Folder tree to HTML

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Disagree - IMO you're not an "average user" - you're way too easily
satisfied. ;)

Free Agents v 1.93 "Freeware" sorts messages by thread. Full stop. IMO
the ability to sort messages in other ways is important to the average

I'm not so sure about that. The definition of an "average user" for a
newsreader is not clear. Is the "average" newsreader the user of OE?
Or of the freeware newsreaders?

I submit the "average" user is an OE user and the freeware newsreader
users are "advanced" users. You dump OE when you're tired of its
inadequacies. I never used OE at all, having been aware of Free Agent
from my reading before actually starting to read newsgroups.

I'm not an "average" reader, I'm an "advanced" reader who doesn't
bother to upgrade because I have other priorities.
*Many* functions are disabled, inability to sort is just one example.

Not all are "critical".
Clicking on a disabled functions brings up a nag screen.

I might agree with it being "nagware". They seem to use the technique
of allowing you to click on an unsupported function as a marketing
tool, as opposed to simply not displaying unsupported functions on the
Richard said:
I submit the "average" user is an OE user and the freeware newsreader
users are "advanced" users. You dump OE when you're tired of its
inadequacies. I never used OE at all, having been aware of Free Agent
from my reading before actually starting to read newsgroups.

I'm not an "average" reader, I'm an "advanced" reader who doesn't
bother to upgrade because I have other priorities.

Hmmm... suggesting that the average user is an OE user can work;
suggesting that freeware newsreader users are 'advanced' can work.

But it feels like a logical fallacy to me to suggest that a user of FA
who has tried no other product can be described as an 'advanced user'.

You are not necessarily not upgrading because you have other priorities;
part of your not upgrading is from ignorance. Since you have no
experience of:
filters, multiple sort options, folders, newsrc, custom toolbars, etc
you are in no position to make an informed choice. This is without
mentioning binaries, which a majority of Agent users state as being a
reason for using Agent. FA doesn't do yEnc which makes it a useless
binary tool without a third party add on.
I was thinking about this a bit recently in respect of FA 1.21, which
can be regarded as an experienced user tool; I cant imagine a newbie
wanting to touch it with a barge pole, but I can see an advanced user
wanting it for certain purposes. But 1.21 is a standalone liteware app.
1.93 is crippleware by definition. To suggest otherwise would involve
changing the definition of crippleware, which is another point
omega said:
It must have some limit in how much it can handle at a time . Either
absolute, or at least in conjunction with how much computer power it
requires to fulfill a task. I tried it now with an extra large number
of objects (8000 files in 600 directories). It did it, but along the
way, it sputtered, choked, turned pale, until making it to the finish

One that I deliberately did not recommend your looking over, that was
CD2HTML by Falk Petro (LFW in the 3x series). It can only handle being
assigned a very limited directory tree size.

One more note on Directory Lister. When I tried it just now, I can no
longer see how it is done to get it to drop separate index files into
target directories. So either I'm being blind this time; or else had
been previously, when I'd decided it had that ability.

But no real matter at this point. Having a software crash 4/4 times
does not make for the most wooing serenade.
Somewhat different subject:
There is s small executable with a very similar name: Directory List-
It makes a folder file tree list that can be saved in a text file. The problem
comes that when run once, it creates about 25 copies of the result in my
clipboard extender, NG.

Mike Sa
Bjorn said:
Just adding to the list Karen posted. This one should handle the first
part of your request, but don't think it will handle the second (one
outputfile per subfolder).

LS - File List Generator v1.53 (July 19, 2003)
by PIYO <>

"This tool collects the information about files and sub-folders
under the specified folder or drive and generates the list in
your preferred format.You can individually specify your desired
information types to include in the list.You can even customize
the listing order and sorting priorities.The output format of
the list can be chosen from txt, html, and csv (Excel's
primitive file format)."

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Thanks, Bjorn. Very nice executable.
It makes a good list, default the data flle saves in C:, I will need to work with
it to get it to save in it's own folder.

Mike Sa
ms said:
Thanks, Bjorn. Very nice executable.
It makes a good list, default the data flle saves in C:, I will need
to work with it to get it to save in it's own folder.

thanks Blorn, somehow I completely missed your post. This is very nice.
I'm keeping this one as well.
ms said:
Thanks, Bjorn. Very nice executable.
It makes a good list, default the data flle saves in C:, I will need to work with
it to get it to save in it's own folder.

The app has one window as its interface. At the top is the place to enter
the directory that you want it to inventory. Near the bottom is the place
to enter the directory where you want it to drop the output file.
omega said:
The app has one window as its interface. At the top is the place to enter
the directory that you want it to inventory. Near the bottom is the place
to enter the directory where you want it to drop the output file.
Thanks for the tip.

Mike Sa
You're welcome. :-)
I hope you'll enjoy Dialog, it's very configurable.

Can Dialog newsreader duplicate the following valuable features of
FreeAgent 1.93?

1. "File --> Save Messages As" which saves my selected newsgroup
messages into a txt file and appends any newly saves messages to that
file. It even optionally puts a divider (such as ****) between each
saved message for readability.

2. Can Dialog execute as a complete stand alone program that I can run
from my usb flash drive without installing any files on the user's
system drive?

3. Does Dialog have a spell checker?

If the answer is yes to all I'll switch programs.
_M.L._, lunedì 25/ott/2004:
Can Dialog newsreader duplicate the following valuable features of
FreeAgent 1.93?

1. "File --> Save Messages As" which saves my selected newsgroup
messages into a txt file and appends any newly saves messages to that
file. It even optionally puts a divider (such as ****) between each
saved message for readability.

No. It can save selected messages in a txt or mbx file, but doesn't append
newly saved messages to it.
I made a Dialog script that automatically appends new messages with the same
subject to a file of the kind "name of subject.txt", with a ***** divider
between them, but you have to select one message at a time.
2. Can Dialog execute as a complete stand alone program that I can run
from my usb flash drive without installing any files on the user's
system drive?

Yes. All you have to do is to copy the Dialog folder to the USB flash drive.
3. Does Dialog have a spell checker?

If the answer is yes to all I'll switch programs.

Well, not exactly 3 yes... but nearly? :-)
But it feels like a logical fallacy to me to suggest that a user of FA
who has tried no other product can be described as an 'advanced user'.

Not at all. An "advanced user" to me is one who can deal with split
binaries, yEnc, etc., rather than just reading posts. Or more likely
an advanced user is one that uses multiple news servers.
You are not necessarily not upgrading because you have other priorities;
part of your not upgrading is from ignorance.

No, I am fully aware of what's out there. In fact, I have several
other newsreaders sitting on my machine - all the well-known ones. I
just haven't bothered to upgrade.

Although I am getting tired of not being able to sort posts -
particularly binaries. On the other hand, most of the idiots posting
photos in the binary newsgroups can't use a coherent file naming
scheme anyway, so sorting really wouldn't help all that much with
that. Sorting would only help with keeping binaries that are
interrupted by other posts in order - and most of the time I just
download the lot and let Windows sort them in the directory.
FA doesn't do yEnc which makes it a useless binary tool without a third party add on.

And yProxy does that effortlessly, so it's completely a non-issue for