This is a bit OT, but what have you found to be the best printable CDs
and DVDs? I have an Epson R200, which does an outstanding job with
photos, but CD printed images look a little "thin." I'm really new to
this and have only used Maxell silver-surface printables so far.
Now I'm *really* getting confused. I asked at the last computer
market, if they could get printable, silver CD-R discs. The asian
woman said, no, they don't make them - to just use printable DVD-R,
that they'd also work as CD-R discs. I pointed out that they looked
white, and she said it was just a plastic "blank" and the DVD-Rs
underneath that one were silver.
Then today's computer market, a different guy tells me the DVD-R discs
won't work as CD-Rs (for a normal music CD player) - and - no-one
makes silver printable CD-R discs - AND - no-one makes printable CD-R
at all. (Printable DVD only.) An Australian guy next to me at the
table chimed in and agreed with him.
Then I walk to the VERY NEXT table and find... Printable CD-R discs
(white) and a stack of the same printable DVDs that the first woman
said were silver and get told they really are white top after all.
ARGH!!! Don't these people know anything about the things they sell!?
Can anyone tell me for certain:
1. Do inkjet printable CD-R discs exist that are plain silver on the
top (not white)?
2. Do inkjet printable DVD-R discs exist that are plain silver (not
Sure would be nice to hear from someone who knows what they're talking
about for a change! : )