Flops' Friday mini blog

Hey, I'm now playing Little Big Adventure 2 within Win XP :)

You'll all never know how long I've wanted to play this game again, me a happy bunny.

It's running fine, graphics are ok and just as I remember the soundtrack music is superb.

However, the control system leaves much to be desired.

I expect the clunky control system was acceptable in the days of Win 95 but tbh it now seems awkward and outdated.

Still, happy to be playing it again :)
Great to hear you've had your first acupuncture session at last. :thumb:

Your observations re your fellow patients is interesting. Some folk seem to really get off on narrating their experiences to any willing (or unwilling) audience. They are often the same ones who wander into the Dr's waiting room, then make a big deal of puffing out their cheeks and blowing loudly, eyes flicking about to make sure they've caught some attention. lol If there are no "takers" they sit, then continue to blow and maybe even grunt a bit for good measure. ;)

But we all have different ways of dealing with stuff, so I probably shouldn't criticise.

Pondering the dental hygiene thing - have they ever recommended those little "Te-pe" interdental brushes? There are other brands about too, but those seem to be one of the most popular ones. They come in different sizes, depending upon tooth spaces and are very effective. But I know you would probably need to get proper advice before trying anything like that. :nod:

Congrats on landing a new job. :thumb: Good luck with that - and the rest of your treatment. Hope all will go well for you :)
windows 95?

lol I remember it was the first OS I had on my packard bell computer - why didn't you run it within a vm to test it out first?
Nice going on getting the acupuncture started Mr Flopp's

Great pics of the liner also, what you want a view for anyway its all relative..lol

Glad you got LBA working in XP shame 95 didn't work out, but it was a pile a cack first time round anyway!

Keep ya pecker up ;-)
Thanks for the comments youse peeps :)

New job confirmed to start next Thursday by e-mail today, now all I gotta do is buy about £2K's worth of components and cable :eek:

Good job I got a few accounts going then eh? ;)

Way back in the mid-eighties me and second ex-wife plus a whole host of other degenerates used to regularly go and see a band named the Barflies. They were good, played lots of local venues, we loved 'em.

Furthest they got was the Marquee (in Wardour Street at the time) and they made a live 12" EP there. I've just put the tracks up on Youtube with a rather lame slide show of their record covers and stuff, you might be interested. If you do listen to all, let me know, honestly, what you think ok?


The interloper

Sorry guys I have just read this thread from from to the end. Thank you, you have just given me back my faith in the human race. We my wife no 2 and I have been just going through a bad patch not our relationship you understand but circumstances and the friendship and support for each other you have shown for eachother has been amazing and rekindled my faith in people. I am so pleased that floppybootstomp's health and work problems seem to be receding. I am not very good with words as unfortunately I am dyslectic and rely heavily on the spell checker and sometimes the word I want it spells it differently. I think I am older than you floppybootstomp and have just retiretired aged 66 in April, I used to look after a office block for KCC as a caretaker and handyman. I think I would have gone on longer but my manager retired and the new manager had different ideas so I retired. I couldent be happier now I can do the things I want to do rather than what someone else wants to do. But for you I think your hobbies are your work DJ and sound engineer, keep going as long as you want mate.
Just visited your Barflies links Floppers and found them growing on me after the second listen; it would be good to hear more of their stuff. They had good voices, didn't they - particularly the girl singer (Alice Ballardino, I believe I read on that record sleeve(?) )

BTW... and I just know I'm probably going to be banished to the PCR "naughty-step" for saying this, but as I'm feeling brave..... the pic of you didn't half remind me of David Cassidy! Okay, making a run for it now. :D
Thanks for the comments all and a special thank you to bootneck2, apreciated (though not really deserved, I hasten to add ;) ).

I finally ordered Red Dead Redemption for the Xbox 360 yesterday evening - yay!

Finally it was reduced to £28.00 at Amazon - that'll do :)

And I just bought a new kitchen extractor fan to replace me mum's which has just packed up.

Xpelair direct replacement - £53.00 at Screwfix. Generic replacement from local trade counter R & B Star - £16.00. I do have to keep the old external wall grill but we can live with that, there's nothing wrong with the external grill after all.

The Barflies' singer's name was Alice Palladino and she was married to the singer Angelo Palladino.

Angelo was a nice geezer but truth be told our Alice could be a bit short with folk ;)

Here's a link to what is possibly the only live footage of them

David Cassidy? David Cassidy? :eek: My ex-wife # 2 liked David Cassidy. Hmm...

Nice sunny day today :)
floppybootstomp said:
I've just put the tracks up on Youtube with a rather lame slide show of their record covers and stuff, you might be interested. If you do listen to all, let me know, honestly, what you think ok?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GucF-Z5eKrM
OK, here comes... first off, nothing "lame" in the slide show. Plus, it has "good enough a resolution" – I like to watch YouToob full screen.

The band, then: um... would "honest in what they do" sound awfully clichéd...? I guess so. Bummer. I mean... I liked what I heard, and not only because the obvious nostalgia factor. It came out like, "we may not be the best band ever, but we're good and we're fun and that's it".

Mascara, huh? :p

Flops, thanks! Stuff like this is what makes YouTube interesting!

(Got more?)

I must admit I liked them and think they could have gone a long way had they had the breaks, but unfortunatly one could say the same thing about a lot of bands in the 70's and 80's. There were many local bands that had the potential to go places but never got the recognition they realy deserved. There were a lot of bands in my opinion in the top flight that should have not got there. That's life.
Long time no contribute eh? I still find this odd but here goes, what’s been going down in floppsland.

So far I have had four acupuncture sessions to try and cure my dry mouth and so far nothing to report at all. This is not due to cynicism on my part, I sincerely believe this thing could work and I’m optimistic. Nope, it’s simply nothing has happened. There’s five in my group and they’re the same – nowt.

However the fine Irish lady administering the acupuncture says the most usual time for anything to occur is five or six sessions out of the eight we are to receive. Fingers crossed.

Today she also started talking of more spiritual things and some way to explaining what acupuncture was about and although I enjoyed hearing her talk I was already mostly aware of these things.

It took me a long time in this life to work out that what happens in one’s brain box ultimately affects one’s physical well being. And of course stress above a certain level can be a killer.

Of course, all those emotions which induce stress – anger, fear, anxiety, even joy to a certain degree apparently, can be a positive force. Anger, for instance, can be an energy if not taken to extremes.

But I digress, I’m sounding like an old hippy. Hang on, I am an old hippy, lol

Two or three weeks ago on a Saturday I drove to Bedford to buy a pair of loudspeaker cabinets. 45 minutes to get to junction 10 on the M1, another 45 minutes to queue in the traffic jams caused by roadworks to reach my turnoff, junction 13. Hmmph.

I thought London traffic was bad but Bedford takes delays to a whole new level.

Whilst waiting at a red light in central Bedford some wonderful fellow drove straight into the back of my vehicle with some considerable force. This didn’t dmage the rear of my vehicle much but did give my neck some minor whiplash. Ouch.

I also had the immense satisfaction of seeing my towbar hook pierce his radiator and watching his brown steaming radiator water flowing down the street.

However such was the force of the impact that it pushed me forward into the rear of the vehicle in front. This caused enough damage to my vehicle to write it off.

I did get home ok but was dead worried the bonnet might fly up because of the damage so stuck to 50mph down the MI/North Circular/Blackwall Tunnel. The car resembled a stock car racer but I used it for the next six days anyway.

Then on the Friday following the accident 50 metres from home the car engine died. Felt like no compression. Whether this was related to the accident or not I have not a clue. So that was that, I haven’t had wheels since that time. And would you believe I suddenly have more work come in than I can handle. Such is life.

So, first day of big job a friend works with me, we use his motor and I leave all my tools and equipment on site. And today I used public transport to get there. Greenwich to Fulham, train, tube, twenty minute walk from Parsons Green tube station. Took me an hour altogether, not so bad.

Must confess though, what with all that walking, working, home again, up to London Bridge & back for acupuncture at my age I’m knackered right now.

Full weeks’ work next week cos it’s school’s half term so I’m going to hire a motor for the week, will cost about £130.00.

When all the money comes in for works I’ve carried out I’ll be able to buy another second hand motor. There goes the i7 upgrade then, lol I won’t get much from the insurance company for my car as it was 11 years old but at least the idiot who drove into me, his insurance company have admitted liability.

By the way, when he first drove into me I got out the car, nursing my aching neck, and surveyed damage to the rear. The driver of the car that drove into me said ‘I drove into you’.

There was a moment’s pause on my part as I took this in and managed to close my jaw again after it had fallen open. I replied ‘I can see that you f*****g idiot’ cos I was a bit mad and seriously for one second wouldn’t have minded a ruck. Silly but true.

What possesses some people to utter the obvious and ridiculous? Shock perhaps?

So why did I go to Bedford?

I’m a member of an audio forum and they’re all valve amp nuts and home made speaker fans. Seems the big thing is to make fancy speaker cabs then use relatively cheap full range drivers in them, typically 4” loudspeakers.

Now don’t laugh, I’ve heard a pair of these about seven foot high made by Dave The Bass with just a pair of these 4” drivers and they sound superb. Driven by a 2 watt valve amp would you believe? And a turntable that uses a pencil for a tone arm. I know, I know, crazy.

The pair of cabs I bought were home-made and less than a metre high but they are floor standing, here’s a pic:


And here’s the drivers I’m going to use in them:

Fostex F126E

And not being such a nerd/perfectionist I’ll probably use a pair of these tweeters with them as well:

Fostex 207D

The cabinets are made of mdf and were covered in some horrible brown wood stain grunge. I’ve sanded one down have yet to do the other and I’m going to paint them satin black.

I paid £35.00 for the cabinets, btw, which is considerably less than commercially made products.

I’m looking forward to trying these out but it will probably be at least a month before I do.

And that’s about it really, vinyl collection still expanding as I search and find cheapies, often for a quid each.

There are several vinyl albums I really want, amongst them Vampire Weekend’s first album, Led Zep’s Physical Graffitti and Pink Floyd’s The Division Bell but sellers want silly money for them, so patience needed on my part.

Farewell for now.


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:wave: Hi floppybootstomp sorry to hear about the prang on the M1, vehicle died a valiant death then even if it did linger on to get you home, at least you were not hurt except for a little whiplash. The cabinets look great and will look good in black, with the new speakers installed should do you proud and punch out out a big sound. Glad to hear you have got some more work at last and the extra walking will keep you fit and if you keep it up, the knackered feeling will disappear.:bow:
Hey Flops :wave:
Good to see you :) Sorry about your accident :(
I have to say, one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen happened last year when I was waiting at the Uni for John to come & get me. A bunch of morons in a car had been cruising around making a nuisance of themselves & they were following some guy along the street, tailgating so close they might'as well've been in his boot. The lights changed & the guy pulled up at the red with these morons right up behind him sniff'n his butt so he leaned out the window & asked them to back off a bit. Thinking this was hilarious the morons started pulling back & forth nudging his bumper. Language was exchanged, as you can imagine, with little effect then the guy at the front just had enough. He floored it forward, hit reverse & slammed into them. It was beautiful, perfect timing & took less time to do than it does to tell. All those times when, if I was the driver, I would so have wanted to just hit the brakes when some ar*ehol was tailgating us. And the beauty of it... under NZ traffic law, in any instance of rear ending, the guy at the back is automatically the one at fault, unless he himself was hit from behind, I suspect the theory being that, if you were too close to stop in time then you were too close. And, although I doubt if these morons had insurance, the serendipity is still delightful. A memory to treasure.
A marvellous anecdote cirianz, warms the cockles of me heart so it does, tis good to see idiots meet their come-uppance :)

I watched Die Hard 1 on Sunday evening for the first time in quite some time and kept thinking 'What's Snape doing in the Nakatomi Plaza?'

Gaming: I visited a Game Store today and it was packed, everyone was buying Call Of Duty Black Ops. For Xbox and PS3 it was on offer at £25.00 if you bought one other console game, any price but PC version was £40.00, no offers available, so as ever I will wait until it drops in price before purchasing. And I think it will drop in price if Stores are offering console versions for £25.00 on first day.

I'm still waiting for prices to come down on Mafia 2 and Starcraft 2 for PC. I think Mafia 2 will come down in price but I think Starcraft 2 may hold it's full price of £40.00 for a long time.

I expect tomorrow the stores will be packed with people buying the Kinect device for the Xbox 360. I think I'll wait for reviews and more games to become available before considering getting one of those. It occured to me that if there's no controller and you're playing a racing game, ok, hand movements for steering but how do you control the throttle and brake? If you're standing up playing you can hardly use your feet. I expect things will become clear on playing.

I part exchanged two Xbox games at the Game Store, Condemened 2 and Naughty Bear. I didn't like Condemned 2 and Naughty Bear was a bit of a one trick pony, each level had the same action and pretty much the same jokes and after a few levels the joke wore thin and it became repetitive. The gameplay was a little stiff as well.

With the cash I got for part exchange and a fiver I had in bonus points with Game I came away with the Gameplay Guide for Fallout New Vegas and a copy of Jericho for Xbox 360 on Captain Zed's recommendation both of which I only had to fork out a one pound coin for what with the part exchange and bonus points. I hope Jericho is good as reviews for the PC version of the game slated it, here's hoping Xbox version is better.

I still haven't got a car and typically work has been busy. I've used a hire car for ten days, buses, tubes and mini-cabs, it's a Royal pain. Hopefully tomorrow I'll complete a fairly big job then when I get paid for that I can buy a used car.

I've now had seven out of eight Acupuncture sessions in an attempt to cure my dry mouth and so far they haven't made one bit of difference :( One session to go next Monday but I now don't have high hopes about the outcome. There are five in my group and the acupuncture hasn't helped any of them yet either.

And the needles used in acupuncture do hurt, I can vouch for it. I've had ten needles used on me each session, three in each ear, one about an inch under each eye and one in the top side of each forefinger. The same spots are used in each esssion (to access channels) and therefore the more sessions undertaken the more sore these spots become.

Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say.

Yesterday I put the heating on for the first time since about April, just for an hour. This told me winter has indeed arrived.

Today a fella phoned me up from the Carphone Warehouse trying to sell me crap. I listened patiently and told him I couldn't understand a single word he was saying, cos I couldn't. He then repeated it all and only then did it become clear to me that it was the Carphone Warehouse he represented.

I then told him his company was **** and they had diddled me out of a months rental in the past and treated me like rubbish, which they had done. I then told him in no uncertain terms to go forth and multiply and hung up.

Sometimes I'm really not very nice at all.

Pip Pip! :)
All quiet on the Western Front, as they say :)

Received cheque today for big (ish) job, hope to acquire a vehicle next week now.


Little Big Adventure 2 from the mid 90's seems a lot harder than I remember it. Odd, usually the reverse is true.

Borderlands, I got thoroughly addicted to this but I have now reached that stage where it's just got repetetive. Maybe it's not such a bad thing more modern games are shorter. This IS a good game but it's quite hard in places and ssome killings just seem to go on for ever and ever and then instead of being lots of fun just get tedious. I'm now at level 27 and figure I'm about two thirds of the way through but it's now got too samey.

I am glad I bought this game and I haven't even looked at the four add-ons yet but ground-breaking it is not. Three years old though so fair play.Wondering whether to buy it? Do so, easily worth 15 quid, I've had a lotta fun with this one.

Fallout 3: New Vegas is also getting a little boring, sad to say but that could be me. I still playing it - and enjoying it - though.

On a whim, on Saturday I bought The Witcher - Enhanced Edition for 15 quid from the GAME store at Lewisham. I bought this game three years ago and more or less immediately denounced it as flawed, it was a bit crap. So at the time I sold it. The Game developers have more or less owned up to this and revamped the whole thing and re-released it, with original game purchasers being able to update from the developer's website.

And it's now actually hugely improved. Quite playable in fact, with quick loading times, well worth 15 quid. However, some of the dialogue is cheesy (it's made by a bunch of Czech guys) and the combat system is a bit lame. But I've been coming back to it, which is the real test.

Played Live For Speed Demo again, it's a superb racing Sim but even the game makers insist a steering wheel is needed to thoroughly enjoy and with the only decent steering wheel on the market costing mortgage-size wonga, I'll pass.

Played some more CoD5 just to be perverse and whilst it's good I still hate those frickin' dogs.

All games comments are for PC games, btw, I haven't played Xbox 360 much the last week or so.

An update on the building of The Shard, I last posted September, here's some progress on the building:

Update, these pix taken last week to show building progress. This time all pix taken with camera, rather than mobile phone.

Some pix are surrounding area, possibly duplicating some earlier pix, so forgive me if that is so.






The next eight pix were taken through a grubby window on the 21st floor of Guys Hospital, from my dentists' waiting room:








That's Tower Bridge in the middle of the pic, though a little hard to distinguish:


Back to ground level:












And this is what the Shard looks like from the riverside at Greenwich, first pic taken normal view, second pic with camera on zoom:


On Saturday I was booked to do a 21st birthday party disco.

It went ok. But. In April I will be 60 years old.

this does not seem right to me. Ok, I'm well up on latest music and I make an effort and I still really do like latest chart music.

But, ya know, there are all these young folk in front of me and I feel like an imposter. I don't mind doing bookings for all age groups: New Years Eve, Christmas Eve; Weddings, all that stuff but I'm starting to fel uncomfortable about doing age-specific bookings.

How would you feel if you were twenty one and some fossil turned up to play your music? Sometimes I feel like a bloody Facebook stalker, tbh.

Still, they all danced, they all spoke to me nicely and the atmosphere was good.

I don't have a vehicle atm so the pub governor lent me his wife's Renault Espace to go and collect my disco equipment from my lockup. Snow was on the ground. Got as far as the lockup, loaded equipment, got stuck in snow. Oh fek. After a lot of trying, using a spade to try and clear snow, I gave up and phoned pub governor saying I wouldn't be able to make it.

He came down in a friend's car, arrived an hour later. In that time steady rain had melted a lot of snow. We pushed the Espace out of stuck space, pub governor still couldn't move his own vehicle out. I offered to have a go, drove forward onto concrete, engaged reverse and accelerated quickly driving like a total nutter out and onto road, where I negotiated a couple of snowbound hills and made it to pub.

The music started at 9.30pm in the end, they started dancing 10.30pm and it finished at 2am. I didn't think it was one of my best but they were happy. Some working man's club social secretary took a card from me and said he wanted to book me.

Got home 3am starving hungry but decided not to eat, not to drink any more booze, went to bed. Took a surprisingly long time to fall to sleep. And woke up at 11:45am. Blimey! :eek: Haven't woke up that late in ages. Left the equipment at the pub for New Years Eve as I don't have any other bookings. Don't have a car, either, atm, so that was good.Cab driver drove all round the houses, charged £12.00, it's normally about £9.00. I said 'I'll pay you, cos I can't be bothered arguing, but know just because it's late doesn't mean I'm stupid, you're getting no tip and you're taking the ****.

Today Call Of Duty Black Ops arrived, a gift, great game so far. Also in the post arrived two vinyl albums I'd ordered online last Tuesday, Led Zeppelin's 'Physical Graffitti' and Lloyd Cole & The Commotion's 'Rattlesnakes'. They would have arrived earlier but Royal Mail didn't make any deliveries here for 3 days cos of snow, the wusses.

I am getting SO much enjoyment out of collecting and playing vinyl through my valve amp setup, not only does vinyl (mostly, but not always) sound better but the 12" sleeves are so much more interesting. Now have 360 vinyl alums, kinda re-discovered music, to some extent.

As a contrast, have 1500 CD's but don't play them half so much.

Today I finished the Harry Potter series of books. The last three chapters of the last Harry Potter book (The Deathly Hallows) are possibly the most exciting and enjoyable three chapters I've ever read. A most excellent series of books with untold twists and plots.

If the film due out July 2011, the last one, lives up to the book it will be a fine fine movie.

Dentist tomorrow, car-hunting other major time consumer.

Eldest daughter who lives with me came home at midnight yesterday and we spoke for over an hour, addressed many issues previously not addressed, I learnt how she felt about quite a few things and how the breakup of my marriage had affected her. It wasn't comfortable, but speaking brings healing, to a degree, and at the end of the conversation I felt better, not least for understanding how she felt.

In short, I'm not the villain of the piece, quelle surprise.

Funny old world - Pip pip!