Bjorn Simonsen
REM wrote in said:I tried this one, AntiVir, as Bjorn suggested and it found and removed
my contamination.
Good to hear said:The darned thing was back when I rebooted though.
This is the third clean reinstall of XP Pro. It appears that some of
my media is infected, but I still have not found the culprit disk yet.
Suggest next time you write down the name of the infection. This since
some of the major AV companies (and others) will often offer detailed
descriptions of how the particular infection works and spreads. This
can of course be helpful when trying to pinpoint how you got infected
in the first place, and what to do to prevent it from happening again.
Notice that different AV companies may use differen names for the same
infection (and some list the other names (alias/also known as), so do
a goggle on the name you've got from your av-client and learn more
about how it spreads.
If you can not find any web site with info, try search some the Usenet
AV/V groups via <http://groups.google.com/>. Enter advanced search,
choosing search term (virus name) and what language you want,
then type
(with the asterix character before/after) in the *newsgroup field*
....should give you hits from all groups with "virus" as part of their
name. (if you don't have a name for it, but a name of infected file,
try search same way on that)
If you continue to struggle with this one, I suggest asking for help
in any of the dedicated AV/V groups (search them first), say such as
<alt.comp.anti-virus> or <alt.comp.virus.>

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen