Svend Olaf Mikkelsen
Here it is!
Thanks, Jan
The partition tables were not edited. The explanation probably is that
you did not have free environment space for setting the findpart
environment variabel to "edit" as done by the batch file.
Delete the fp2-1.txt file and try to figure out how to increase the
DOS box environment space. Then run the batch file again, and reboot.
Or you can get Findpart for DOS at my page, copy that findpart.exe and
the jarek1.bat file to a DOS boot floppy, boot to the floppy, and run
jarek1.bat, which still contains:
set findpart=edit
findpart 2 0 1 * 0C 0 1 1 2244 254 63 0 4982 255 63 26
findpart 2 0 2 - 0F 2245 0 1 4981 254 63 0 4982 255 63 26
set findpart=
findpart 2 table fp2-1.txt