FP-Can I add a url icon to my website for a favorites list



Is it possible to add a url icon to my website for favorite lists like
ESPN/NFL/Yahoo, etc. They automatically add their icon when you save their
page in your favorites list.

Trevor L.

I decided to try this, but it doesn't work for me

I added favicon.ico to my root web

favicon.ico is 24*15

I also added
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://tandcl.homemail.com.au/favicon.ico">
to the <head> of http://tandcl.homemail.com.au/index.html

Trevor L.
Website: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au

David said:
As long as you make it the correct dimensions (32 by 32 pixels? check
with a Google search), any graphics program... including MS Paint,
should work... then something to convert it to ico format.

lots more info here:


a unique favicon:


I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Thomas A. Rowe

Try add the full URL for your site, see:


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WebMaster Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

David Baxter

Shouldn't be necessary. Mine is identified just by <link REL="SHORTCUT
ICON" HREF="favicon.ico"> but this means the favicon.ico must be in the
root of your website.

It may also be a caching issue, where you can't see it but other can...

Addendum: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au/favicon.ico does exist but at a
quick glance it looks like the dimensions are incorrect. As someone said
earlier, it need to be 16 x 16 pixels... yours looks rectangular.

Trevor L.

Thanks, David

I have the link as you have written in index.html (except that it is all in
lower case)

favicon.ico is in the root as you know since you found it

I thought it may be a caching issue, also. But the same thing happens a day
later. However, I haven't turned the PC off, just hibernated.

I did make a rectangular .ico file originally, but then changed it to 16*16.
It looks rectangular, because I have padded out a rectangular picture to fit
into 16*16. Just to be sure , I uploaded my disk copy to the web again, but
with no difference.

David Baxter

Try a Control-<F5> or Control-Refresh in your browser.

If that doesn't work, append a ? to your URL.

Trevor L.

I don't know what is the difference between Refresh and Ctrl-Refresh or
between F5 and Ctrl-F5
But I tried them all with no difference

Which URL shoudl I add a ? to

This one?
I tried but no difference

Or this one ?
I didn't try this


Firefox picks up your favicon and displays it with no problems.
However, it takes a long time to display an virtually empty page...

Trevor L.

You are so right. :)
Firefox does pick it up.

There is a 18KB background image on all pages in the site (at least I think
all). Even at 52kbps, that shouldn't take too long to load, should it.

That empty page has about 6-7 links on it. More info is on pages accessed
from the sidebar menu, mainly the Picture Album

Now, the remaining query is:
Why does not IE6 pick up the favicon ?
Are there some caches to clear?


FireFox does pick up the background image and 9 links, but not the
sidebar menu (Family Websites) or music. An 18K image should load
almost instantly on my 512Kb ADSL connection - but this page takes
about 15 seconds - equivalent to 3 minutes on dialup.
In Opera 8.0, the page loads in 2 seconds, the favicon shows, the
menus work, and the music plays.
In IE6 SP2 load time is 15 seconds - reduced to10 seconds on ADSL when
loading from cache. The favicon does not load when adding the page to
favourites or dragging to the desktop.

Trevor L.


Thanks for this info. Because I only have IE6 and Firefox installed, it is
good to have the extra info. Perhaps I should also install Opera or even
Netscape, but maybe not - I don't want to go overboard in browser
compatibility checking as I only have a personal website and I can probably
check with family members and friends what browsers they use :)

The only thing that Firefox doesn't pick up for me is the music but that is
I have this test in my code
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("gecko") == -1)
If it passes, then the music plays

The reason I did this is that I can't get Firefox to play music. RealPlayer
won't work - I can't seem to get the plugins properly installed. QuickTime
does work with both IE6 and Firefox but when it starts, there is an awful
crackle/static sound, so I didn't persevere with that.

I need to find out why Firefox won't display Family Websites. This is a drop
down menu as below

table.menu {visibility: hidden ;}

function showhide(elmnt,state)
{ document.all(elmnt).style.visibility=state }

<table border>
<td onmouseover="showhide('links','visible')"
<b>Family WebSites</b><br>
(Scroll down)<br>

<!-- id used by showhide() -->
<table id="links" class="menu" border>

If Firefox doesn't work, then it implies that
|document.all(elmnt).style.visibility| is not legal, doesn't it ?

I am still wondering:
1. Why the long load time (in some cases)?
I have 256K ADSL, and while I haven't timed it myself, the load time doesn't
seem very long.
There are about 300K of gifs, etc. on the entire site, but I don't think
they all load at once.
Perhaps I can experiment with this

2. Why will IE6 not show the favicon?


I have also same problem. Lets look at it as below.

I am trying searching, searching and searching all over the web but no
solution found, look at this and if you can, help me.

I have typed a website address http://www.media2india.com and pressed enter
in address bar of internet explorer 6.0 having service pack 2 installed on xp
system and also in firefox, netscape, opera browser.

media2india.com is address of my website having favicon.ico 16x16 pixels in
root directory where my index.htm file is located.

Internet Explorer is not showing favicon at all in favourite, bookmark and
the most important in addressbar all the time while favicon is clearly
visible and shown in addressbar, favoruite, bookmark, tabs, history etc in
firefox, netscape, opera browsers.

I have following browser installed on my system :
1. Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 2
2. Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 gecko/20050915
3. Opera v8.5 build 7700 platform win32
4. Netscape 7.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4)
Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)

Thomas A. Rowe

In IE, did you add the your site to your favorites?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

favicon.ico is in the root but displays the dreaded red x if you browse to

| In IE, did you add the your site to your favorites?
| --
| ==============================================
| Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| ==============================================
| If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
| a Service Pack or security update, please contact
| Microsoft Product Support Services:
| http://support.microsoft.com
| If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
| security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
| ==============================================
| | >I have also same problem. Lets look at it as below.
| >
| > I am trying searching, searching and searching all over the web but no
| > solution found, look at this and if you can, help me.
| >
| > I have typed a website address http://www.media2india.com and pressed
| > in address bar of internet explorer 6.0 having service pack 2 installed
on xp
| > system and also in firefox, netscape, opera browser.
| >
| > media2india.com is address of my website having favicon.ico 16x16 pixels
| > root directory where my index.htm file is located.
| >
| > Internet Explorer is not showing favicon at all in favourite, bookmark
| > the most important in addressbar all the time while favicon is clearly
| > visible and shown in addressbar, favoruite, bookmark, tabs, history etc
| > firefox, netscape, opera browsers.
| >
| > I have following browser installed on my system :
| > 1. Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 2
| > 2. Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 gecko/20050915
| > 3. Opera v8.5 build 7700 platform win32
| > 4. Netscape 7.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4)
| > Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
| >
| >
| > "Ronx" wrote:
| >
| >> FireFox does pick up the background image and 9 links, but not the
| >> sidebar menu (Family Websites) or music. An 18K image should load
| >> almost instantly on my 512Kb ADSL connection - but this page takes
| >> about 15 seconds - equivalent to 3 minutes on dialup.
| >> In Opera 8.0, the page loads in 2 seconds, the favicon shows, the
| >> menus work, and the music plays.
| >> In IE6 SP2 load time is 15 seconds - reduced to10 seconds on ADSL when
| >> loading from cache. The favicon does not load when adding the page to
| >> favourites or dragging to the desktop.
| >> --
| >> Ron Symonds
| >> Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
| >> Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
| >>
| >> | >> > Ronx,
| >> > You are so right. :)
| >> > Firefox does pick it up.
| >> >
| >> > There is a 18KB background image on all pages in the site (at least
| >> > I think all). Even at 52kbps, that shouldn't take too long to load,
| >> > should it.
| >> >
| >> > That empty page has about 6-7 links on it. More info is on pages
| >> > accessed from the sidebar menu, mainly the Picture Album
| >> >
| >> > Now, the remaining query is:
| >> > Why does not IE6 pick up the favicon ?
| >> > Are there some caches to clear?
| >> > --
| >> > Cheers,
| >> > Trevor L.
| >> > Website: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au
| >> >
| >> > Ronx wrote:
| >> >> Firefox picks up your favicon and displays it with no problems.
| >> >> However, it takes a long time to display an virtually empty page...
| >> >>
| >> >>
| >> >> | >> >>> Thanks, David
| >> >>>
| >> >>> I have the link as you have written in index.html (except that it
| >> >>> is
| >> >>> all in lower case)
| >> >>>
| >> >>> favicon.ico is in the root as you know since you found it
| >> >>>
| >> >>> I thought it may be a caching issue, also. But the same thing
| >> >>> happens a day later. However, I haven't turned the PC off, just
| >> >>> hibernated.
| >> >>>
| >> >>> I did make a rectangular .ico file originally, but then changed it
| >> >>> to 16*16. It looks rectangular, because I have padded out a
| >> >>> rectangular picture to fit into 16*16. Just to be sure , I
| >> >>> uploaded
| >> >>> my disk copy to the web again, but with no difference.
| >> >>>
| >> >>> --
| >> >>> Cheers,
| >> >>> Trevor L.
| >> >>> Website: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au
| >> >>>
| >> >>> David Baxter wrote:
| >> >>>> Shouldn't be necessary. Mine is identified just by <link
| >> >>>> REL="SHORTCUT
| >> >>>> ICON" HREF="favicon.ico"> but this means the favicon.ico must be
| >> >>>> in
| >> >>>> the root of your website.
| >> >>>>
| >> >>>> It may also be a caching issue, where you can't see it but other
| >> >>>> can...
| >> >>>>
| >> >>>> Addendum: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au/favicon.ico does exist
| >> >>>> but
| >> >>>> at a quick glance it looks like the dimensions are incorrect. As
| >> >>>> someone said earlier, it need to be 16 x 16 pixels... yours looks
| >> >>>> rectangular.
| >> >>>>
| >> >>>>
| >> >>>>
| >> >>>> | >> >>>>> Try add the full URL for your site, see:
| >> >>>>>
| >> >>>>>
| >> >>>>
| >> >>>>>
| >> >>>>> --
| >> >>>>> ==============================================
| >> >>>>> Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| >> >>>>> WebMaster Resources(tm)
| >> >>>>>
| >> >>>>> FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| >> >>>>> ==============================================
| >> >>>>> If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
| >> >>>>> a Service Pack or security update, please contact
| >> >>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services:
| >> >>>>> http://support.microsoft.com
| >> >>>>> If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
| >> >>>>> security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
| >> >>>>> ==============================================
| >> >>>>>
| >> >>>> | >> >>>>>> I still can't get this to work
| >> >>>>>>
| >> >>>>>> Refer to the files on my website:
| >> >>>>>> index.html
| >> >>>>>> (contains <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">)
| >> >>>>>> favicon.ico
| >> >>>>>> (also attached, but may not come through unless viewing in a
| >> >>>>>> newreader)
| >> >>>>>>
| >> >>>>>> I am sure I set up everything as recommended, including saving
| >> >>>>>> the
| >> >>>>>> website to favorites.
| >> >>>>>>
| >> >>>>>> Interestingly, all entries in my Favorites folder have the IE
| >> >>>>>> ico.
| >> >>>>>>
| >> >>>>>> Is there an option to set in IE options?
| >> >>>>>>
| >> >>>>>> --
| >> >>>>>> Cheers,
| >> >>>>>> Trevor L.
| >> >>>>>> Website: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au
| >> >>>>>>
| >> >>>>>> JDR wrote:
| >> >>>>>>> Trevor,
| >> >>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>> Here is a favicon generator that makes it simple:
| >> >>>>>>> http://www.chami.com/html-kit/services/favicon/
| >> >>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>> JDR
| >> >>>>>>> *******************
| >> >>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>> "Ronx" wrote:
| >> >>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>> The icon is the wrong size. It must be 16x16, or a
| >> >>>>>>>> multi-resolution icon incorporating
| >> >>>>>>>> both 32x32 and 16x16. See faqs on
| >> >>>>>>>> http://www.favicon.com/#1-6
| >> >>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>> --
| >> >>>>>>>> Ron Symonds
| >> >>>>>>>> Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
| >> >>>>>>>> Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
| >> >>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>> | >> >>>>>>>>> I decided to try this, but it doesn't work for me
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>> I added favicon.ico to my root web
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>> favicon.ico is 24*15
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>> I also added
| >> >>>>>>>>> <link rel="shortcut icon"
| >> >>>>>>>>> href="http://tandcl.homemail.com.au/favicon.ico">
| >> >>>>>>>>> to the <head> of http://tandcl.homemail.com.au/index.html
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>> --
| >> >>>>>>>>> Cheers,
| >> >>>>>>>>> Trevor L.
| >> >>>>>>>>> Website: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>> David Baxter wrote:
| >> >>>>>>>>>> As long as you make it the correct dimensions (32 by 32
| >> >>>>>>>>>> pixels?
| >> >>>>>>>>>> check
| >> >>>>>>>>>> with a Google search), any graphics program... including MS
| >> >>>>>>>>>> Paint, should work... then something to convert it to ico
| >> >>>>>>>>>> format.
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>> lots more info here:
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>> a unique favicon:
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>> http://www.chami.com/html-kit/services/favicon/
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>> in
| >> >>>>>>>>>> message
| >> >>>>>>>>>> | >> >>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to add a url icon to my website for
| >> >>>>>>>>>>> favorite
| >> >>>>>>>>>>> lists like ESPN/NFL/Yahoo, etc. They automatically add
| >> >>>>>>>>>>> their
| >> >>>>>>>>>>> icon when you save their page in your favorites list.
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>>
| >> >>>>>>>>> I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
| >> >>>>>>>>> http://www.polesoft.com/refer.html
| >> >
| >> >
| >>
| >>
| >>

Trevor L.

Me too

I have never got IE to display the favicon and I *have* added my site to

My OS is XP Home SP2 and my browsers are Donald's 1. and 2.
Firefox shows the icon, IE6 does not


I have changed the favicon.ico file with another favicon.ico picture file and
i noticed red x instead of image before changing favicon.ico file but now it
is showing image fine when i type http://www.media2india.com/favicon.ico in
internet explorer and one another thing that now favicon is visible in
favourite icon but not in address bar and history.

Any clue ?

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