Thanks for comments TC
I think it may be one of those days today... trying to buy some spare parts, conversation quite self explanatory, this around 10:30 (Yes, I know, grumpy old git syndrome on my part, but...)

) :
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Shannon'
Shannon: Hello, you're chatting with Shannon, an RS advisor.
Tony: In my last order I purchased Arbor 216-044 and need to know which drill bit fits it. I ordered 215-984 but that's the wrong one - it's too long.
Shannon: Hi there, Tony.
Tony: Also when are you going to be stocking 498-839 & it's 12mm version? It says 7th April and I need some now. Could you suggest an alternative supplier for these parts?
Shannon: I can't actually advise on an alternative supplier, this is the best date we can offer.
Tony: Oh, ok. Drill bit?
Shannon: I am just checking this for you now.
Tony: While I'm here, it would help when searching your catalogue online if you had a link to the next page at the bottom as well as the top. It's irritating to scroll 100 items then having to scroll back to the top to continue the search.
Tony: Plus I need a two way screw terminal pcb connector with 5mm pitch, I'm not having much success so far trying to find those.
Shannon: Thanks for you're feedback Tony, I will make sure to feel this back to the relevant department, For the drill bits would something like RS 221-579 be suitable?
Tony: That's a 3 piece metal drill set, totally unsuitable
Tony: And your website crashes using the Opera browser while I'm at it
Shannon: We don't appear to have a specific part listed for this.
Tony: The arbor drill bit is a single drill bit designed for use with the arbor I bought from you, I can't find one in your catalogue and I was hoping you, a qualified RS advisor, could help.
Tony: What? No aluminium knobs in stock, a crap website and you don't stock spares for your own products?
Shannon: Do you have an RS account Tony?
Tony: 'kin useless
Tony: Oh my goodness, I entered my account number at the start of this conversation
Tony: It's 1******9
Tony: RS has gone steadily downhill over the past six years and it's getting worse
Shannon: I can refer this to one of our engineers who can loom in to this further for you? I would need your contact details please.
Tony: You have my account number, my details are there with you. FYI there are lots of alternative suppliers, Rapid and CPC/Farnell being the most obvious. This is hopeless. Goodbye.
I had a doctor's appointment for 11:30, my Doc is 6 train stops away and then a ten minute walk. For 3 weeks I've had a pain/swelling on the side of my right foot. Looking at NHS website my symptoms don't seem to fit any ailment except maybe 'tenonitis' or an infection. But the swelling is in the wrong place for tenonitis and it don't look infected. It's very painful sometimes and I was rather hoping it would just go away. But it hasn't, so I thought best see quack.
On train platform 11am. All trains cancelled until 11:30. So I phone surgery and explain.
They advise re-booking appointment for tomorrow and I point out that each time since 1989 when I've had an appointment after 11:00 I've had to wait on average 40 minutes anyway and I could be there by noon. No dice - rebook tomorrow.
Am tempted to say foot problem means I can't walk and book home call but don't do that. Will book for appointment tomorrow.
And if anybody's interested in my last cancer checkup with Guys consultant about ten days ago, he declared me fit and well as far as he could tell and greeted me as his 'indestructible patient'. I thought to myself 'Don't tempt fate matey'.
He also said my teeth were in a bad way and I said I know that. So he's booked appointment with dentist at Guys where no doubt I'll lose some more molars from my rapidly declining stock. And it's unlikely I can wear dentures cos radiotherapy more or less killed my saliva glands so no lubrication for dentures. Bugger.
The consultant also appeared to recognise his failings in diagnosing me back in 2012 and said something like 'Yes, we should pay more attention to a patient's concerns as nobody knows their own body like we know our own'. No **** Sherlock, and you're a consultant? He is a good fella though, I like him.
We spoke of a former colleague of his and the lady who treated me for some of my brushes with that disease, Mary O'Connell, she had to retire on health grounds following a car crash and work-related stress, she was/is one of the finest human beings I've ever met and myself and the consultant both expressed sadness that she was no longer on his team.
And today, despite trains, unfeeling surgery receptionists and incompetent company chat people, is looking ok, bright sun and clear blue skies