And this is supposed to be the simple way to get a question answered.
This is not the Oracle at Delphi. You cannot get any question that you may
imagine answered by posting it to the Microsoft FrontPage Client newsgroup.
Would you expect us to tell you how to cure your dog's ringworm? How to cook
a pot roast? When to plant corn? Would you expect a car mechanic to diagnose
your backache?
So, what makes you think that anyone lurking in the Microsoft FrontPage
Client newsgroup is going to know what "the mouse hole... icon" is supposed
to be, as there is no mouse hole icon in FrontPage? As FrontPage is not an
Email client, what makes you think that anyone in the Microsoft FrontPage
Client newsgroup is going to prophesy what email software you're using, or
how it works?
Jesus H.
Christ this is annoying.
Yes. You are. You were told, not unpolitely, that you were posting in the
wrong newsgroup. but that didn't satisfy you. Instead, in all your infinite
wisdom, you tell us that WE are the annoying ones. It's no wonder you don't
know how to use your computer.A computer is logical. When told that you are
posting in the wrong newsgroup, the logical thing to do would be to ask what
the right newsgroup to ask your question is. If you were to ask the logical
question, we would have asked you what software you're using (you didn't
say). And you would be well on your way to getting an answer to your
question, rather than listening to a lecture on how (and whom) to ask a
There is an old saying in the computer world: GIGO, Garbage in, garbage out.
So, rather than blaming the mirror for telling you that your zipper's down,
how about zipping it?
Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Everybody picks their nose,
But some people are better at hiding it.