Freeware Logo - last chance to suggest images

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vegard Krog Petersen
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Vegard Krog Petersen

I'm planning to start a voting thread on Saturday with the images
already suggested.

So to all people in acf with artistic "bones" - hurry up and start
creating.... :-)

As of today I have registered images suggested by SOS, Clive Savage,
CHarneyCHRIS, Mark Carson and Crispy Sea.
The Freeware Logo: What is this about?
Just trying to get the acf group to agree on a freeware symbol or logo.
My intention was that it could be used on freeware sites and in freeware
programs. A "universally" recognizable logo or symbol for freeware. We
could use this logo in programs, games and in websites.
Vegard said:
I'm planning to start a voting thread on Saturday with the images
already suggested.

So to all people in acf with artistic "bones" - hurry up and start
creating.... :-)

I remember early on in this conversation someone mentioned using the $
sign. As noted though, that no all nations recognize this. I agree
that it shouldn't be used, but for different reasons.

But in a similar idea, what if a coin was used? Doesn't matter what
country the coin is from because I think anyone would recognize a coin
from any country as being just that, a coin. So a coin with the
internationally recognized red circled X over the coin might be a nice
idea (keyword being "might") :-)

I remember early on in this conversation someone mentioned using the $
sign. As noted though, that no all nations recognize this. I agree
that it shouldn't be used, but for different reasons.

But in a similar idea, what if a coin was used? Doesn't matter what
country the coin is from because I think anyone would recognize a coin
from any country as being just that, a coin. So a coin with the
internationally recognized red circled X over the coin might be a nice
idea (keyword being "might") :-)

Sounds like something briefly done several years ago.

A floppy disc covered with a few non-descript coins and then a red
circle with a slash to denote freeware.

Been a while, I can't remember if it was a logo proposed for freeware
or pricelessware. But I do remember it.
No Money (Dollar Sign with Circle & Slash) Software

Trying to make the logo Globally Correct is not a bad idea, but will the
Logo also be acceptable throughout the Galaxy? Probably not!

A marjority of folks that frequent this group recognize the Dollar Sign
& what it signifies, since you can't please all the people all the time,
then opt for something suitable for the majority.
Garrett said:
So a coin with the
internationally recognized red circled X over the coin might be a nice
idea (keyword being "might") :-)


Something like that have been suggested, and one image proposed.
Will be available for you (and others) to vote for when I start the vote

Dewey said:
Sounds like something briefly done several years ago.

A floppy disc covered with a few non-descript coins and then a red
circle with a slash to denote freeware.

Been a while, I can't remember if it was a logo proposed for freeware
or pricelessware. But I do remember it.

Searching, searching...

Could it be these threads?:
2000/03/12 - "We need a logo" -
2000/03/12 - "Logo submissions so far" -
2000/03/21 - "Should we vote now on logo?! -
2000/03/12 - "Our logo" -

Scanning very quickly and I come up with this:

1. Initiated by John Corliss as an image for the acf and ended up on
his F.A.Q site
2. Submissions were collected by 'granpaw', but a decent vote contest
never happened
3. A image by 'La Bete' "won"... (??)

*PING* 'oldtimers' : granpaw, John C, POKO, Boomer, Aguy
Show us the images, please !!! :-)

Anybody has the zipped copy of J.C. closed F.A.Q. ??

And this sounds very interesting:
Have e-mailed John a winner - hope he uses it. Not Granpaw, but an
illustration of how man has evolved into a freeware user.

Regards from Vegard
Rod said:
Do you ever throw away anything ? :)

I try all the time, and it's very stressful. There was a support group
on the internet I once found, some embarrassing name like "clutter-bunnies"
or some such, which I was going to join... But I'd saved such a big old
stack of their help documents, that it became too hard to dig through all
that to find their subscription address.
And to stay pure, what currency are those coins in that gif anyway ? :)
BTW, the most global currency I know is:

That one I like! =)
Vegard Krog Petersen said:
Thanks, Omega!

No prob! :)
I'm ashamed, as a Librarian I should have saved that FAQ for myself
before John C. removed it.... :-)

At first thought, I wasn't sure how he'd feel on the matter of redistribution.
But then judging by how he'd zipped it up for us at the time of taking down
his site, I decided all was well.

Thanks for downloading the F.A.Q.

John Corliss
May 8, 2002