font Size



Somewhere I had seen posted how font size can be changed with key
combination to read the message if posted message was to small or to large
font used. Thanks .


/SD/ said:
Somewhere I had seen posted how font size can be changed with key
combination to read the message if posted message was to small or to large
font used. Thanks .

Depends upon the application. Using a Gecko browser/mail client here
(SeaMonkey), I am able to do that by holding down <control> while
rotating the mouse wheel. Works for WEBsites and mail/news.


Thanks for your reply. Using Outlook Express to view threads in this news
group with no luck with your suggestion.


SD said:
Thanks for your reply. Using Outlook Express to view threads in this news
group with no luck with your suggestion.

I am using the built-in Feeds reader in Opera 9.02 for reading posts in
this group. messages, Rotating the wheel while holding down Ctrl works
in this browser.

At the same time, I wonder why it did not not work for you in OE.


Could it be because I am using IE7.
I remember using a combination whether it was the posted combination or not
I am not sure, but the combination I used did work.


SD said:
Could it be because I am using IE7.
I remember using a combination whether it was the posted combination or not
I am not sure, but the combination I used did work.

Must be problem with IE7. I am still using IE6 and Outlook Express v.6,
and both respond to the combination for changing *font* size. Opera, on
the other hand, does it for the entire display, i.e., including
graphics. It is one of the many reasons I like Opera.


SD said:
Could it be because I am using IE7.
I remember using a combination whether it was the posted combination or not
I am not sure, but the combination I used did work.

Must be problem with IE7. I am still using IE6 and Outlook Express v.6,
and both respond to the combination for changing *font* size. Opera, in
contrast, does it for the entire display, i.e., including graphics. It
is one of the many reasons I like Opera.


SD said:
Somewhere I had seen posted how font size can be changed with key
combination to read the message if posted message was too small or too large
font used. Thanks.

Ctrl/mouse scroll? Ctrl/+, Ctrl/-?


SD said:
Somewhere I had seen posted how font size can be changed with key
combination to read the message if posted message was to small or to large
font used. Thanks .
Hello, Does this answer your request or did I misunderstand?
Notes from IE7 Help.

If you have a mouse with a wheel, hold down the CTRL key, and then scroll
the wheel to zoom in or out.
If you click the Change Zoom Level button , it will cycle through 100%,
125%, and 150%, giving you a quick enlargement of the webpage.
From the keyboard you can increase or decrease the zoom value in 10%
increments. To zoom in, press CTRL+PLUS SIGN. To zoom out, press CTRL+MINUS
SIGN. To restore the zoom to 100%, press CTRL+0.
take care.


Thanks for your reply. As I stated before Ctrl + scroll on mouse does not
have any effect reading message. Where is the choice to select change zoom
level. Bringing my cursor arrow to where the message appears and pressing
Ctrl and scrolling mouse wheel does nothing.

Wesley Vogel

This works in OE6.

Alt + V to open the View Menu

E to expand Text Size

G for Largest
L for Larger
M for Medium
S for Smaller
A for Smallest

So for Largest: Alt + V then E then L.

For IE6...

Alt + V to open the View Menu

X to expand Text Size

G for Largest
L for Larger
M for medium
S for Smaller
A for Smallest

So for Largest: Alt + X then E then L.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Thanks that works. Now I need to remember
Wesley Vogel said:
This works in OE6.

Alt + V to open the View Menu

E to expand Text Size

G for Largest
L for Larger
M for Medium
S for Smaller
A for Smallest

So for Largest: Alt + V then E then L.

For IE6...

Alt + V to open the View Menu

X to expand Text Size

G for Largest
L for Larger
M for medium
S for Smaller
A for Smallest

So for Largest: Alt + X then E then L.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Wesley Vogel

Do it often enough and you won't have to think about it.

Tip. The keyboard shorcuts are UNDERLINED in all of the menus, unless...
"Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key"
is selected.

Display Underlined letters for keyboard navigation...

Right click the Desktop | Properties |
Appearance tab | Effects button |
UNCheck: Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the
Alt key | Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

[[Specifies whether to suppress the drawing of keyboard shortcuts (the
underlined characters in menus and controls) and input focus indicators (the
dotted rectangles around objects), until you actually start using the
keyboard to navigate in Windows, generally with the ALT, TAB, or arrow

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Thanks Wesley, better solution.
Wesley Vogel said:
Do it often enough and you won't have to think about it.

Tip. The keyboard shorcuts are UNDERLINED in all of the menus, unless...
"Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt
is selected.

Display Underlined letters for keyboard navigation...

Right click the Desktop | Properties |
Appearance tab | Effects button |
UNCheck: Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the
Alt key | Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

[[Specifies whether to suppress the drawing of keyboard shortcuts (the
underlined characters in menus and controls) and input focus indicators
dotted rectangles around objects), until you actually start using the
keyboard to navigate in Windows, generally with the ALT, TAB, or arrow

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

SD said:
Thanks that works. Now I need to remember

Wesley Vogel

Keep having fun. ;-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

SD said:
Thanks Wesley, better solution.
Wesley Vogel said:
Do it often enough and you won't have to think about it.

Tip. The keyboard shorcuts are UNDERLINED in all of the menus, unless...
"Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt
is selected.

Display Underlined letters for keyboard navigation...

Right click the Desktop | Properties |
Appearance tab | Effects button |
UNCheck: Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press
the Alt key | Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

[[Specifies whether to suppress the drawing of keyboard shortcuts (the
underlined characters in menus and controls) and input focus indicators
dotted rectangles around objects), until you actually start using the
keyboard to navigate in Windows, generally with the ALT, TAB, or arrow

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

SD said:
Thanks that works. Now I need to remember
This works in OE6.

Alt + V to open the View Menu

E to expand Text Size

G for Largest
L for Larger
M for Medium
S for Smaller
A for Smallest

So for Largest: Alt + V then E then L.

For IE6...

Alt + V to open the View Menu

X to expand Text Size

G for Largest
L for Larger
M for medium
S for Smaller
A for Smallest

So for Largest: Alt + X then E then L.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In SD <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
Could it be because I am using IE7.
I remember using a combination whether it was the posted combination
or not I am not sure, but the combination I used did work.

SD wrote:
Thanks for your reply. Using Outlook Express to view threads in this
news group with no luck with your suggestion.
/SD/ said:

Somewhere I had seen posted how font size can be changed with key
combination to read the message if posted message was to small or
font used. Thanks .

Depends upon the application. Using a Gecko browser/mail client
(SeaMonkey), I am able to do that by holding down <control> while
rotating the mouse wheel. Works for WEBsites and mail/news.

I am using the built-in Feeds reader in Opera 9.02 for reading posts
this group. messages, Rotating the wheel while holding down Ctrl
works in this browser.

At the same time, I wonder why it did not not work for you in OE.


SD said:
Thanks for your reply. As I stated before Ctrl + scroll on mouse does not
have any effect reading message. Where is the choice to select change zoom
level. Bringing my cursor arrow to where the message appears and pressing
Ctrl and scrolling mouse wheel does nothing.
Hello, Hold down the "ctrl" key and click on the "+" key to increase 10%
each time.
Then the "ctrl" key and "-" key to decrease. If this is not working check
your bottom tool bar right side for zoom adjustments. If not there you may
need to remove then reinstall the browser. IE7 is located in the control
panel - add/remove section.
take care.


Thanks for your reply.
Functions as you suggest in the EI page.
Looking for the same kind of shortcut key when reading messages from the
inbox or newsgroup messages or replies.

Wesley Vogel


Normally the mouse wheel does the same thing as the Page Up and Page Down
keys. In Internet Explorer and Outlook Express Ctrl + mouse wheel zooms the
Text Size. The same as View | Text Size | Pick a size. Each notch on the
wheel changes to the next Text Size.

I do that by accident all the time. In fact I discovered this by accident
and can't find any documentation on it.

This doesn't work in OE if you are composing a message. Just like links
aren't live while composing a message in OE.

Hold the Ctrl key down and move the mouse wheel back and forth.

If you have a message open or even reading a message in the preview pane it
should work.

This should work with both the left and right Ctrl keys. Have you tried
both Ctrl keys?"&rnum=6&hl=en#82c21f5054f2e919

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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