgroup) can afford - or even needs/wants - a colour printer.


- Love is free. The results aren't.