Ok, so you was all unimpressed by my DIY/Carpentry skills adding another layer to my media housing. Huh

Me only kidding of course
No you're not; yes I am; no you're not, no I'm not, yes you are - eh? What?
Right, in my lifetime I have appeared on Television three times, once in 1970 on Top Of The Pops during a Herman and The Hermits vid cos they filmed the vid at Battersea fun fair and I just happened to be there. So while they filmed Mr Noone on various fairground rides I managed to get my fizzog in the background several times.
For the life of me right now I can't remember the second time but there was one, straight up guv.
The third time was when I was dj-ing at The Clarendon, Hammersmith and the BBC made a program, in their 'Riverside' series about Heavy Metal. This clip was taken from that episode and features - me! Yay! I'm famous. Sort of. I suppose you could say this was my 15 minutes worth.
Anyhow, I appear just after Lemmy says 'Noise' and then again later on briefly from the rear view. Typically the BBC seem have chosen the nurdiest of subjects to interview, heavy metal has allways had the mickey taken out of it.
I played the Clarendon every Friday evening for 3 or 4 years and sometimes Sunday evenings too. It no longer exists, it is now a bus garage.