So what's occurring in the wild weird and wonderful world of Sir Floppington of Flopsicle Mansions? As ever, not a lot. Two weeks ago I took my Playststion 3 and it's 24 games down to a GAME shop and sold them on a part exchange basis. For this I received the princely sum of £105.
I used this to put a deposit on an Xbox One S cos I fancied one. I was told then all the stock of the new machine they were going to receive had been allocated and it was sold out but if there was a cancelled order I'd be first in the queue. So I went to the shop today and I don't have the shiny new toy I'm after
The Xbox One S appears to be sold out everywhere, including directly from Microsoft and it looks as though until some more machines are manufactured there won't be any for sale. C'est La Vie, I'll just have to be patient I suppose.
I've owned 3 consoles now, an original Xbox, an Xbox 360 and a PlayStation 3. Of those the 360 was the one I enjoyed the most I never really took a shine to the PS3 and the Forza racing series was a lot more fun than the Gran Turismo series. And for some reason the games Red Dead Redemption and Bayonetta played better on the Xbox 360.
Prior to the hospital appointment I mentioned here in a previous post I went for a scan at the Royal Brompton Hospital in Kensington where they have a scanner that does MRI scans that specialise in having a look at the heart. The scan was supposed to last 45 minutes where you lie in this tube. It's quite claustrophobic and you can't move.
Part way through the scan they inject you with two kinds of stuff, one in each arm for which you have tubes inserted prior to, one is a dye the other is a drug that acts on the heart and I was told it will produce side effects which may include one or more of the following: Chest pains; breathlessness; dizziness; hot flushes; bright lights in front of the eyes. Oh joy, oh rapture.
Oh well, thought I, it's worthwhile. Ten minutes in I develop an itch on the side of nose but because of this big tray-like device across my chest I can't reach to scratch. Gaaaaaa! Driving me nuts but I tolerate it. Then, 25 minutes in, disaster struck - I developed a cramp in the calf of my right leg. I tried my best to wiggle my leg to stop the cramp - to no avail. After a few minutes I was in agony and almost shaking with pain so I had to scream out and tell them to get me out pronto.
I managed to stop the cramp simply by walking around a little.
I felt such a wuss but as I'm getting older me body parts don't seem as flexible as they once were. And apparently they couldn't continue the scan where they left off, they'd have to start the whole thing over again. So that was that, I slunk out of the hospital with my tail between my legs feeling like a complete div.
On the plus side they did say the information they'd gleaned before my cramp set in was recorded and they'd forward that info to my Hospital consultant so it wasn't a total waste of time.
So that's it folks, I live a lifestyle that's a laugh a minute eh?