Flops' Friday mini blog

Floppybootstomp said:
Yesterday I ran a goose over. It upset me a great deal and I almost certainly killed it.

When you've finished snogging Ady ...:p Sorry to hear about your experience with the kamikaze goose Flopps, but you could hardly be responsible for his decision to "end it all" by hurling himself at your motor, whatever the fist-shaking guy might have thought. :nod:

Great news on the work front, I hope it will be the first offer of many. :thumb: :D
Yesterday I saw a cyclist being hit by a car at slow speed, cyclist fell off, clutching knee, giving pained expression and going 'Oo oo oo it hurts'.

Being a good samaritan and an upright member of society I thought to myself 'There's never a witness about when you want one' so I thought I'd offer my services as a witness to this abused cyclist.

I parked my car thoughtfully in the bus lane with hazard lights flashing as I considered this an emergency and extricated a business card from my motor vehicle's glove compartment.

I marched smartly to the scene of the accident where I observed that the cyclist was sitting on a wall with less of a pained expression and the driver of the Mercedes saloon that struck his bicycle was standing next to him looking distinctly worried.

I said to the cyclist in as friendly a tone as I could muster 'You alright mate?' to which he replied 'I'm fine'.

I said to him 'Good, do you need a witness?' to which he responded, 'Nah, it's ok mate, it was my fault'.


Well I never.

So I walked away thinking to myself how easily misjustices can occur. There was I, willing to testify against the car driver when it wasn't his fault at all.

A less scrupulous cyclist may have seized the oppurtunity and used me to claim damages from the car driver.

Sometimes things are not as they seem.

Earlier in the day I was in a school hall at the top of a scaffolding tower testing all the stage lighting for safety.

A young lady teacher (with a rather sooper figure, chaps, and long blonde hair) was taking a drama class.

Part of their class was to stand in a circle and for one student to clap their hands followed by the next one and so on round the circle, presumably to teach co-ordination.

The dialogue of this lesson went something like this:

Teacher: We're now going to play 'Pass the clap'

Me: The first glimmer of a smile and supressed giggles welled up.

Teacher: That's it, pass the clap on to the person next to you until it has travelled to everybody.

Me: Biting finger now to supress laughter.

Teacher: I can see you're all rather good at giving the clap to the person next to you but Suzy, you'll have to try a bit harder to pass the clap on.

Me: Now shuddering supressed silent laughter, tears running down my cheeks.

Well, it made me laugh anyway :)

The last time I passed the clap on she came to me five days later and gave me a card with the address of Greenwich Seaman's Hospital on it.

Pip pip!
I can picture that lesson so perfectly! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Can you imagine the parents' faces when "Suzy" tells them what she has been getting up to in class.... just priceless! :D
Flopp's you just made my evening with that piece..Laughed my ass off I did..:D
This morning I rose at 11am nursing the biggest hangover I've had since New Years Day. I recall leaving the pub with exactly £25.00 in my pocket and coming home by cab. I noted that I now only had £4.00 in my pocket so figure the cab driver had managed to get £21.00 out of me for the journey home or I'd lost a tenner somehow between the cab and my front door.

I can remember falling asleep in the cab briefly and on awakening noticed the driver had gone past my place so we had to turn around. I don't remember what time I got in.

I had played the sounds at a 30th birthday party for a girl's 30th birthday party. I didn't fancy her much but her mum was gorgeous. I told her she had a nice dress and later gave her one of my disco cards. She, in her turn, bought me a brandy. Hey, I can only hope for a phone call :)

It was possibly that brandy that gave me the hangover....

And they didn't like me coffin much, look what they done to it, censored it, it's a disgrace I tell you.


Driving today I noticed a sign saying 'Traffic calming measures ahead'.

What's that all about then?

I envisaged a layby up ahead where a team of counsellors waited to calm down vehicles. They would stroke and pat the car on the bonnet and say in a soothing voice 'There there, the big nasty bus didn't mean to honk his horn at you...' and a calm mood having been established the driver could propel his vehicle further on it's journey assured that his motor car had reached a suitably calmed mood without the need for any diazipam.

Right now I'm supping a glass of Badger's Poachers Ale which is 5.7% and has liquorice and damsons in it. Tastes weird and not an ale I will probably entertain in the future. But hey, gotta try these things eh? The last strange beer I supped was a pint of Fullers Porter, thoroughly enjoyed that one.

Pip pip!


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Hope you phoned the taxi driver and apologised for doubting his honesty in public
Hur hur hur ;)

I seem to recall posting a pic of a similar apology card some time ago, can't for the life of me remember thread title though.
Jawohl her hautmann, kill the Englisher Pig Dog, ok Tommy, the game is up, Heil das fuhrer....

Sorry :o too many comics and Saturday Morning Pictures as a kid, it's ingrained in me.

Anything can happen in the next half hour...

This Time Troy Tempest will not escape...

Hey Pancho... Hey Ceesco...

Hi Yo Silver...

Send Thunderbird 3 Brains

Holy Jumpin' Jehosophat batman, then The Joker really is...

Four Feather Falls, Four Feather Falls...

Take Me Back To The Black Hills...

A scene from Thunderbirds:

Lady Penelope: Parker, take my dress off

Parker: Yes, m'lady

Lady Penelope: Parker, take my bra off

Parker: Yes, m'lady

Lady Penelope: Parker, take my panties off

Parker: Yes, m'lady

Lady Penelope: And Parker...

Parker: Yes, m'lady?

Lady Penelope: Don't let me catch you wearing my clothes again
Yowsah. Might explain why there are so few new ones going around...

Urmas said:
"Mein Flops"?


Perhaps the original title "Four Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice" with a small alteration may be more fitting "My Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice"


Couldda sworn I made a drunken post here last night, prattlin' on about politics and commenting on a cheap bottle of Merlot I was drinking that shared it's appearance, texture and bouquet with brake fluid.

I did feel grim this morning.

Remember daughter-san arriving home around midnight and rabbitting with her until 2.30 so probably switched 'puter off before retiring thus erasing the intended drunken post.

Which on reflection is probably just as well :D

I've had a gutful of Paddy songs, doing my homework for the St Patricks Day disco I'm doing tomorrow.

Today I bought 100 metres of CAT 5 and some 20mm conduit in readiness for a job coming up.

TNT have totally fubared a delivery that should have been with me yesterday. I have come to form the belief that there isn't one decent parcel delivery company in the UK. Not one. It is my considered and possibly justified opinion that they are all totally naff.

And on that note I'll bid farewell to my chums out there in the worldwide ether that is t'internet :)
Hope the sore head is feeling clearer now Flopps ;)

Sorry to hear about your experience of TNT, I really can't understand why companies continue to give business to delivery firms that are inefficient. Having said that, I think service can vary depending on region. I have seen some very poor reviews for "City Link" but here, they provide a first rate service.... we even get a merry quip or two from the driver, when he's in a good mood, lol. :D

Erm... your "farewell" sounded a tad "final"... you're not suffering from bloggers-block, or thinking of retiring the thread, I hope..?
Taffycat said:
Erm... your "farewell" sounded a tad "final"... you're not suffering from bloggers-block, or thinking of retiring the thread, I hope..? :wave:

Bloggers... they do get into deeply-misunderstood-high-strung-creative-type-funk every now and then – recommended fix is not unlike fixing a TV set by hitting it... like so:

