Folder tree to HTML

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod
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Does anyone know of a program that will convert a folder-tree structure
(including subfolders) to a HTML-document ? If possible a different HTML-
doc for each subfolder, that displays the filenames in that folder.
Rod said:
Does anyone know of a program that will convert a folder-tree structure
(including subfolders) to a HTML-document ? If possible a different HTML-
doc for each subfolder, that displays the filenames in that folder.

The following four programs will (by default, else by options) drop the
index files in the target directories.

Dir2html, v1.1.0, Jem E. Berkes

"The program can index either a single directory or multiple directories at
once recursively. When operating in recursive mode, a separate index is
generated for each subdirectory."

Dirhtml, v4.59, Eric Nitzsche

"Dirhtml creates html files from a directory list using the GUI or command
line, optionally including HTML code of your own design at any point in the
generated file."

Directory Lister, v0.7, Leszek Skorczynski

"Directory Lister generates listing of files as a HTML, text or CSV file."

3D Editor, v1.02 , Albu Cristian

"3D Editor is a text editor for programmers
- can generate HTML index for directories"


The first three of those in the list are PL2005 candidates:

So you could navigate from the PLH page, to read descriptions, visit author
sites, get latest version, and so on.

Else, if you want to just get straight to testing these four out, then
grab the zip below. It contains the four programs (versions as listed
above), ready to run. They will all run green.[*] (900k)

[*] In the fourth one, reg usage is optional. It's only used if you want the
program to save persistent settings. [HKCU\Software\Albu Cristian\3D Editor]
Rod said:
Does anyone know of a program that will convert a folder-tree structure
(including subfolders) to a HTML-document ? If possible a different HTML-
doc for each subfolder, that displays the filenames in that folder.

The following four programs will (by default, else by options) drop the
index files in the target directories.

Dir2html, v1.1.0, Jem E. Berkes

"The program can index either a single directory or multiple directories at
once recursively. When operating in recursive mode, a separate index is
generated for each subdirectory."

Dirhtml, v4.59, Eric Nitzsche

"Dirhtml creates html files from a directory list using the GUI or command
line, optionally including HTML code of your own design at any point in the
generated file."

Directory Lister, v0.7, Leszek Skorczynski

"Directory Lister generates listing of files as a HTML, text or CSV file."

3D Editor, v1.02 , Albu Cristian

"3D Editor is a text editor for programmers
- can generate HTML index for directories"


The first three of those in the list are PL2005 candidates:

So you could navigate from the PLH page, to read descriptions, visit author
sites, get latest version, and so on.

Else, if you want to just get straight to testing these four out, then
grab the zip below. It contains the four programs (versions as listed
above), ready to run. They will all run green.[*] (900k)

[*] In the fourth one, reg usage is optional. It's only used if you want the
program to save persistent settings. [HKCU\Software\Albu Cristian\3D Editor]
Snipped some

Almost there, and I hate it when it puts the "created with" at the bottom.

This has a realy ugly interface but it looks like it's exactly what I want.
Directory Lister, v0.7, Leszek Skorczynski

Tried it 4 times, crashed 4 times.
3D Editor, v1.02 , Albu Cristian

Very nice, allthough it's not the primary function of this program. This is
a keeper.

Else, if you want to just get straight to testing these four out, then
grab the zip below. It contains the four programs (versions as listed
above), ready to run. They will all run green.[*] (900k)

Ah, thank you for that, too bad I only saw that after downloading all 4.
Thank you very much, you've been a great help Karen.
I'm gonna hang on to both Dirhtml and 3D Editor.
Thanks again.
snipped some, and reposting after first post didn't show up, apologies if
this appears twice.

Almost there, I don't like the 'created with' message at the bottom of the

Realy ugly interface, but does what I want, this is a keeper.
Directory Lister, v0.7, Leszek Skorczynski

Tried it 4 times, it crashed 4 times.
3D Editor, v1.02 , Albu Cristian

This is nice, allthough it isn't the primary function of the program.
Else, if you want to just get straight to testing these four out, then
grab the zip below. It contains the four programs (versions as listed
above), ready to run. They will all run green.[*] (900k)

Too bad I only saw this after I downloaded all 4 programs :(

Thank you for your great help Karen.
I'm gonna keep both Dirhtml and 3D Editor.
Thanks again.
snipped some, third time I try to repost, changed server

It's nice, but it puts a 'created with'-message at the bottom, don't want

That's one ugly interface, but it does what I want, I'm gonna keep this
Directory Lister, v0.7, Leszek Skorczynski

Tried it 4 times, it crashed 4 times...
3D Editor, v1.02 , Albu Cristian

This is great, allthough it's not the primary purpose for this program, I'm
gonna keep this one to.
Else, if you want to just get straight to testing these four out, then
grab the zip below. It contains the four programs (versions as listed
above), ready to run. They will all run green.[*] (900k)

Too bad I only saw this after downloading all 4 of them :(.

Thank you for your great help Karen.
Rod said:
Almost there, I don't like the 'created with' message at the bottom of the

You're right, that's an irritation. Its other prob is that it has no
ability to save settings. It's a small, easy program. But it'd be nice
if it were a tad less lite. And that it were free of its compulsion to
advertise the website.
Realy ugly interface, but does what I want, this is a keeper.

It has that old 90's look. :) And as to options being in multiple tabs,
that's a design principle I frequently object to. This program would do
better to have the settings in a single-page dialog (either flat page,
else in a tree/hierarchy style).

Btw, what I have not tried yet with Dirhtml, it's to experiment with its
html output template customizations. Its on my near agenda. I have one
html output project in particular, where I could find no software to
automatically gen the way I needed... So I am hoping I can find a way
there via Dirhtml's possibilities.
Tried it 4 times, it crashed 4 times.

It must have some limit in how much it can handle at a time . Either
absolute, or at least in conjunction with how much computer power it
requires to fulfill a task. I tried it now with an extra large number
of objects (8000 files in 600 directories). It did it, but along the
way, it sputtered, choked, turned pale, until making it to the finish

One that I deliberately did not recommend your looking over, that was
CD2HTML by Falk Petro (LFW in the 3x series). It can only handle being
assigned a very limited directory tree size.

One more note on Directory Lister. When I tried it just now, I can no
longer see how it is done to get it to drop separate index files into
target directories. So either I'm being blind this time; or else had
been previously, when I'd decided it had that ability.

But no real matter at this point. Having a software crash 4/4 times
does not make for the most wooing serenade.
This is nice, allthough it isn't the primary function of the program.

Yeah, but it was the only function that I could understand. :)
Thank you for your great help Karen.
I'm gonna keep both Dirhtml and 3D Editor.

I'm impressed with how fast you work. You got all those downloaded, tested,
and assessed in incredibly short time.
Thanks again.

Thanks for posting summary comments. It helped me to go through and think
about these utilities a bit more. And to remember that I have the Dirhtml
templates rtfm'ing on my todo...
That "really ugly interface" comment hurt. I've just mellowed out the
background image a bit. Still at v4.59.
nitzsche said:

Is this interface style really functionally better or is it eye candy?

Yes!! That's the style that I really, really like.

The multiple-tabs thing, it becomes a very serious problem when there
are a large number of them. NoteTabs, for instance, I groan with pain
when I have to go into its options. And Pegasus, at least back in the
versions when I used it, it caused me a lot of torture (particularly
when I was teaching people to use it, and had to klutz around even
myself to page through and find things). But it's a matter concerning
even programs without such a huge number of options tabs. The options
tree-like interface of the type depicted in your link, it's far more
graceful looking, and much more intuitive to navigate.

I know that Dirhtml has its position sealed as Pricelessware. (Well
above any of the lesser rivals in its field.) But if you were to take
on the task of an interface reworking in that direction, I'd consider
that to be a generous move - towards make this program even better.
nitzsche said:

Is this interface style really functionally better or is it eye candy?

That which I would call overblown eye candy offense, it was that what
Ad-Aware did with its latest release. Glued in huge fat icons, without
text menus (icon-tooltip combo alone). And then for various settings
and commands, forces one to walk (between the ropes) through a Wizard.

That which I do not feel to be crossing the line into bloaty eye-candy
style, it's having the design of an hierarchical options interface.

(Now that I've posted twice, does that bring it up to 2 votes in favor?)
The options
tree-like interface of the type depicted in your link, it's far more
graceful looking, and much more intuitive to navigate.

What the "modern" tree view interface lacks is Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+PgDn ;)
nitzsche wrote in said:
That "really ugly interface" comment hurt.

I for one like it. And it does not try to copy the "XP look",
as so many others do now :)
I've just mellowed out the background image a bit.
Still at v4.59.

Just upgraded from 4.57 to 4.59. The new background color is a bit
more pleasing on the eye I think.

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
nitzsche said:
The options

What the "modern" tree view interface lacks is Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+PgDn ;)

I don't know about keystroke navigation in, for instance, implementation
of the codeproject sample. But full keystroke navigation is available
in, for instance, this options dialog of KeyNote:

When I use something like that, I can start from the top and move down.
It also sort of imprints on my memory eventually, where to find things
in their relative spacial position.

With the multi-line tabs, I don't know where I started, and end by going
over the same tabs twice. Or in the case of programs with a whole rats
nest of those tabs, I get lost in the thicket.
Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
I for one like it. And it does not try to copy the "XP look",
as so many others do now :)

Just upgraded from 4.57 to 4.59. The new background color is a bit
more pleasing on the eye I think.

Excuse me please,
what program are you talking about ?


Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ : 1351964
Liberty means responsibility.
That is why most men dread it.
Rod wrote in said:
Does anyone know of a program that will convert a folder-tree structure
(including subfolders) to a HTML-document ? If possible a different HTML-
doc for each subfolder, that displays the filenames in that folder.

Just adding to the list Karen posted. This one should handle the first
part of your request, but don't think it will handle the second (one
outputfile per subfolder).

LS - File List Generator v1.53 (July 19, 2003)
by PIYO <>

"This tool collects the information about files and sub-folders
under the specified folder or drive and generates the list in
your preferred format.You can individually specify your desired
information types to include in the list.You can even customize
the listing order and sorting priorities.The output format of
the list can be chosen from txt, html, and csv (Excel's
primitive file format)."

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
jo said:

I just noticed something on the site

| There are two versions of dirhtml available for download:
| (235K)
| With the installation routine, which, in my opinion, is a
| waste of bandwidth. (487K)

What we see too rarely. Developers who do not insist on forcing
installers routines upon us.

He uses the compromise of making an installer download equally
available. For benefit of those who cannot find how to launch a
program unless an icon has automatically been generated for them
onto their desktop or startmenu.
CoMa said:
Dirhtml interface is not ugly,

Eye of beholder, as they say.

Did you get a chance to look at the newest background yet?
the interface is functional
and does what it suppose to do.

It can even bypass interface, and work straight from a command