Flops' Friday mini blog

Alright then what's occuring in the wonderful, wacky and wild world of Sir Flops, the fourth earl of Floppington Manor, Little Wallop, Wessex?

Looks like the work at Bethnal Green I mentioned in last post may not be on, building/demolition contractor done his best to rack my brains on system and probably succeeded to a degree. The school had recommended me to this company cos I've always looked after their system but they free to go where they like. I haven't heard from them in 2 weeks. Drat.

Still, done a little bit last week, two small jobs, so bills paid til end of August but nothing spare for toys.

On the games front I've been immersed in Dead Space One, picked it up cheap (£3 I think, certainly not more than a fiver) a while back but controls were rubbish so gave up. Discovered that if you enable vsync in the Nvidia Control Panel it runs perfectly.

Very immersing and often frightening game, I'm now almost finished level ten out of twelve levels.

I'll then play Dead Space Two which I also picked up cheapish, about £15 as I recall.

Also paid £3 for Red Alert Three Command and whilst it does look good I think I may have gone off that style of gaming, seems a bit finicky to me at first try, lots to remember, slow-moving and if past titles and original Starcraft are anything to go by, possibly quite difficult.

Last week I was messing about doing stuff with my patio container open where I keep tools and paint. Whilst removing something a 19" rackmount battery charger slipped and fell and the corner hit a large can of black spray paint, probably about three quarters full.

The corner of the charger punctured the can, there was a mighty bang, a long hissing, rushing sound and I jumped out of my skin. When I looked down there was black paint just about everywhere, on the doors of the container, over all the other containers of paint, across two paving stones and other stuff too. My right arm was now two tone with a long streak of black and my face resembled a leopard's with, oddly enough, one eyebrow sprayed perfectly black, surrounding area untouched.

Lucky really, couldda gone in me mince pies. But it didn't. I've cleaned most things up except the paving stones but I still have a black eyebrow. Fek, as they say.

Those of you who remember Crianz's tales of woe and destruction and folly may spot a kindred spirit in me when I relate this next tale. You will recall our Antipodean female friend was oft to be found at a New Zealand hospital A & E department after the most unlikely accidents. I found myself in A & E on Monday morning.

Twas about 1.30am Sunday evening/Monday morning and I had imbibed a few cans of draught Guinness and perhaps half a bottle of red wine earlier. I had fallen asleep at the 'puter and got up to stagger to bed. I felt tired and woozy.

When I walked in the karzi just before turning in, I can't really remember what happened but I do know I slipped and/or fell and the back of my head struck something in the bathroom, not sure what but I'm guessing the side of the bath.

I can remember lying on the floor groaning and seeing pools of blood on the floor. I may have passed out for a while, I don't know.

I mopped up the blood from my head with a towel, it didn't seem to be bleeding so I went to bed. It did hurt a lot, I remember that.

In the morning my pillow was covered with blood and the cut I had was still bleeding a little, not pouring out but still moist, the surface wasn't congealing. I had a shower to get the matted blood out of my hair and it hurt like hell. So I thought I best get to the hospital. Thought I better not drive so I took a bus.

Got there 11am exactly was told downtime 'just over an hour'. I was seen at 12:40 by a chinese doctor who introduced himself as Mr Wen. He asked me a gazillion questions about how I came by the injury and when it happened. As I unfolded my tale I realised how unlikly it sounded and I got the distinct impression he thought I'd received the injury by fighting.

So he proceeded to clean it up with antiseptic and stuff and it really really hurt. I said words like 'Ouch' but he took no heed.

I said 'Is it going to need stitches?'
'Yes' replied Dr Wen
'Will you be giving me an anaesthetic when you put the stitches in?'
'Any chance you could do that now then I won't feel this cleaning up'
He looked disappointed I swear but he did so anyway, five injections and none of them painless.

If I didn't know better he'd made a judgement on me that I was the fighting type and he was trying to discourage me from rucking by making this experience painful. I could be wrong of course but who knows? Perhaps the cropped hair, Doc Martens and Levis Jean Jacket didn't help.

So, he cleaned me up, didn't need a Tetanus as I had one 3 years ago and put eight stitches in my 6cm cut. He said it was deep as well.

He also put a big bandage round my head so I looked like one of those walking wounded on some newsreel footage. I put my black woolly hat on for the bus ride home and when I took it off, the bandage came off as well. I couldn't honestly see what purpose it served anyway, unless Dr Wen wanted to make me look a pillock as more punishment for his imagined fisticuffs. Little does he know last fight I had, last proper fight, was in 1985.

I was tempted at one stage to say 'Wen does it end Wen?' but I didn't.

He warned me I might suffer some concussion effects and I thought to myself 'Ha! No I won't'. But I did. That afternoon and evening I felt disoriented, a little shivery and mildly nauseous. I didn't drink alcohol in the evening but wasn't tired so didn't go to bed until 3am-ish.

Woke up today feeling great and head hardly hurting at all now. Various items of clothing and bedding placed in buckets of salt water prior to washing in new fangled washing machine.

What worries me now is I have very little recollection of how it happened. What caused me to fall? Too much booze? Three cans of beer and two glasses of wine is a lot less than I sometimes knock back so is it age conspiring to weaken me? Or did I just get tired and woozy and stumble?

My daughter suggested I may have had a mild stroke and collapsed which is kinda scary but I did suffer from heart failure (one valve beat irregularly for a while in 2002 whilst I was under a great deal of stress but it's been ok since) so I guess it's a possibility. But I think surely I would have had pains or some symptoms prior to a stroke? Maybe not. Like I said, scary.

I just went shopping for a few things and wearing a black woolly hat in sunny weather looks odd but it's better than displaying the back of my barnet right now, the hair is still caked in dark black dried blood.

Who said bad things come in threes? Shut up! :D

Have been booked to play the sounds at my niece's 18th Birthday on the 30th July, it's a surprise party for her. It will be a surprise when she realises a 60 year old geezer is playing the dance music for her, lol

But her sister was the one who booked me, she's about 25, and they've both been to loads of do's where I've played the music, so should be ok. Now all I gotta do is get up to par with latest chart stuff.

Her name is Megan and I think she'll be the last of my nieces and nephews to turn 18.

And that'll do for now, until the next thrilling instalment, I bid you all a fond adieu. I'll leave you with a pic.

Here's Megan a coupla years ago:



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FBS, suggest you go and see your GP and stay off the drink till you do.
Tell them the full story and see what they say, better to be safe than sorry etc.
And please report back as we shall be concerned for you until you get the all clear!

I cut my head open at work yesterday, small cut, big headache and put my neck out.
My GP gave me the once over and passed me fit!
FBS, suggest you go and see your GP and stay off the drink till you do.
Tell them the full story and see what they say, better to be safe than sorry etc.
And please report back as we shall be concerned for you until you get the all clear!

I second that.
Nah! I'm gonna go hang-gliding, drink Southern Comfort til it goes out of fashion and eat nothing but doner kebabs for a week :D

I have to go to my GP's in one week to have the stitches out so I shall arrange to have a word with him then.

The last time I asked for a cardiograph, or one of those tests where they look at your innards with an ultra sound probe, was 2005 and there was a three month waiting list for non-urgent cases, this is the National Health Service doncha know. Even hospital patients have to wait up to 10 days for one.

But I'll talk to him about it for sure.

But as I said, I did feel really rather good this morning apart from me bonce still paining a bit so I might have a Guinness or two this evening and there again I might not.

I'd really hate to peg out knowing I'd deprived meself of some of life's little comforts.

Ya know, I ain't got a lot in this life, no partner, but a small tipple most nights makes me feel good and even my GP and Oncologist agree that feeling good is more benficial to health than abstinence from moderate indulgences.

It's all a case of proportion :)

Oh, and I'm not whingeing, not at all, I can walk, I still have all my limbs, I can eat and drink without having to use feeding tubes and still go to the toilet without relying on bags strapped to my body. I don't need to inject insulin, I don't have a large hole in my throat, I have all my internal organs, sense of smell, touch and taste and I can run for a bus and ride my bicycle. And I'm not on dialysis, etc etc...

What I'm trying to convey is I've seen a lot of people with much more to complain about than me, especially in the last few years (and I might add a great deal of the nasty things I've seen were caused by smoking) so I'm actually pretty grateful for what I've got.

I know it's a cliche but when you're young you really do take everything for granted. It takes something like losing a finger in a revolving door or something to make a person wake up and realise how lucky they are.

Sermon over :D
PS: I also twisted my neck in the fall just like you did Mr Feckit so I sympathise with you - get well soon :thumb:

I also managed to bite the front of my tongue quite nastily :eek:
What worries me now is I have very little recollection of how it happened. What caused me to fall?

Well, a modest amount of alcohol can, in the short term, make your blood pressure drop a bit. Getting up to a standing position from lying, or even from being slumped over your PC, can make your pressure drop a bit. And it's a well known fact that men, when peeing, have a small drop in blood pressure too.

Put them all together and you get one of the commonest causes of men flaking out in bathrooms. Doesn't happen the same way for the fairer sex because they do the sensible thing and sit down for a pee. :D
Mr Flopp's

You must not drink yourself into a stupor again because you have quite a few people here who worry and would not like you to have another accident again which could be more serious next time..

Glad to hear you got yourself sorted at A&E and Mr Wen sounds like he done the right thing in sending you packing with a bandage round your head, I can just picture you now..ha ha lol..:lol: ..sorry..

As for the paint spray accident well that sounds like a sketch from Monty Python..:lol: :D

Take it easy mate..
so, Sir Flops, the fourth earl of Floppington Manor, Little Wallop, Wessex ... when you gonna start with 'The Book' and I get first dibs on the film rights, The Life & Times of Sir Flops, the fourth earl of Floppington Manor, Little Wallop, Wessex. :)

oh, and don't drink & drive with legs out of gear. :wave:
I have actually started gathering short essays on pertinent episodes of my life but this could be somewhat egotistical of me, I'm just a geezer.

I have about five so far, and three months of a diary from the start of 1970 which is both interesting and embarrassing.

Odd how folks mostly picked up on the deadly seriousness of it all, basically I'm just an old drunk who drank too much and fell over and am now paying the consequences.

And if people tell me not to do something, call me perverse but I'll probably do it :D

It's probably that which led to me being the first sixth former in my school's history to be expelled :fool:

Last night I drank four cans of Guinness.

And on a rare serious note I have discovered something. I didn't take any alcohol on Monday evening and I woke up Tuesday feeling good.

This morning I woke up depressed. I usually always wake up depressed and have always wondered why, the feeling disappears after two cups of coffee. I think I know why now.

From June '02 to June '03 I abstained from alcohol completely on doctor's orders which actually turned out to be erroneous, but that's another story. I mention that only to illustrate I'm not dependent on alcohol, I just happen to like Guinness and red wine a lot.

And occasionally a brandy. And sometimes, perhaps, Mangers Pear cider. Porter's rather nice, London Pride Bitter, a cocktail named 'Master Cylinder' which consists of Tequila, Creme De Menthe, R Whites Lemonade, Girling brake fluid and a dash of Angustara bitters.... :cheers:
Head feels better now, stiff neck almost gone.

Went to pub on bike last night, good time, rained on way home I got wet bum cos no mudguards.

I was going to start a fresh thread for this next bit but as it's expressing a political opinion I thought I'd stick it here. I know not everybody will agree with me but feel free to comment but please keep it civil, ok? Anyhow, this is my view on the subject:

This illustrates the sense of the current UK coalition right wing goverment.

A contract to build rail carriages worth £1.4 bilion was recently awarded to a German company as 'preferred supplier' (roughly translated - they were a bit cheaper) rather than one of our own companies.

Without enough work the UK carriage builder company, Bombardier, are going to have to lay off 1400 of it's 3000 workforce.

All 1400 people laid off will not find work and let's just say 1000 of them will now claim benefits for several years at least.

I wonder what the cost of benefits is against the small saving the goverment might make by having the work done abroad?

And there's also the cost in human misery, inevitable stress related illnesses and the cost to the National Health to consider.

Our PM says there's no chance of switching the contract now it's been awarded.

Our Goverment should realise they're a goverment, not a private company, and should measure the overall cost, the bigger picture. But no, stupid stupid right wing think tank doesn't see it like that.

I would seriously like to finish what Guy Fawkes started.

News story link
Sir Flopps good to see you are back to normal, always good to read your scribbling.
Is very crazy how things go at the moment with UK plc.

Neck better now, but cut my thight yesterday whilst working long 4" cut now.:(

My only concern is who will play you in the lead role in the film about your life?
They are only interested in lining there own pockets Mr Flopp's...Thats why I never vote, they are all the same whoever gets power!

Glad to see your feeling better too..

If you do start another Blog don't forget to post it will you..:p
We get the government we deserve we put them into office by voting for them and those who don't put their X in the paper do not have the right to comment. But having said that In my life time I have been a Young Conservative, Liberal Councillor, Labour member (still am) union member & union steward. My last job was working for Kent County Council which is a Conservative council run by wealthy business people and the council is run on business lines. We no longer have our own older peoples homes they have been sold off to private companies who have to make a profit and management are only interested in the bottom line and not the people in their care for. Our children's services are a mess because we haven't invested enough in them and we have been criticised for having over 200 children at risk and not have been seen by social services. The management has been top heavy and directors and senior managers have exorbitant salaries and bonuses in excess of £150k the excuse if we want the best you have to pay the best. All of out senior Managers have never been anything else than Local government officers and empire build rather that employing people for the point of delivery and that is what we the Council tax payer want. Oh I had better get off my high horse otherwise I will be called an grumpy old git
Get it off yer chest bootneck! :lol:

Of course, all that you say is correct, Maidstone's always been a bit posh.

I'll say one thing for the Tories, at least they practice what they preach, they preach right wing and they act right wing, in other words they don't give a monkeys for the common man and they unashamedly line their own nests. Fair 'nuff, that's what they promised. Labour on the other hand when they're in power do exactly the same but try to disguise it as they have preached otherwise.

Welcome to the wonderful wacky world of politics :)

Up against the wall! The lot of 'em, lol

I am seriously losing the plot, or rather, I lost Sunday.

I thought it was Monday and just got the DLR to Lewisham to visit the bank. I thought it was odd they were closed and then 'Ding!' it hit me, tis the day of rest, innit?


Never mind, while I was there traded in Xbox Tomb Raider Underworld (got a third of the way through but far too fiddly for me) against Xbox Marvel Vs Capcom 3 which had a good review at Gamespot, wonder what it's like?

Last night bought Sid Meier's Civ 5 for £10.20 at Steam weekend sale thingie, haven't tried it yet.

The sun is shining but I'm gonna fire up the Xbox for half an hour or so.
I am seriously losing the plot, or rather, I lost Sunday.

I thought it was Monday and just got the DLR to Lewisham to visit the bank. I thought it was odd they were closed and then 'Ding!' it hit me, tis the day of rest, innit?

Sir Flopps you do provide good entertianment on this thread.:thumb:
Had me stitches out today. The nurse, a Scottish lady a little younger but aso a little heavier than me voiced the opinion that whoever stitched me up at the hospital did not do a very good job. Which, tbh, is what I suspected.

She told me he'd stitched my hair into the wound where usually area of wound is shaved before treating. One stitch didn't actually do anything. All the other stitches were untidy. And yes, he should have administered aneathestic (sp?) before commencing cleaning wound proir to stitching.

Which goes to show folks, although most medical folks are damn fine people, there's always a rogue or two at large, do NOT accept theeir word as gospel, is my advice.

I'm not quite bald in that area, but almost, how come the wound is right on the bald patch? lol I'm told scabbing should disappear in two weeks and I'm lucky as my wound has healed quickly.


Tonight have been researching latest pop toons for Saturday. As much as I do like all music I was discussing this issue with friends at boozer recently. Time was I breathed Top 40, knew it off by heart. Ask me about any music up to about, oh, let's say 1995 at a push, and I'm fine.

But now it's an effort. sad but true. I must be getting old cos now it's all starting to sound a bit samey to me. There are some exceptions that are good, Adele, Lady Gaga, Jessie J and maybe Chris Brown but I don't like him cos he beat up on his old lady which imo makes him a complete git.

I think maybe in future I'll only advertise to do old fartie and rock gigs. Which is more me. Not that I've advertised so far but hey...

I've had printer problems, quite odd, won't go into details but I suspect either faulty HP print cartridges or Win 7 upgrades knobbling older printers. We shall see. It ma actually just be I need new carts, dunno.

My car may just need hydraulic cam followers replacing following a conversation with a Hells Angel plant operator down the pub, no critical adjustments needed apparently and he seems to think I could do it myself, parts cost about £60. Sceptical, but we'll see.

On the PC I'm now on last (12th) level of Dead Space One. It's suddenly got even more intense and a lot harder. If you're a PC Gamer and you se this cheap (It can be had for £3) buy it, it's good.

Seriously thinking of trading Xbox & games & controllers & wireless connector in for PS3. Just for a change, really, there aren't that many Xbox games that have captured my imagination fully, may as well try PS3. And you get the Blu-Ray thing as well, not that I'm bothered about Blue-Ray films, but it is a consideration.

And maybe the PS3 takes a mouse & keyboard, that could be fun, dunno.

Suppliers are still phoning me trying to sell goods, latest was System Q, a CCTV suppliers, I haven't bought stuff from them in two years, I rarely do CCTV, too competitive. They is as desperate as me. Sad.

Enough! A lil CoD4 online beckons..... goodnight :)


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Ooh that cut do look nasty but glad your healing well.

Yep I keep getting calls from peeps trying to drum up business too, I usually just let it go to ansafone if I suspect from there number, funny they never leave a message though, funny that in't it..:D

Remember if you are going for a PS3 for the blu-ray player you really need a full HD tv to go with that 1920x1080p to get the full potential, movies look fantastic through Blu-ray!

Keep it real..
This is my telly, seems to fit the bill, 100Hz scanning too :)

Product Description: LG 37LH4010 - 37" LCD TV
Product Type: LCD TV
Diagonal Size: 37" widescreen
Dimensions (WxDxH): 92.5 cm x 29.6 cm x 66.7 cm - with stand
Weight: 15.8 kg
Digital Television Certification: HDTV 1080p
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Display Format: 1080p (FullHD)
Input Video Formats: 480p, 720p, 1080i, 480i, 576p, 1080/24p, 1080/50p, 1080/60p, 1080/30p
Enhanced Refresh Rate: 100 Hz
Video Interface: Component, composite, HDMI, SCART
HDMI Ports Qty: 3 port(s)
PC Interface: VGA (HD-15), USB
HDCP Compatible: Yes
Technology: TFT active matrix
Progressive Scan: Yes
Image Aspect Ratio: 16:9
TV Tuner: 1x analogue/digital combo
Digital TV Tuner: DVB-C, DVB-T
Analogue TV Tuner: PAL, SECAM
MPEG Decoder: MPEG-4
Features: Parental control, Intelligent Sensor, XD Engine technology, ISF Calibration Ready, Deep Color, 5:5 pull down compensation, Simplink
Sound Output Mode: Stereo
Speaker System: 2 speakers
Built-in Decoders: Dolby Digital
Sound Effects: SRS TruSurround XT
Stereo Reception System: MTS
USB Port: Yes , 1 port(s)
Power: AC 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz )
Blimey :eek: turn yer back fer a mo and the world falls to bits. :D

Thats a nasty looking cut Flops. Must have been quite a nasty bump. Glad to hear you ain't had any side effects. :cool: